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13,657 posts

What are the rules?
No flaming: Try to behave yourself and not cuss out other users, even if they did you any wrong. If you do this, chances are you will get punished just as hard as the one offending you.
No spam: Try to make your posts and comments longer than 7 words, otherwise it can be considered spam and deleted.
No circumventing our Censor: If you really have to swear, let the censor do the censoring, and do not try to write it out in a way that could bypass our censor.
Try not to post in really old threads. There is a reason for them not to be on the front page. Make a new one, if you are concerned about something. (Usual guideline is in between 10 pages/two weeks of searching back in the section).
Relevance. Make sure your thread or post actually is relevant to the section or thread you post in. And that you are contributing to the topic.

If you find posts or threads that break the rules, but in a non harmful (and thus urgent way), flag these posts by clicking the red flag on the side.
If the rule being broken is harmful, report the offender to a mod with a link to the place the rule is being broken, and who the offender is.

Spam in our context is either short (unnecessary) posts, shorter than 7 words, is unrelated to the topic completely, is advertising links to external sites or to threads that is unrelated to the topic.
Spam is also repeated posts and copied posts or comments. Please do report such happenstances to a mod.
For more: Here.

Common suggestions:
We have a list of common suggestions, but considering the soon to be released AG3, you are better off suggesting something for the new version, than trying to get something done in this.
Common suggestions can however be found here.


Who are the mods?
This lot.
If you believe you could be a mod, do not ask the other mods if you could be one, either show us through a good behaviour, or use the contact page to ask the staff. Please do not suggest other users either. If they are not mods yet, then they are either being considered already, we are not looking, or they have been rejected (for now).

Info here and here.
A merit is a reward given to good, useful and constructive game comments (as well as a prize for winning certain contests in the art section).
It consists of 25AP and a nod in your merit-count.

Mods are always on the lookout for merits when they clean spam from games, so if you have not gotten a merit for some outstanding comment of yours, either we have not yet seen it, or perhaps it was not as outstanding as you thought.
Remember that being given a merit is not a right.
Please do not ask for merits or suggest comments for merits, we can do this job fine ourselves.

How do I...
Use the codes of this site?
A good guide can be found here with and addition here.
How do I find a friend of mine?
You can either ask them for their username, or go looking in the forums. There is no real way to search for them, besides our various costom searches, one which can be found here.
If you know their username, just insert it in this link:
How do I friend another user?
Go to their profile, click the green "ADD FRIEND" button. You have now friended the other user.

Look through this and this. If your question has not been answered then, feel free to post the question in either the Support and Suggestions section or the Newcomers section.

Missing a game?
We do have moments of disappearing games for some reason. Check it is just not loading. Hopefully this will be resolved in AG3.

  • 201 Replies
1 posts

hi all. im looking for a flash game, i played it once but i forgot the name, and i cant find it now. It was a strategy game the goal was to survive when monsters come, it was all about energy and waste (nuclear waste) menegment, there was some turetts and reflectors to kill monsters, you could use green energy as well to generate no waste.
I hope someone know this game it was grate.

14 posts

How many AP points do i need for each rank

13,344 posts

How many AP points do i need for each rank

Wood Serf: 10 AP
Iron Serf: 25 AP
Gold Serf: 100 AP

Wood Squire: 225 AP
Iron Squire: 400 AP
Gold Squire: 625 AP

Wood Knight: 1200 AP
Iron Knight: 1750 AP
Gold Knight: 2250 AP

Wood Lord/Lady: 3000 AP
Iron Lord/Lady: 3500 AP
Gold Lord/Lady: 4000 AP

Wood Duke/Duchess: 4500 AP
Iron Duke/Duchess: 5200 AP
Gold Duke/Duchess: 6000 AP

Wood Prince/Princess: 7250 AP
Iron Prince/Princess: 8500 AP
Gold Prince/Princess: 10000 AP

Wood King/Queen: 12000 AP
Iron King/Queen: 14500 AP
Gold King/Queen: 17500 AP

I typed all of that just for you.
14 posts

to submit a game, do you just submit an idea or do you have to make the game you created with the animations and stuff? If you do have to make it yourself, how do you make one?

784 posts

You have to make the game yourself. It can't belong to anyone else. And you can't submit ideas using the submit button, but you can suggest ideas to game developers. What you submit with the submit button must be the final version of the game and nothing else, otherwise it probably will not be accepted by the council of elders/AG administrative staff.

60 posts

I think that this is a very helpful note. Everyone should read this to know more information.

1,747 posts

Umm; you said that comments under seven words can be considered as spam and deleted. Isn't it obliviously that it will be considered as spam and deleted?!

6 posts

I would just like to let you moderators know how much I appreciate you for doing such a fine job. I don't know how many other sites go completely un-regulated and that reason is why Armorgames is my favorite gaming site. So thank you!

12 posts

I would just like to let you moderators know how much I appreciate you for doing such a fine job. I don't know how many other sites go completely un-regulated and that reason is why Armorgames is my favorite gaming site. So thank you!

I agree, the moderators and admins are doing such a stupendous job! Thank you for your time and service.
9,504 posts

Umm; you said that comments under seven words can be considered as spam and deleted. Isn't it obliviously that it will be considered as spam and deleted?!

Not necessarily, JohnGarell, for some comments can still be at or under 7 words and still be helpful. The 7 word thing is just a reference.
44 posts

my nickname is so long i can`t do anything about my current account.Furthemore,i can`t even log off.What kind of bug is this?I`ve used to use a diffrent account(with shorter nick)and everything was working
but this current account just doesnt allow me to edit it or even log off
like..i log in and ALL i can see is my nickname i can click on..and nothing more
what should i do?I don`t want to lose my AP and logging off might become a nightmare for me.
Could you help me out with this?
Thank you!

2,891 posts

iv'e posted a bunch but my account is not reflecting the correct number of posts why?

Posts in non-point forums (newcomers and forum games) do not count towards post count. The value you see on your profile is also recalculated periodically (every 15 minutes I believe?).

comments under seven words can be considered as spam and deleted. Isn't it obliviously that it will be considered as spam and deleted?!

As Freakenstein said, the word count is subjective, but it used to help us identify spam within the forums and game comments.

my nickname is so long i can`t do anything about my current account. Furthemore,i can`t even log off. What kind of bug is this?

The kind that needs its own thread so Justin or I can help you.
2,891 posts

flagging something sends it right to the admins, and they don't "moderate" as much.

Justin moderates flagged comments every weekday morning. I also moderate them every night and on weekends.
44 posts

ok cormyn then tell me how do i post this thread?
Is it just creating a topic here?But i can`t send you my screenshot because clicking the "image" button will just allow me to write in some url address
what should i do?help me please?

1 posts

It sorta helps i guess

Showing 61-75 of 201