ForumsWEPRWhy Smear Christians

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Why do half the people who visit the WEPR forums smear Christianity? Why don't you people realize that, yeah, Christians can be real dumb-a** mofo's from time to time, but yet there are many, many Christian organizations out there that do good all across the globe. Why must you spend your time trying to convince people that Christians are bad people when that is simply not true?

  • 268 Replies
3,437 posts

Let me just declare that I am God right now. It's true I created everything and everyone on this planet, I am Immortal, and am able to manipulate time and space. I am all powerful. I am able to contradict myself because I made a book that is my word and therefore perfect!

Now before someone gets on my case for trolling I have a point to be made with that above paragraph. The problem is theists make the exact claim I just made. They claim there is a God, they claim that this god is all powerful. They do not, however, off explaination or evidence as to why these things are true. They expect a book that, truth be told, is in no way reliable UNLESS you believe as they do. The whole point is if you assert a belief, or a claim, you must give evidence that satisfies EVERYONE from a logical and rational standpoint, not just your own beliefs, for that defeats the purpose of debate.

4,206 posts

I would...but after getting insulted by Christians at my school because I'm atheist...i won't. Nah just kidding. Even if some Christians are mean i won't insult all of them. Wait...I didn't even insulted anyone. I'm just going against their religion because it causes corruption. I don't insult them, they do!

9,462 posts

Good links mage. I liked this one as well
Watch the whole thing... trust me

Yeah that is a good one, I've seen it before.
5,061 posts


Not only did you just make up a statistic, but you also sound like a bigot.

1,360 posts

sound like one? I am one.
religion is just stupid, theres nothing more to say about it, whoever brought it into civilization needs to be nailed to a cross and- oh.

4,871 posts

religion is just stupid, theres nothing more to say about it, whoever brought it into civilization needs to be nailed to a cross and- oh.

Religion isn't always bad you seem to be only accustomed to bigoted Christians, which are generally the loud minority.
1,360 posts

Religion isn't always bad you seem to be only accustomed to bigoted Christians, which are generally the loud minority.

Its not really the people i dont like, im sure that religious people can be pretty cool, the whole bible is just a joke in my opinion, i dont know how people can just follow it, and most dont even follow it word for word anyway, they just believe god created the earth, pop down to a building on the weekend, sing a few songs, listen to some old guy then go out and night and get wasted, anyway i dont care about them until they open their mouths and try to speak about the bible and god like its the actual truth, believe what you want in your own mind and house, but i dont wanna hear it, and there should NOT be laws around the belief either until this god (which one, who knows, there are so many religions saying they have a different god but each religion says theirs is right) says, 'hi, im god, im real', also do away with religious ed in schools. boring.
4,871 posts

the whole bible is just a joke in my opinion

To an extent I agree, I find nearly all of the Old Testament to be pointless but I do see some moral guidelines in Jesus's teachings. If you read the bible as simply a historical account with some religion thrown in (something like the Illiad, in a way) you can get good stuff out of it.

and there should NOT be laws around the belief

But the people have the right to hold whatever opinion they want, this is the fatal flaw and best trait of democracy. But, if the only reason someone can come up with is "God said too" then they aren't worth my time and I agree with you.

they just believe god created the earth, pop down to a building on the weekend, sing a few songs, listen to some old guy then go out and night and get wasted

Some do, some don't. Every group has its hypocrites.

also do away with religious ed in schools. boring.

It's important to know religious history and practices to understand much of the world's culture; it shouldn't be required though just offered.
1,360 posts

To an extent I agree, I find nearly all of the Old Testament to be pointless but I do see some moral guidelines in Jesus's teachings. If you read the bible as simply a historical account with some religion thrown in (something like the Illiad, in a way) you can get good stuff out of it.

yeah they were a good starting point, if that's really where human morality started, but we dont need the bible to teach morality, we're intelligent enough on our own now, do you need to read the bible to know that you shouldn't kill someone? so honestly i think the bible is stale in that aspect, and some of it isn't even moral, for example that gays shouldn't be allowed to marry.

But the people have the right to hold whatever opinion they want, this is the fatal flaw and best trait of democracy.

obviously on voted laws people can have a say, but to a point, laws like gay marriage, again, that should always be allowed, regardless of opinion, there should be no vote whatsoever, and should be as legal as being awake, i dont see why religion is allowed to interfere in it, because the bible says no? bit silly really.

Some do, some don't. Every group has its hypocrites.

well i've never met a christian who follows the bible to a tee, have you? isn't that what a 'true' christian should do? cos if that is i doubt there are very many at all.

it shouldn't be required though just offered.

it plays a massive part in history yes, but then it should be taught more around the events that happened in religion over the bible or 'holy' writing itself.
9,504 posts

yeah they were a good starting point, if that's really where human morality started, but we dont need the bible to teach morality, we're intelligent enough on our own now, do you need to read the bible to know that you shouldn't kill someone? so honestly i think the bible is stale in that aspect, and some of it isn't even moral, for example that gays shouldn't be allowed to marry.

I find that it's best to read the Bible to children, but when they get older, have them embrace the "real" side of life. There are many passages in the Bible (mostly the Old Testament) that provides great themes and morals for the children to learn from. As would any religious aspect of learning, well...I would avoid those parts.
4,005 posts

I find that it's best to read the Bible to children, but when they get older, have them embrace the "real" side of life.

I actually feel quite the opposite. There are themes in the bible which I think should be left only for adults, as murder, ****, slavery, human sacrifice, jealousy, incest, and the multitude other such topics covered, and in many cases condoned, are entirely not suitable for children.

Furthermore, the 'morals' of the bible are not exactly entirely moralistic, nor is biblical teaching required, or even conducive, do education on values which are moral and socially acceptable.
48 posts

I'm a Christian that has witnessed all this crap happen every day. When a Christian wants to say something, the other religon just tries to throw them off. It's cause human nature makes us sinners, people that always want their way and not anyone else's.

9,504 posts

I actually feel quite the opposite. There are themes in the bible which I think should be left only for adults, as murder, ****, slavery, human sacrifice, jealousy, incest, and the multitude other such topics covered, and in many cases condoned, are entirely not suitable for children.

That brings up a good point about the normal bibles. When you have children, you have children's bibles--ones that have pictures and easy-to-understand lettering. I had one when I was a wee laddie. I believe most of the bible's text is in children's bibles, but Leviticus, Revelation, and...Psalm aren't inside. There may be more. These are the more extreme parts of the Bible, as the Church thankfully acknowledged, and so the children's bibles are more...friendly. It's less intense, let's put it that way. I see where you're getting this at though.
5,001 posts

I dont' mean to go far off topic, but I'll show my chain of thought. When you brought up the children's version of the Bible, I was thinking.... "Okay, so it's a Bible with only the parts that serve as good moral lessons."

That being the case, it really just seems like all the teachings from Jesus is just regurgitated Buddhist lessons. So, instead of handing them a bible, hand them a book on Buddhism?

48 posts

hand them a book on Buddhism?

You have a point...
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