ForumsThe TavernAre we becoming too dependent on computers?

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220 posts

Well, what do you think?

  • 100 Replies
1,606 posts

I think if all our computers in the whole world went POOF! we would learn to adapt. But i think some poeple will sulk to death about the internet being gone. It isn't neccesary to our existance that we have it it's just a bit more comfrtable for us (except for our eyes, no blinking for an hour straight OUCH!)

17 posts

The only people we should be worrying about are the people who spend all day on their computers (ex. my sister) and the people who are connected to pretty much every social networking site available.

639 posts

almost every person on earth would lose their job without them

3,371 posts

I think people do get very dependable on it, but it's human nature to adapt. I have faith that even without the internet people would adapt fine. I remember I went to a Camping trip for a weekend. it was freezing morning and night. there was no fast food, cellphones, laptops, or any connection with any one off the property. I did just fine.

639 posts

did you ride four wheelers, ride in a car there, anything like that? if so there's your computer for the camping trip

13,817 posts

i would. without it computers are inexistant and computers are integrated with just about 100% of any item in todays world. if there isnt a computer in it, then it was designed/made by a computer

You're probably too dependent on computers for your own good. Just kidding. So you're saying that my toothbrush, my chair and my couch are all integrated with computers? Sure, wi-fi toothpaste.

did you ride four wheelers, ride in a car there, anything like that? if so there's your computer for the camping trip

Hey, I ride in old cars. No fancy computer tech.

almost every person on earth would lose their job without them[quote]

We haven't reached that point yet. Millions of people still farm.

Don't you remember that people used to live without computers?
13,817 posts

Fail post.

i would. without it computers are inexistant and computers are integrated with just about 100% of any item in todays world. if there isnt a computer in it, then it was designed/made by a computer

You're probably too dependent on computers for your own good. Just kidding. So you're saying that my toothbrush, my chair and my couch are all integrated with computers? Sure, wi-fi toothpaste.

did you ride four wheelers, ride in a car there, anything like that? if so there's your computer for the camping trip

Hey, I ride in old cars. No fancy computer tech.

almost every person on earth would lose their job without them

We haven't reached that point yet. Millions of people still farm. Don't you remember that people used to live without computers?
639 posts

You're probably too dependent on computers for your own good. Just kidding. So you're saying that my toothbrush, my chair and my couch are all integrated with computers? Sure, wi-fi toothpaste.

im saying that there are no hand made tooth brushes all plastics (handle) are injected into the mold by a computer. as for the furniture it could be made by hand idk but more than likely a computer controlled lathe was used to make them.

Hey, I ride in old cars. No fancy computer tech.

fair enough

We haven't reached that point yet. Millions of people still farm. Don't you remember that people used to live without computers?

any farm today that isn't just some weekend hobby uses a computer for things like irrigation control, profit margins, etc.
13,817 posts

any farm today that isn't just some weekend hobby uses a computer for things like irrigation control, profit margins, etc.

So, farmers in third world countries who can't afford advanced electronics aren't serious farmers?

im saying that there are no hand made tooth brushes all plastics (handle) are injected into the mold by a computer. as for the furniture it could be made by hand idk but more than likely a computer controlled lathe was used to make them.

Don't you get my point? Saying that 100% of everyday items are computer made isn't advisable. Not everything made on the assembly line requires some sort of computer.
639 posts

@ knight
First off in third world countries they don't really have farms id call them more like gardens haha especially compared to farms in the US they are just tiny "gardens", if you will, to keep their families alive

Second give me something that doesn't have a computer involved with it

13,817 posts

First off in third world countries they don't really have farms id call them more like gardens haha especially compared to farms in the US they are just tiny "gardens", if you will, to keep their families alive

That's very, very narrow-minded. Take India for example. Although the average farm size is three acres and productivity is low there are hundreds of millions of farmers. Farming employs around half of the country's entire workforce. Half of the country is arable land. To name a single crop, India was the second highest producer of wheat in 2008 with 79 million metric tons, behind China and ahead of the US according to the FAO. It's interesting to note that because of technology, less people have to be employed in developed countries to keep the same rate of productivity as you would with less developed countries. Now, throwing a bunch of stats doesn't do much but I'll just make my point here: You can't assume the third world is solely composed of subsistence farmers. Making broad statements isn't a good idea.

Second give me something that doesn't have a computer involved with it

I could think if I wasn't so lazy, so let's consider something.. a lot of the things we live with today existed before proper computers, not the vacuum tube ones, existed. Even if we take that out of the equation, you can still produce those things, albeit less conveniently. I can live without electronics; I won't die.

All electrical appliances don't qualify as being electronic. Machines used on the production line don't necessarily rely on computers. I don't feel like talking any further, but you should get what I mean.
858 posts

We're becoming too dependent on computers, in my point of view. If it weren't for computers/robots, most of the stuff we have would take a lot longer too make. Also, in our day-to-day lives we use computers for a lot of things that we could do with paper and a pencil. If we didn't have computers, we would live less comfortable lives, that is true, but probably much simpler, too... AAH! NO! I'm sorry, great computer. I bow down to your electriciness.

639 posts

Averagee farm size 3 acres? There could be extremes in the average. For instance there could be technological farms that are all = or > 5 and 3/4 of an acre then there could be an equal number of non technological 1/4 acre "farms"

3,086 posts

@ knight
First off in third world countries they don't really have farms id call them more like gardens haha especially compared to farms in the US they are just tiny "gardens", if you will, to keep their families alive

Was that meant to sound completely and utterly stupid, ignorant and uneducatedamerican of you? If it was, well done.

I think that humans are way too dependant on computers. We have shaped most parts of our life around them.
13,817 posts

Averagee farm size 3 acres? There could be extremes in the average. For instance there could be technological farms that are all = or > 5 and 3/4 of an acre then there could be an equal number of non technological 1/4 acre "farms"

It's India, what do you expect? There's such a thing as a 1/4 acre farm, thank you very much.

If we didn't have computers, we would live less comfortable lives, that is true, but probably much simpler, too...

Well, the WWII era was a simpler time.. we weren't primitives back then though.

I think that humans are way too dependant on computers. We have shaped most parts of our life around them.

I have to agree... I'm already being taken for a ride.
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