They should include a throwing knife for all maps/modes, because there are certain spots where you can get with the akimbo magnums and they won't ever reach you.
Infected used to be a lot of fun, but since they've implemented throwing knives to the knife vs. striker it's garbage.
That would make it way unfair. Having a striker and the akimbo five sevens against just a knife? I doubt many people would have fun that way.
But that's the fun of it. If you're there, you can pretty much mow everyone down.
It enables camping and if you don't have a throwing knife against a shotgun then it wouldn't be fun for infected people and they would just quit. And it would be very boring if it's too easy, where's the challenge?
And by the way Ghost, in those impossible spots you can't move nor can you pick up scavenger packs because you'll get killed, so you'll run out of ammo eventually.
Scavenger pro with the akimbo magnums gives you about 60-70 bullets, so use them wisely until the time runs out and you'll win and have a good score. I'm sure you could even get a moab from those spots. Not to mention you have c4 so you could easily get a multi-kill.
I've been in an infected game in lockdown in a private match and it was the best infected ever.
Basically everyone was running around and contrary to what people think it was much more fun. Our primary weapon was the AA12. Which would kill two people then run out. Then as a secondary we got akimbo Usp.
We all had no kill streaks, so there was no scavenger. I think that was the best part of the game.
I think it was me and some other guy as the last two and we had both ran out of ammo. I think our perks were extreme conditioning, steady aim and quick draw pro.
Infected had flashes and throwing knives. We had portable radar and C4.
Me and this other guy would throw a portable radar down before we turned a corner then pick it up and move. Eventually we got flashed from the front and we turned around and found another guy.
Because you can only kill one person at a time he killed the person I was with and I killed him with my knife.
Straight away I die from a throwing knife thrown from over the building. What was sad was there was only 2 minutes left till I won.
The whole point is. Camping in Infected isn't fun.
- New game type, RSASS and Five Seven vs Knife - no Throwing Knife
- New game type, PP90M1 and Five Seven vs Knife - no Throwing Knife
I think that's about it from playing an hour. The last one I mention is so cheap for the infected people. It's almost impossible for them to kill someone without a Throwing Knife and every match I've played with the PP90 so far, there hasn't been more than 6 infected people.
Btw, I got my first MOAB! It was on Outpost with the PP90 and I went 33-0. I still kinda want to get a MOAB on a regular online match.
Depends on who your playing with. In most of the private matches I was in, everyone was trying to camp in the spot where there was only one way in/on top, and then one person would leave for a bit and run back seconds later with the infected sprinting behind him. Still had fun with it, because it required the infected to strategize. On public infected matches, I don't think it's possible to prevent people from camping on a select spot.
And it's strange infected counts towards your k/d and such. What if you really care about k/d and you become the first infected. RQ?
It shouldn't effect your K/D that much if you have been playing for a while. And if you know it effects your ratio, play at your own risk.
Hey did u know that ur killstreaks change with you? Let me explain, say u r non infected and you have a chopper flying around. Then you get infected. The chopper then becomes an infected chopper! What I want to do is get a moab and then get killed and nuke the survivors. That would be epic
Ya, usually online I have made it personal rule to stop camping in any spot the moment I get a MOAB. I feel that that is fair but it still allows me to ge the MOAB and then enjoy, the no camping, intense fun that infected should be.
yeah i think they did take out the throwing knife for infection which is sad. also infection is a good way to get the M.O.A.B. for those who are unfamalliar with this it stands for Mother Of All Bombs and is a secret kill streak that takes 25 kills in one life it kills all the enemies that are alive and and creates a fallout plus an E.M.P. for one minute and as if this isn't enough it also give double XP for everyone on the team who's MOAB it was, i have got 18 kills in one life in village PP90M1 v knife i have never gotten an MOAB and this is only my second day to play infection so i think in a day or two maybe even tomorrow that i can get an MOAB
M.O.A.B. for those who are unfamalliar with this it stands for Mother Of All Bombs
That's slang for it. It's actually Massive Ordnance Air Blast.
25 kills in one life
Gun kills. Other kills don't count.
Infection is so easy it's getting boring for me. Got 10 or 11 moabs in an hour of playing. And yeah, I sat in one spot just like most other people. People are crazy if they think I'm going to run around with just a knife against people with high powered guns. Infection to me is basically boosting in disguise. Get in a good spot (which most maps have) then a moab is guaranteed if you're not stupid.