ForumsWEPRUS Elections 2010

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Here's a live feed to the results.

It would appear that the predictions were right, the Republicans are on track to win the House and are looking to make gains in the Senate although as of now there has only been a one seat change. Republicans winning the house means that John Boehner of Ohio will become the House majority speaker. Right now Republicans have gained a governor but according to the current results there is a very high chance that they will win more.

Looking at it from a political point of view the Republicans came into power at a very good time as in the next four years it's likely the economy will recover or at least get better which Republicans will be able to claim is there doing. Also this represents a shift in American politics meaning we could see the conservative ramifications of this for years.

So, what do you think?

  • 148 Replies
6,672 posts

i dont hate anyone party. i jsut dont like it when one spacific party rules everything. thats not how it should be. thats what leads to things like communism (which yes i dont like).

in america checks and balances are needed. and if one party rules everything, **** like this new health care crap that like 64% of americans didnt want is getting passed. this is why im glad we do have kind of a split government.

in colorado we have a nice conservative democrat (rare yes, nice also yes) we also have a republican in the house. so as long as its split in some sort of way, im cool.

4,005 posts

So now you guys can start hating the republicans in a few years time? Does anyone else notice this pattern?

Yep, and it's been the pattern for decades. This is the problem with a bipartisan system. Neither party has an agenda which is wholly acceptable to the majority so each party ends up being belittled for their unfavorable policies while the commendable policies are largely ignored.
3,437 posts

i dont hate anyone party. i jsut dont like it when one spacific party rules everything. thats not how it should be. thats what leads to things like communism

The Deomcrats are not going to lead you to communism! Why does everyone thing that a slightly leftist party means communism? >.>
3,437 posts

in america checks and balances are needed.

No, in America an entire new SYSTEM is needed.

Sorry for the double post but I mean to include this with my first post.
6,672 posts

ok maybe not communism but socialism for sure and i dont like that just as much XD

3,437 posts

ok maybe not communism but socialism for sure and i dont like that just as much

What's wrong with socialism? I'm not a big fan of big bussiness running everything, and I am somewhat of an idealist in believing that people should care for everyone else. Mainly because of my personality.
6,672 posts

the problem with socialism is that i dont like the government telling me how many hours i can work. as an american i believe that in order to get to the top hard work is needed to achieve that goal. and with limited work hours i cant reach that goal because in the eyes of the socialist government everyone is equal. and were not. simple as that. and the only reason why there still is socialism is because the people in charge took away all the rights in return they "take care" of there people. thats how they stay in power and the world is slowly starting to come to realize that its not working, with countries like greece as an example. you simply cant afford to do that

5,043 posts

The Deomcrats are not going to lead you to communism! Why does everyone thing that a slightly leftist party means communism? >.>

If you can't tell, a big part of freedom is that in which government has boundaries they must stay out of when it comes to your personal businesses, both personal and economical.

No, in America an entire new SYSTEM is needed.

We're a world power, what do you mean we need an entirely new system?

It's like buying a brand new car just because the old one had a flat tire or broken headlight.
6,672 posts

thank you nemo thats the whole point ive been trying to make

3,437 posts

We're a world power, what do you mean we need an entirely new system?

Because a two party system is eventually going to lead to nothing getting done. Mind you I believe that all democracy leads to a beaureaucratic swamp eventually where the common man is left to himself and nothing is ever achieved. It's already started to happen in Canada and America.
6,672 posts

canada is socialism and thats a one party government.

and its not jsut a two party government, those are the two main parties. theres more then two lol. and if you were to declare america as a "two party system" how is it leading to nothing getting done. last time i checked america's system has lasted 150 years strong

5,043 posts

What's wrong with socialism? I'm not a big fan of big bussiness running everything, and I am somewhat of an idealist in believing that people should care for everyone else. Mainly because of my personality.

What's the point in doing good if you must be forced to do so? What about personal philosophies?

There are many different ways to share. You may focus on sharing mostly with those who are close to you. Maybe you only focus on sharing with people who help themselves. Maybe you are selfish. If the government forces you to share with everyone, then you have no choice in who you share with or how you share. If socialism worked economically, that would be my moral argument against it.

I'm not a big fan of big business running everything

Big businesses don't really run anything, they simply keep the economy rolling. But, they do have more power over the economy than the government.

This is why it's better to have big business lead the economy than it is for the government to lead the economy.

1. There are many different businesses out there, each of them fighting against each other to gain more support from the people. This means they are trying to bring you the best goods at the cheapest prices.

If the government pushed the economy, then there would be no competition. There would be nobody out there to undercut good produces by the government and nobody out there to try to take their business away by creating better products and services.

2. There are many different businesses out there. If big business has power, the power is divided amidst all of them. If government controlled the economy, the government would have all the power. Therefore, a corrupt business can be over run by other businesses. A corrupt government has no competition, therefore a corrupt government can't be economically over ruled.

3. CEOs and government officials can both be crooks. It's easier to stand up against a crooked business ran by a CEO than one ran by the government.

4. Government that tries to control the economy is the number one way to kill small businesses.
3,437 posts

canada is socialism and thats a one party government.

I'm sorry WHAT?! Canada is NOT a one party system and we only have one socialist part which has never been elected Prime Minister. Yes we employ socialist policies such as UHC but find me a developed country besides America that doesn't. There's few. However, I would say we allow more personal freedoms than America does.
6,672 posts

no you dont lol america is the most free country in the world simple as that. while we do have regulation we are still the most free.

while im not an "expert" on canada government, i am fairly well knowledged on my own. so keep that in mind.

Yes we employ socialist policies such as UHC but find me a developed country besides America that doesn't

thus proving the point of why america succeeds
3,437 posts

no you dont lol america is the most free country in the world simple as that. while we do have regulation we are still the most free.

Right. Tell how many states can homosexuals be leggaly married in? In Canada it's nation wide.

thus proving the point of why america succeeds

I'd like to point out that America's economy is worse off than Canada's. But many European powers succeed also with a UHC plan sooooo not sure where that arguement is going.
Showing 121-135 of 148