Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well. Enjoy.
Any other captains online?
I'm here, but there's no one really to draft. It's just me and Mav.
We've changed what's happening reload.Pickpocket can't get own so we are just choosing at any time in the order we posted.It is your turn.PickPocket's teamDevsaupaR3load's tamChess's team
I choose GhostOfMatrix, IF he's taking part?Should we not make a separate thread?
I already have. Check it out.
Is there anyone here who plays pc?
If anyone.... ANYONE has a PSN account and MW3, and is GOOD.... invite me to play with them. just say that you're from Armorgames so that I don't think that you're a creeper..... i have a 1.1 KD, and im pretty good at TDM.... so yeah.... PEACE!
cod sucks if anyone have problems with that say it on my profile
I choose GhostOfMatrix, IF he's taking part?
Pickpocket wanted a AG tournament. We assumed you would want to be in it. r3load chose you.Do you want to be in?
Oh, no. I only really play CoD now at around 11 PM EST or early in the morning.
Are you sure? What about weekends and such. Come on. It will be fun.I'm sure we can find a time that suits us all.
S2 cod
They're adding five new prestiges. Just thought I'd let the prestige fanatics know.
I'm sure we can find a time that suits us all.
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