ForumsWEPRWhy Smear Christians

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1,255 posts

Why do half the people who visit the WEPR forums smear Christianity? Why don't you people realize that, yeah, Christians can be real dumb-a** mofo's from time to time, but yet there are many, many Christian organizations out there that do good all across the globe. Why must you spend your time trying to convince people that Christians are bad people when that is simply not true?

  • 268 Replies
165 posts

I do believe that if you don't believe in God you go to hell. That is why Christians try so hard to convert people. They often do it in a manner that detracts from people's views of Christians. Many of the wars that "God's will started" (such as the Crusades and Spanish Inquisition) were not God's will but sinful people using God as an excuse to gain power or wealth.

254 posts

Freakinstein, it would be eadier to put the two verses together and make the reference Mark 16: 15-16.

cddm is right, while God's word is perfect, people are quite the contrary. The people of the the Spanish Inquisition, Freakinstein, could have interpreted the Bible in a different manner, thinking that threatening one's life was the most effective way of converting them, which doesn't really make sense, because it would take a lot to make someone change their fundamental beliefs. Their beliefs are different from many Christians beliefs now. The same idea is can even be seen throughout modern society when you look at all the Christian denominations that are in existence today.

All Christians should live by the commandment that Jesus makes in Mark 16:15. We (that's includes me, btw) are the "salt of the earth" and the "light in the darkness." Don't think that a good Christian will keep quiet about his faith, because he won't.

And wolf1991, Hitler was an atheist. And would you mind where in the Bible that God commanded His people to kill unnecessarily?

3,437 posts

What does the Spanish Inquisition have to do with anything?

well for a loving religion they sure did burn a lot of "heretics" and "heretical work". By that I mean anything or anyone who did not agree with the Church. So much for the "loving God". Oh and what about those 22million people God killed in the Bible?

God's word is perfect

Well if God's word is considered to be the bible then I have to disagree. Why? Well people wrote the bible, not God, and the bible has more loop holes and contradictions than a corrupt politician.

Hitler was an atheist

What does Hitler have to do with anything?

And would you mind where in the Bible that God commanded His people to kill unnecessarily?

Oh he didn't have to command people he did it himself. Sodom and Gomorrah anyone?
9,504 posts

And so you two have further proved my point about just how far Christians will go with their beliefs. It is true that no huge wars over religion itself have sprouted in centuries, but you can easily look around and see what negative effects religion, especially Christianity, have had on the world today. It is all because of a single book, a little propaganda, influence, and from there, the sheep-like faith that go with it.

3,174 posts

...but you can easily look around and see what negative effects religion, especially Christianity, have had on the world today. It is all because of a single book, a little propaganda, influence, and from there, the sheep-like faith that go with it.

Christians have done many positive things, especially for the scientific community.

America (Puritan, Christians came over to America and settled it)
Pasteurization - Louis Pasteur was a Christian
Aid in the study of genetics - Gregory Mendel was an Augustinian Monk
- Glagolitic alphabet - St. Cyril and Methodius
- Gregorian Calendar - Pope Gregory XIII
- heliocentric cosmology - Nicolaus Copernicus was a Priest.

How about the hospitals named after saints started by Christians?
9,462 posts

It seems that the others will blatantly leave out sections that do not fit their lifestyle. Basically, my point is if you're gonna be it, then BE IT!

They would have to leave some of it out. Can't stone someone to death and not stone someone to death.

What laws?

Abortion laws, anti-gay laws, laws reframing the sale of alcohol on Sunday, look up blue laws for more.

And that's why they are smeared. Many Christians follow the religion according to their own definition not what the bible has told the.

Considering the contradictions I'm not sure anyone could follow it that way.

I do believe that if you don't believe in God you go to hell.

Even if I thought such a being existed, demanding that we believe especially with no evidence at the threat of torture is just petty and cruel. This does not make for a God I would want to follow.

were not God's will but sinful people using God as an excuse to gain power or wealth.

What of the stories in the Bible where God sends an army to go slaughter cities?

thinking that threatening one's life was the most effective way of converting them, which doesn't really make sense

And threatening someone with eternal torture does make sense?

The same idea is can even be seen throughout modern society when you look at all the Christian denominations that are in existence today.

