What are the rules? No flaming: Try to behave yourself and not cuss out other users, even if they did you any wrong. If you do this, chances are you will get punished just as hard as the one offending you. No spam: Try to make your posts and comments longer than 7 words, otherwise it can be considered spam and deleted. No circumventing our Censor: If you really have to swear, let the censor do the censoring, and do not try to write it out in a way that could bypass our censor. Try not to post in really old threads. There is a reason for them not to be on the front page. Make a new one, if you are concerned about something. (Usual guideline is in between 10 pages/two weeks of searching back in the section). Relevance. Make sure your thread or post actually is relevant to the section or thread you post in. And that you are contributing to the topic.
Flagging/reporting: If you find posts or threads that break the rules, but in a non harmful (and thus urgent way), flag these posts by clicking the red flag on the side. If the rule being broken is harmful, report the offender to a mod with a link to the place the rule is being broken, and who the offender is.
Spam: Spam in our context is either short (unnecessary) posts, shorter than 7 words, is unrelated to the topic completely, is advertising links to external sites or to threads that is unrelated to the topic. Spam is also repeated posts and copied posts or comments. Please do report such happenstances to a mod. For more: Here.
Common suggestions: We have a list of common suggestions, but considering the soon to be released AG3, you are better off suggesting something for the new version, than trying to get something done in this. Common suggestions can however be found here.
Who are the mods? Thislot. If you believe you could be a mod, do not ask the other mods if you could be one, either show us through a good behaviour, or use the contact page to ask the staff. Please do not suggest other users either. If they are not mods yet, then they are either being considered already, we are not looking, or they have been rejected (for now).
Merits: Info here and here. A merit is a reward given to good, useful and constructive game comments (as well as a prize for winning certain contests in the art section). It consists of 25AP and a nod in your merit-count.
Mods are always on the lookout for merits when they clean spam from games, so if you have not gotten a merit for some outstanding comment of yours, either we have not yet seen it, or perhaps it was not as outstanding as you thought. Remember that being given a merit is not a right. Please do not ask for merits or suggest comments for merits, we can do this job fine ourselves.
How do I... Use the codes of this site? A good guide can be found here with and addition here. How do I find a friend of mine? You can either ask them for their username, or go looking in the forums. There is no real way to search for them, besides our various costom searches, one which can be found here. If you know their username, just insert it in this link: armorgames.com/user/NAMEHERE How do I friend another user? Go to their profile, click the green "ADD FRIEND" button. You have now friended the other user.
hmm, I have a question for you Mr.Gantic. There is this banned guy that used to be very active, and trying to login with his name and a random password it doesn't give me the usual "your account has been banned" but this: "Your account has not been verified. Please check your email for verification instructions." Do you know what does this mean?
If you're using image shack, click browse and open the picture you want to add to the forum, then, click upload picture, after that, you will have a list of URL's, copy the direct link with ctrl-c on your keyboard or right click your mouse on the URL and copy it. Then click on img right above this comment box. Or type [ img]the direct link here[/ img]but of course, without the spaces. Hope I helped!
ok i have a very simple question why my points arnt as the same it was last night !!!! i was silver squire not a wood i had a snake armatar but now my points have all gone !!! i had about 450 points now i have 380 or something like that what happend ????!!!
ok i have a very simple question why my points arnt as the same it was last night !!!! i was silver squire not a wood i had a snake armatar but now my points have all gone !!! i had about 450 points now i have 380 or something like that what happend ????!!!
oh thanks i didnt realise . that i was spamming all the time . oh my god this makes me feel bad . wow gantic thanks man i didnt know that i was commenting bad i will comment good and say the problems . thx a lot from now on i will earn my points by the rules not spamming