ForumsThe TavernAre we becoming too dependent on computers?

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220 posts

Well, what do you think?

  • 100 Replies
15,595 posts

Well, people can still write, can't they? People use to do that all the time and got along okay.

You have to write the letter than mail it to the person which can take a few days for them to get it.

Chatting on the internet is quick & convenient.
1,606 posts

I don't agree, you can't read your favorite non-biased news source instantly,
I never saw a unbiased news source.
3.) if the hackers are crazy advanced it takes some time to hack into so you can shut down the system before they get anything
If they are crazy advanced you won't even know till an hour later after they have all your stuff that you've been hacked. It's not like they don't know how to do past firewalls and stufff either, they could practice on their own firewall too if they wanna. Also that wasn't what I was getting at I was saying not ur computer but the websites on the internet. Think about how much of yourslef you are pouring into the internet and how much you take for granted that no one will ever know you did? Or they could just put a video on youtube, u play it and it downloads the hidden trojan aong with the video of a baby laughing at a mirror image, then it can veiw your keystrokes and u screwed.
8 posts

Perhaps we're too dependent on computers.
That's not a bad thing, though.
If there were no computers, there would be so much things we would be without, we might not know some of the things that we know today, without computers.

639 posts

If they are crazy advanced you won't even know till an hour later after they have all your stuff that you've been hacked. It's not like they don't know how to do past firewalls and stufff either, they could practice on their own firewall too if they wanna. Also that wasn't what I was getting at I was saying not ur computer but the websites on the internet. Think about how much of yourslef you are pouring into the internet and how much you take for granted that no one will ever know you did? Or they could just put a video on youtube, u play it and it downloads the hidden trojan aong with the video of a baby laughing at a mirror image, then it can veiw your keystrokes and u screwed.

there are multiple firewalls when the first 15 go down thats when you know something is wrong so good try but yeah all that stuff is protected on the internet too just not as heavily
1,606 posts

there are multiple firewalls when the first 15 go down thats when you know something is wrong so good try but yeah all that stuff is protected on the internet too just not as heavily

I never seen firewalls block a video though. It is a willful download like putting winrar fail on your computer. That's how they can get through those 15 firewalls (I never knew there was 15). And yes the internet is protected but take a min and watch this If they can do that so easily (i even went as far as looking at how to make it and as you can see there's not much code and it's actualy a simple program that can still do alot of damage.
230 posts

Yes, I believe that we have become too dependant on computers. Were electricity to stop working throughout the world, the outcome would be disastrous. Today, we use computers to do pretty much everything.

639 posts

to a persons reputation and if you know the person atall it wont tarnish their reputation. videos are meaningless unless it gets to the person to whom it was directed in which case they need to find some dignity and brush it off

1,606 posts

to a persons reputation and if you know the person atall it wont tarnish their reputation. videos are meaningless unless it gets to the person to whom it was directed in which case they need to find some dignity and brush it off

The videos are like packages of coffe beans with a gun inside (this is a very poor contry checking point not america's) you walk through the costums(can't spell) and they don't even look at the bag because it's just some coffe beans. Now the coffe beans are the bits of video, the gun is the keylogg virus, the virus goes where the video goes so it can easily slip through ur 15 firewalls. I didn't think u would interpret that the video would be offensive, so i just made that thing up.
so just to be clear its not the video that's dangerous, it's the trojan with the video that you can't brush off.
639 posts

i dont have 15 firewalls im talking about major computers like with military etc.

1,606 posts

i dont have 15 firewalls im talking about major computers like with military etc.

Oh your thinking of major world takeover. If you have enough peeps with good experience and the right software then they could get through it. If something was built then it could be destroyed. Also the military had to build some way for people to get into it or they would be the first people to lock themselfs outa their own defence (probably that's happened before already so that was a figure of speech)
1,868 posts

Were electricity to stop working throughout the world, the outcome would be disastrous. Today, we use computers to do pretty much everything.

Not really, most of the things we do with the computer we can do without it but it we "need" it because we got addicted to it. Without computer we can still talk to people, search things, read news and have fun. Imagine people in the past centuries that had nothing of these new electronic things. They could live perfectly without them.
58 posts

Yes we are, I surf the web like almost 15 hours (literally) a day. Now you tell me if that is over-dependent or not.

I consider myself a computer geek (worm) but I only know the bare basics of any computer language programming. That may sound weird to you but web-surfing is actually addicting once you get touch the mouse and you don't feel like leaving for a very long, long time.

Get on with it people, you do what people do in the 21st century. And that includes increasing reliance on complicated and sophisticated machinery and technology whether you like it or not. If you choose to not join in the fun then only you will be left alone in the cold, dark world that functions no more.

Bottom line: technophobia is taking over and there's no stopping it. Either join or die resisting futilely.

58 posts


Oops sorry I meant technophilia. Sorry about that error.
639 posts

Not really, most of the things we do with the computer we can do without it

not a chance everything from electric grids and water lines to the factories that make computers use computers
1,868 posts

not a chance everything from electric grids and water lines to the factories that make computers use computers

I was meaning that things that I mentioned on the same post (talk to people, search things, read news and have fun) and you are right, this kind of thing would be impossible to work. And if electricity ends, there will be a chaos on the big cities.
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