The fact so many denominations exist contradicts "God's word is perfect". If it was perfect it wouldn't be up for such debate and interpretation. Can't blame human error either as a perfect God could prevent human error in the initial translation and be able to keep the original preserved for all time, instead of edited and revised.

And wolf1991, Hitler was an atheist.

I helped some with researching this one btw.

165 posts

Well if God's word is considered to be the bible then I have to disagree. Why? Well people wrote the bible, not God, and the bible has more loop holes and contradictions than a corrupt politician.

God may not have held the pen, but he guided the people who wrote it on what to say. I would bet they didn't understand even half of what they wrote down, but God put it there. Show me some loopholes please.

Oh he didn't have to command people he did it himself. Sodom and Gomorrah anyone?

Sodom and Gomorrah were more sinful than you could imagine. If you took a the people in a high security prison and put them in a city, you might get half of what Sodom and Gomorrah were.

9,462 posts

God may not have held the pen, but he guided the people who wrote it on what to say. I would bet they didn't understand even half of what they wrote down, but God put it there. Show me some loopholes please.

Even so the contradictions and logical errors still persist. So even if such a being is real and guided the writer, it still wasn't perfect. As evidenced by the numerous ways it is interpreted, the fact it has been edited (something I doubt God would allow), and how there are numerous translations. (where was God's guidance then?)

While I'm thinking about it this whole guiding people in writing the Bible goes against free will, as God would have had to impose his own will on those people to get them to write it.

Sodom and Gomorrah were more sinful than you could imagine. If you took a the people in a high security prison and put them in a city, you might get half of what Sodom and Gomorrah were.

Yeah, even the new born infants were evil! They were especially evil, always plotting there...plots! E-V-I-L!
3,437 posts

God may not have held the pen, but he guided the people who wrote it on what to say. I would bet they didn't understand even half of what they wrote down, but God put it there. Show me some loopholes please.

The entire thing of "forgiveness" where say Person A kills someone but then asks for forgiveness and "let's God into his heart" he can go to heaven. But Person B who is a pretty good guy and never committed a crime in his life goes to Hell for not believing in god.

Oh and God had to send Jesus down to forgive us our sins from the time of Adam and Eve, even though God knew everything that would happen which makes the gesture moot. Also he sacrificed himself (more or less) to fix a problem that he made, but didn't own up to. OH and Jesus doesn't even have a proper death! Yep back after three days that seems like a pretty good death
1,573 posts

Good links mage. I liked this one as well
Watch the whole thing... trust me

He talks about how much proof someone needs. I think he is quite right about how much proof someone of the faith needs. Its a generalisation but it is, for the most part, true.

Show me some loopholes please.

Do you not have the capacity to find them and see them for yourself. No! I thought so. You see what you wanna see and nothing else, as per usual for theists.
3,386 posts

That link made me laugh so hard Mage. It hath been favorite'd on the good ol' YouTube..

879 posts

Show me some loopholes please.

So you haven't read the Bible... Otherwise it would be obvious to you!

Sodom and Gomorrah were more sinful than you could imagine. If you took a the people in a high security prison and put them in a city, you might get half of what Sodom and Gomorrah were.

Thou shalt not kill!
Not even God follows his own rules... Kinda strange, right?

btw: Why should God give us free will if it's obvious that the only reason he made us is that he wants us to love and praise him?? Pretty poor God, doesn't even have self-esteem...
879 posts

Show me some loopholes please.

So you haven't read the Bible... Otherwise it would be obvious to you!

Sodom and Gomorrah were more sinful than you could imagine. If you took a the people in a high security prison and put them in a city, you might get half of what Sodom and Gomorrah were.

Thou shalt not kill!
Not even God follows his own rules... Kinda strange, right?

btw: Why should God give us free will if it's obvious that the only reason he made us is that he wants us to love and praise him?? Pretty poor God, doesn't even have self-esteem...
5,001 posts

Why should God give us free will if it's obvious that the only reason he made us is that he wants us to love and praise him?? Pretty poor God, doesn't even have self-esteem...

What does that have to do with free will? You still have a choice to not love the Abrahamic God. IF this God created us in it's image, then neither us nor it could be omnibenevolent if we are all free agents (including God)
879 posts

What does that have to do with free will?

Why should he give us free will if we don't have a choice anyway? "You can do what you want but if you don't follow my rules you'll burn in hell! Muaahahahahahaaaa!"
This shows what I mean. But if you're easily offended then don't watch it
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