Let's get this first thing straightened out: the title isn't literal, it's metaphorical. Just think, without religion the world would be much better. No disputes over the "right" thing to believe. That means no wars over religion. We'd have more money because we wouldn't have to donate, build churches, etc. We'd have an overall better outlook on life because our consciouses wouldn't be so powerful.
E1337, you're a bit too late to our conversation. You see, I was actually, God forbid, getting off-topic to prove a point to another user. Otherwise, I completely agree with you.
This is another reason. No religious idiots=equal rights for all.
...Except that comment. Kind of. I believe in God, and I don't support gay rights, but believe me, if I was an atheist, I'd be all over getting gay rights approved.
if I was an atheist, I'd be all over getting gay rights approved.
So let me get this straight. You are for gay rights, but since you are religious, you also think that it's a sin? Doesn't it bother you that the bible gives no reason for homosexuality being a sin, other than that it is? Doesn't it bother you that it says somethings are okay but today we view as abhorrent?
Yes I get that it's a sin. However, the bible leaves out "why" it's a sin. What makes homosexualality wrong? Is god a homophobe? Did he not make all creatures, and these creatures naturally are born homosexual? What reason is there? I get that it's "bad" in the eyes of religion, but there lacks a reason.
I'd tend to think the child with the STD has received a sub-par education.
Actually...an atheist/someone who does use contraception like a condom is far less likely to get an STD. I think you're steriotyping, thinking that since to Atheists, having sex isn't a sin, that we do it all the time with everyone we see...this isn't true. I'm sure some do, but then again, there's people who claim to be religious and do the same thing. Fact of the matter is, using a condom vastly reduces the chances of you getting a STD (If used right anyways...although it's hard to see how they are used wrong) and abstinence as a preventative does not work effectively.
(If used right anyways...although it's hard to see how they are used wrong) and abstinence as a preventative does not work effectively.
1. But what if it isn't used at all? I do not assume all atheists have unprotected sex, but I also do not assume that they are vigilant in their protection.
2. What? Do the christians just magically acquire an STD from the air or something?
According to the bible, if a child talks back to their parent, they have sinned, violating the commandant of honoring their mother and father, they are to be stoned to death, Leviticus 20:9.
Or if a man lets sheep and goats graze together, he must be put to death, Leviticus 19:19
Yup. Then again, the Bible is all metaphors. That, and it was written thousands of years ago.
Let's start with the question what is sin? 1:Sin is when we know that something is against the law and will of God and we continue to practice it anyway. We have already read that according to the law of God, homosexual behavior is a sin. 2:It is an unnatural practice. It is an abomination in God's eyes. It is against God's natural order.
God created men to be husbands of wives, and women to be wives of husbands. That is God's natural order. When God sought to make a suitable mate for man, He created woman. Genesis 2:24-25 shows us this when referring to the first husband and wife, Adam and Eve. It reads, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."
And Ephesians 5:28,33, "So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself."
The only sexual relationships that have God's blessing are that of a husband and wife. Any sexual relationship that is outside of this is a sin. And homosexuality is labeled a sin and an abomination.
Also, we know that homosexuality is a sin and that it is against what God wants people to do. 3:This is evident in the fact that homosexuals cannot reproduce. The one way that we humans get to be like God is by our God-given ability to create, to reproduce. 4:Two men alone together could never create a baby, and two women alone together could never create a baby because what they are doing is not of God. So, again, homosexuality is a sin because the person is willingly choosing to engage in behavior that is against what God would have him or her do.
Replying to the numbers of the bolded areas...
1: Alright, good so far...
2: If it's unnatural, why does it occur is so many different species with no intervention from us?
3: So what? Fail reasoning.
4: Not without a third party to help, true enough.
Again, is there any REASON as to why it is wrong, other than, "God says so?"
I could understand how christians could say that God intended men and women to marry exclusively for the purpose of procreation, but when he makes people homosexual and then expects them to suffer for him sexually, that's cruel.