ForumsGames[Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!

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Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.

  • 3,990 Replies
1,081 posts

well you can't always judge a game by it's cinimatic trailer,

You are right.

I actually liked the trailer besides all the high tech stuff. All those explosions and gun fights were pretty cool.
16 posts

cod suuuccckkkkkssss nuff said fanboys

5,952 posts

The trailer was cool looking. I think it would actually make a good movie if it were live action and such.
The new ish update about the snipers is a little annoying. Especially the dragnov. It's now got very little kick and is fairly annoying. It does decent damage too. It's like a better rsass. I found a guy spraying with the acog on. It's so frustrating. Oh yeah I really like face off. Lots of fun. It was a good idea too. But it seems just like a lazy money maker in my opinion. It must be easier to make a tiny map than make a full scale multiplayer map.

5,825 posts

well i was about to post an absurdly long post but i accidentally did something so now i have to start over

i have a question pickpocket, is the dragonov more or less powerful overall than the MK14? anywho if you haven't noticed the "full scale MP maps" aren't all that big compared to any of the recent CoDs(CoD4 and after and only those because i haven't played the MP for the first 3 and i don't own them), in my opinion the whole game was a lazy money maker, personally i am disgusted with what infinity ward did to the latest installment of CoD.
there is a community game going on between some of the people at charlie intel, some of the developers of MW3 from sledgehammer games so maybe a few people will be so kind as to tell them what's coming to them, although they are only doing DLC maps so it'll probably be MW3 loyalists, but my friend bought the map packs and doesn't really like the maps(at least the ones it comes with)so maybe we can get a few of them to tell them that they're doing a bad job, but i guess we'll just have to wait and see...and check charlie intel...every 2 minutes or so...

~manly man

708 posts

Great ideas Gstroy.

However, the theme of CoD 9: Black Ops 2 is based on the future. I think those guns a a bit outdated. Probably homing weapons would be a good idea or maybe specialized armor or so.

5,952 posts

dragnov is stronger than the mk14. It's stronger than the rsass was although someone got a one shot on me with the rsass and it wasn't a head shot......
The dragnov also has about the same amount of kick as the rsass, maybe a little more. But it's deffinetly better.

And yeah I know. No big maps at all. It makes me miss maps like overgrown. Big. Very very big. Overgrown is probably double the size of many maps. The thing that bothers me is that their are not any real cool spots that aren't glitches. Think, remeber rust? That's probably one of my all time favorite maps. It was fun because their were so many different things to (don't think sexually) get on. Their was the giant thing in the middle. Their was like a thing where you need to crouch and then their was the big lader that went to the top. Now compare that to the tiny map of mw3, dome. Dome is boring. Their is nothing. It's too big for a tiny map but not big enough for a medium map. The only thing their really is the lader. Fun. No one cares about that. Like I have seen about 5 people on it mid game not during infected. Dome.... Oh how much I hate you. It's a build with a catwalk on it, two old run down buildings and other than that it's a desert with a fence around it. Rust was a desert too, but their was crap in it to do. And as I said it was smaller. I kinda wish they did what the mw2 maps did, 4 new maps and one cod4 map. I would love to see mw2 maps in mw3. Specifically the large ones, underpass, skidrow, and terminal. Infact didn't Charlie intel do something conserning terminal in mw3? That was an awesome map.

5,825 posts

Infact didn't Charlie intel do something conserning terminal in mw3? That was an awesome map.
yes, in fact they have a video of one guy playing alone on terminal
4 new maps and one cod4 map
actually it was 3 new maps and 2 CoD 4 maps.
rust was ok, i would like it better but i could barely kill anyone, i really like nuketown though, it was small but yet there was so much more to it than the big(or any size really) MW3 maps.
, underpass, skidrow, and terminal
would skidrow be the one with the 2 buildings and the one in the middle of the maps was 2 stories tall? underpass was a good sized map terminal was not huge but kinda large, but if you want a big map then derail was the one, that one was enormous for CoD.

~manly man
15,595 posts

So they buffed the dragunov. Did they buff the M16 or shotguns? I haven't played in about a month and I'd like to know so I don't waste my time.

5,952 posts

would skidrow be the one with the 2 buildings and the one in the middle of the maps was 2 stories tall? underpass was a good sized map terminal was not huge but kinda large, but if you want a big map then derail was the one, that one was enormous for CoD.

Ah I knew I forgot one.
Skidrow had 4 buildings. Their were two large main ones though. One had a mini gun and a hole in the wall. The other was two stories tall and had holes in the floor and such. It was pretty big.
Ghost, lots of people have been using the m16 (or at least way mor than before). It doesnt seem better but I have yet to try it. You missed two updates, one was the dragnov and less sniper kick and the new one came out days ago and I can't tell if anything is different.
482 posts

Great ideas Gstroy.

However, the theme of CoD 9: Black Ops 2 is based on the future. I think those guns a a bit outdated. Probably homing weapons would be a good idea or maybe specialized armor or so.
That's from before MW3 came out... so it's old.
5,825 posts

Hey anyone else think that Nacht der untoten in black ops is the easiest zombie map? and i am trying to figure out which is harder IN BLACK OPS, der riese or the moon. I think the moon is a little harder but im not sure and i want to take a vote.

der reise is the easiest map, kino der toten is pretty easy too, what you do for kino is you go up or downstairs and you stick with that until you reach the room with the power, wait until you and whoever you're playing with collectively have enough points to open up the rest of the rooms then leave a crawler, open them up turn on the power link the telleporters, then every round use the telleporters then all of the zombies will rush to one area then while you're up in the room you pack-a-punch or throw grenades down at the zombies or both then make a train but be sure not to start the next round until the telleporters cool down.
der reise is exceedingly easy and boring, once you have all of the pads linked go to the room behind the room where the radom box first spawns then go upstairs then camp to your hearts extent. oh and "five" or "shangri la"(comes with the annihilation) map pack is the hardest

~manly man
259 posts

I would love to see mw2 maps in mw3. Specifically the large ones, underpass, skidrow, and terminal. Infact didn't Charlie intel do something conserning terminal in mw3? That was an awesome map.

Yeah it looks like they will release Terminal as an MW3 map sometime. Here's the video of it: [url][/url]
5,825 posts

yeah in fact i'm pretty sure that they will release terminal soon and it's going to be free and if it's faceoff then the odds of playing it for someone like me with no DLCs is quite high, MW3 might be worth playing for about half an hour when i get bored

~manly man

5,825 posts

i know you said nacht i was just showing you how to make it easier than kino making it the easiest(well second easiest)my brother playing with one friend on der riese one world at war with all of the old guns made it to level like 26 on der reise

~manly man

35 posts

If you think five in blackops is hard try the waw custom zombie remake for the pc.

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