ForumsThe Tavern[April Fools 2011] Mod firin' lazers chatterbox

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4,104 posts

As some of you may have heard, armor games is firing a moderator. Since you're not allowed to have any discussion on the forum i guess post any opinions on the matter here.

The firing thread

  • 423 Replies
644 posts

v6y, I take it you think of it as a joke, an lol at the seal ;P
I am stuck in the middle, I can see it going one way or the other...

9,434 posts

Hey, if we get told ahead of time. Heh. Heh.

All image post. What. Why? Redo.

1,322 posts

(as a mood setter... part of this (i'm sure you'll recognize it) was done in light humor...but still somewhat serious (XD)

I say that all of those who've voted already vote a second time (thereby nullifying what's been done)... and those of us who haven't voted yet all vote "fire no1".... tis a democratic vote right? ...or if the votes were to be voided (w/ no1 being an unacceptable vote) then there would be no votes and thus no1 to fire from it ...if everything goes by the rules that were set down. Or if they won't do that... we can orchestrate having everyone w/ the same number of votes (i know lots of people who haven't voted yet)....

some would say its dumb to post this... but some of us voted while not taking it seriously... and thus need some outlet to right the wrong so to speak. and then again... for those of us who think that the job of moderating the site is fine the way it is... we need a way to speak up and let it be known.

As for devoidless... I'm not so sure that a lot of those votes are personal. ...since a lot of the people voting are relatively new and haven't seen you before. I guess it may be their way (some of their ways) of protecting their friends by voting for the guy they don't know

and what do you mean zophia has been gone? O_________o I know she's on her computer b/c I get replies on formspring all the time (I ask questions to lots of the mods and get answers 1,2, or even 3 times a week). she may not be conversing... but she's watching you... granted that doesn't mean she's actually on AG... I personally get to mine via my AG profile

even if the administration were to still choose a mod to de-mod it would then be by their choice... and we the people will not have stomped any toes this day

there was something about tension... if that was true, then why put everyone out on the chopping block? ...and not just the two or three that are bickering?
"Give us a mod" they say
"Come and take them!" we say

...and for those of you that legitimately want someone gone... may you live forever

(inspiration = 300... paraphrased quotes = 300... picture was from a google image search of king leonidas... not sure which site)


1,612 posts

It's just a sick joke! But I'd love to congratulate with voidy, noname, walker, zophia, gantic and cenere for the great acting. you guys played your role in amazing way. You're superb actors, really.
If it's actually this way, it's a mean thing however. Probably the moddies are laughing their *** off, but it's not nice towards the users.
If this is for real, this is really a bad idea. First, I don't get how less mods cant be more efficient. Second, the friction. I haven't seen any friction personally, but scapegoating a single moderator won't solve the problem.
BUT, if the plan was to annihilate the modteam, it was an amazing plan.

1,612 posts

Umm the last sentence might be misinterpreted. I was meaning:
If you wanted to destroy the modteam, this is the right way to do it.

858 posts

You don't think Cenere would've told Zophia about something this important, 'cause, you know, Cenere knows Zophia in real life?

You really don't think someone would've told Devoidless? and he wouldn't've come back for this? 'cause you know, someone has his contact information?

I suppose I should have thought about that a little more. Sorry if I offended you or anything.
22,207 posts

This is slowly turning into a 'who i fired and why' thread............

And seriously, I think Void did a good job in the time he was active, and just because he went inactive for completely legitimate reasons (assuming he is telling the truth) does not mean he should be fired. Most of the people ( note the MOST) who are voting for him are relatively new, and it just doesn't seem fair.

1,322 posts

If we the spart---erm I mean kiddies of AG want an excessive amount of moderators then what's so wrong w/ that? Knowing that people can still become moderators can be a tool used for the administration's benefit. I mean some of the kiddies actively strive to be overly mature and proper just in pursuit of that dream. A seemingly meaningless title (in the case of AG3) has a lot more meaning behind it than you might think for some people. they take pride in what they do (for free)... and even if some of them don't like each other... I don't see how that affects how they do their job. they are many... but they still work alone. its not like they're actively building something and need multiple hands to do some job they can't do by themselves... i'm sure you can get what I'm saying... although some of you would counter it in some off the wall way.

If you have joined the cause for saving the endangered species that is the AG moderator (their numbers can be counted on two hands from what I'm told) then I request a "HA-OOOOOOOOH!!!!" (plus 6 or 7 more words so its considered a viable post...)

4,104 posts

Oh, I'm so sorry I work 50 odd hours a week. And that my computer keeps on breaking down. And that I do my god dang job because no one else will.

Great way be greeted back after not being able to get on. Give this site three years and countless hours of my life and what do I get? A giant boot up the rear.


That kind of proves the point that it's real because even if he is posting this to trick us, it's still true.
15,595 posts

Oh, I'm so sorry I work 50 odd hours a week. And that my computer keeps on breaking down. And that I do my god dang job because no one else will.

Great way be greeted back after not being able to get on. Give this site three years and countless hours of my life and what do I get? A giant boot up the rear.


I feel bad about voting for you now. Well, the only reason why I did vote for you is because a lot of users were voting for Asherlee and the purpose of me voting for you was to tie it up because I don't want to see any of the Moderators leave. I like them all.


Also, you did do a wonderful job of Moderating the site when you were active so I don't see why newcomers with only about 1-300 posts are voting for you, they haven't been around long enough to see you. And Asherlee, I see that people with low posts count voting for her as well.
4,104 posts

I only voted for him because i didn't have any one i didn't like and i wanted the person people who cared didn't like to go and he seemed to be the popular vote, sorry

644 posts

Well, weather joke or not, it is becoming a problem. Look at this

I don't see why newcomers with only about 1-300 posts are voting for you

Perhaps they want in? They don't necessarily know about all the mods.
If you think I'm one of them, I've been on AG for a long time, just became a member to the site in January. Before that point I have been in the forums and have seen the Mods. heck, MrWalker has even been apart of my science thread.

I feel bad about voting for you now.

Won't we all feel bad now, weather fake or not, no matter who we vote? We are demodding a worthy individual who just might not be as active,or the best, or what ever the reason be.

I'll admit my wrong doing, I should not have voted because I do not want to see a Mod go! ;(
4,104 posts

If you think I'm one of them, I've been on AG for a long time

So have i just i haven't been active on the forums until the last month or two.

If this isn't a joke hopefully they won't go through with it.
644 posts

If this isn't a joke hopefully they won't go through with it.

I really hope so too. If anything, at least add some Mods, since you can't seem to be satisfied with our current geniuses.
The say in v3 no real need for the mods cause of the self whatever... But really, the Mods can still help out! They are a valuable asset that we should not lose.
Replace them with paid mods? Why not make our current Mods paid? That might make a few of them more active; a job and not just a highly-valued commitment to the community.
4,104 posts

The say in v3 no real need for the mods cause of the self whatever

Where do they say this?
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