ForumsWEPRWhy Smear Christians

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1,255 posts

Why do half the people who visit the WEPR forums smear Christianity? Why don't you people realize that, yeah, Christians can be real dumb-a** mofo's from time to time, but yet there are many, many Christian organizations out there that do good all across the globe. Why must you spend your time trying to convince people that Christians are bad people when that is simply not true?

  • 268 Replies
4,689 posts

I think it has to do with the fact that Christians are the only religion that says anything when religion is debated. Thus when atheists attack they only have one target.

5,001 posts

I wouldn't exactly say that is true, Commanderdude. That is just the case in THIS forum. It is because the ones that are religious are almost always Christian.

8,257 posts

I agree with Asherlee.. some other religions also react very aggressively when confronted with criticism. They just aren't enough represented here.

I think the reason why I have an interest in confronting christians is because they are and have always been a part of my surrounding. I am more familiar with christians than I am with any other religious people.

8,257 posts

*well, maybe not the reason, but an important one at least. Just ought to say that, sorry for the double post

4,689 posts

I wouldn't exactly say that is true, Commanderdude. That is just the case in THIS forum. It is because the ones that are religious are almost always Christian.

True. Another reason I think is that AG is based in america. Christianity is one of the largest religions in the western world so people know more about it. If AG was based in Israel it could be "Why smear Jews?", thats just my opinion though.
9,462 posts

True. Another reason I think is that AG is based in america. Christianity is one of the largest religions in the western world so people know more about it. If AG was based in Israel it could be "Why smear Jews?", thats just my opinion though.

I think I said this before but if I lived in a place that was predominately Muslim I would likely have a lot to say about that religion over others. Since I live in an area that is predominantly Christian, that's what I speak about the most.
I bet this is true for everyone else here as well.
165 posts

So you haven't read the Bible... Otherwise it would be obvious to you!

Actually, I've read it cover to cover before during the period of a year.

Why should God give us free will if it's obvious that the only reason he made us is that he wants us to love and praise him?? Pretty poor God, doesn't even have self-esteem...

He did this because the only worship that is truly desired is worship that is given willingly. If he forced us to worship him, then it really wouldn't be worship at all.

OH and Jesus doesn't even have a proper death! Yep back after three days that seems like a pretty good death

Oh come on! You know what he had to go through before those three days! And if he hadn't have come back, there would have been no point. The part that was valuable was his defeat of death.

9,462 posts

He did this because the only worship that is truly desired is worship that is given willingly. If he forced us to worship him, then it really wouldn't be worship at all.

Yeah it's not like you'll be tortured if you don't. Totally up to you.

Oh come on! You know what he had to go through before those three days! And if he hadn't have come back, there would have been no point. The part that was valuable was his defeat of death.

That does rather cheapen the whole sacrifice.

It's like a billionaire claiming to know what it's like to be poor just because he spent a few days out of his entire life in the slums.
3,817 posts

Oh come on! You know what he had to go through before those three days! And if he hadn't have come back, there would have been no point. The part that was valuable was his defeat of death.

Oh no! Poor Jubuz getting a few nails and spears! Psh, that is child's play compared to ETERNITY OF TORTURE that everyone else got. That is like getting a three day suspension instead of a flat out expulsion just because your the principle's son....

Why was sacrifice necessary in the first place, any way? If someone did something trivial as eating and apple, I would forgive them within a year probably. I would not put the blame on there children, and there children, so on and so forth... I would just say "*sigh* Fine, I forgive you. Comon over to paradise and lets have a party!
3,086 posts

Yep back after three days that seems like a pretty good death

His death is also debatable, note the fact that he wasn't stabbed, hung or shot etc all the things that cause a quick death he was nailed on a piece of wood. Then his "dead" body was put in a cave where no one could see him.
9,462 posts

Why was sacrifice necessary in the first place, any way? If someone did something trivial as eating and apple, I would forgive them within a year probably. I would not put the blame on there children, and there children, so on and so forth... I would just say "*sigh* Fine, I forgive you. Comon over to paradise and lets have a party!

Especially since this is suppose to be an all loving God.
As for the party in paradise, they got kicked out to prevent them from eating from the tree of lie as well. Which would have made them immortal. When you consider the penalty for eating the fruit of knowledge was to die doesn't this sound like a pretty low move on God's part? It's like denying someone medical treatment just so they can suffer.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

he wasn't stabbed

Jesus was stabbed by a spear postmortem.

John 19:33
But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.
John 19:34
Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.

However, often in movies and shows the medical examiners say that the dead do not bleed.
Because I am not a doctor, and because I don't totally trust the Hollywood coroners, I have to ask iyo "do the dead bleed?", ergo could Jesus have bled?.
9,462 posts

However, often in movies and shows the medical examiners say that the dead do not bleed.
Because I am not a doctor, and because I don't totally trust the Hollywood coroners, I have to ask iyo "do the dead bleed?", ergo could Jesus have bled?.

This would depend on how fresh the body is and where you cut it. When a person dies the blood will pool in the body. (where it pools depends on the position of the body) So if you cut someone from one of these points there would be blood coming out, but you wouldn't bleed in the sense a living body does since the heart is no longer pumping moving the blood around.
329 posts

Oh no! Poor Jubuz getting a few nails and spears! Psh, that is child's play compared to ETERNITY OF TORTURE that everyone else got. That is like getting a three day suspension instead of a flat out expulsion just because your the principle's son....

'everyone else' is not God, the creator of the universe.....seems pretty logical to me....

However, often in movies and shows the medical examiners say that the dead do not bleed.
Because I am not a doctor, and because I don't totally trust the Hollywood coroners, I have to ask iyo "do the dead bleed?", ergo could Jesus have bled

Docters and med students call it 'gravitational bleeding', uts when you are upright (for example, nailed to a cross), and gravity is forcing your blood down, and the only way your blood can get out is via a stab wound (for this instance)
9,462 posts

'everyone else' is not God, the creator of the universe.....seems pretty logical to me.

Please explain this logic to me.
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