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ForumsGames[Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!

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13,657 posts

Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.

  • 3,990 Replies
482 posts

Seriously Chillz, stop hating on Homefront... they're are more people playing that than Gears 2.

1,434 posts

Seriously Chillz, stop hating on Homefront... they're are more people playing that than Gears 2.

That's because Homefront just came out. Gears of War 2 is aged. People have moved on. There's 3 years difference between the two!

And number of people playing in multiplayer (a platform hard to judge due to massive amounts of factors that can swing in many directions and therefore should usually be avoided in reviews) had little-to-no say in terms of quality of a game.

And I will not stop "hating" on Homefront. IT STAGNATED THE FPS GENRE!

482 posts

And I will not stop "hating" on Homefront. IT STAGNATED THE FPS GENRE!
How so? If anything it rejuvenated the modern shooter, it was fresh and original while using easily recognizable controls. Many big names loved it... I personally would go with the opinion of professional gamers and reviewers than some random fun hater on the internet.
1,608 posts

It is about CoD if he hates Homefront let him be ignorant.
But you know if you put the first letters from every DLC in one word u get
First strike

You get fear. Fear for cod.

181 posts

But you know if you put the first letters from every DLC in one word u get
First strike

Yes we all know the clever acrostic the Youtube community came up with. But I'm tired of seeing it.

CoD is filling up with the worst community I have ever experienced. I am literally AFRAID to even talk publicly in lobbies. Because whenever I talk (BTW I am 13) I'll instantly hear "Shut up kid your annoying as ____" or "God your such a little annoying girl" or some other joke about high voices. As if they never were kids. I shouldn't be afraid to talk. Seriously All I say is Hello and I get voice massacred by the entire lobby. Sometimes it does hurt me a little bit. Which is sad. CoD is filled with a bunch of internet tough guys who think they're cool, or 10 year olds who say they had intercourse with my mother >.>
I really hate the mom jokes.
1,608 posts

Play on pc. Not so much people with mic there. So you can act all 20 year old.
And btw a family member of me is 19 and has a super low voice. Like a 8 year old, helium breathing girl, really funny but he has that to.
And people who do "I did your mom look how tough I am" jokes are just pathetic.

181 posts

The parents should hide the mic so everyone won't have to suffer listening to a trash talking 12 year old >.> I don't do any of that stuff nor do I like it.

Of course, we can kill the kids too, but hey. They wouldn't be there in the first place if their parents hadn't bought it for them.

Just... Just rofl..
It's so hard to find people that are mature enough to respect peoples age, sound of their voice etc. It's sad how it is soooooo rare to find those people >.>
1,608 posts

I think a mic should have a minimum IQ requirement.

382 posts

just at chillz basically you may think that the points i made are invalid but at the end of the day i have played and enjoyed each of the call of duty games and have played campaign extra modes and used the multiplayer for many days to me it just seems your putting hate into loads of games and its you who cannot enjoy a good game when you see one

482 posts

I disrespect people that are playing a game they are too young to be allowed to play.
What they are and aren't allowed to play is up to their parents.
1,608 posts

Well at least I'm glad I don't have that problem in good games.

But back to cod. Who is going to buy mw3. And who is going to count.

5,952 posts

I'm buying mw3 so me and my friends can play it. But I'm not buying any of the extra stuff

3,025 posts

I disrespect people that are playing a game they are too young to be allowed to play.

I guess you disrespect me, then.

They are ruining the fun for gamers that waited until they were old enough.

The only fun in doing that is the idealogy that they had the discipline or the self control to not nag for the game when they were younger, or was able to manage without the game until later. In either case, it's no big deal, and shouldn't be the case anyway.

Not that it ruins the older gamers anyway, the only way I could think this would be the case (and this doesn't even completely apply to age) is when young players buy games or do business deals that could be considered to the game industry.
I consider young players who buy CoD doing that. Do I blame them though? No, not really.

I have yet to find a single person that enjoys, or even tolerates, playing online with underage gamers

I'm one of them, and also I have met people who know that I'm 14 and don't really care, granted, they poke fun at me occasionally for it - but it only adds to the light atmosphere.

especially ones that have a high-pitched, whiny voice.

That's a bad prejudice.

Kids that have someone older buy it for them do not deserve respect and should not be playing.

Okay, I guess I don't deserve respect and shouldn't be playing.

But I'm not buying any of the extra stuff

I can only assume you mean the DLC map packs that will surely come after MW3 is released?

No matter where you go or what you play, you're probably going to find at least one immature 12-year-old jerk that won't shut up about how bad everyone else is when they kick his sorry butt.

It really doesn't matter in some games though. Luckily, being as my main game is an RTS, an immature audience generally isn't attracted because they prefer blood, guts and a first person view - but furthermore because the community has always been good.

If I do meet someone in Starcraft II that is an idiot - which is rare, I block, I can report, and move on.

Plus, it's usually very funny when they're annoyed or something if I beat them, simply due to the fact that... it's a straight-up game - no whining need be involved.

It's so hard to find people that are mature enough to respect peoples age, sound of their voice etc.

I guess you've found someone then? :P

My mate is Scottish and has a self-proclaimed "voice of a gay hamster".
I actually don't care, all I care about is that he doesn't rage and that I can actually ask him to put down his Supply Depot.

And people who do "I did your mom look how tough I am" jokes are just pathetic.

The irony is the people I meet who use those jokes in real life end up making their mother paying a fairly large sum of money to get them out of bail.

and only worry about something as material as K/D, then you honestly don't know your game.

Simply that.
Although in the case of CoD you don't need to know it to be able to call balance decisions - because that's what the CoD games cater to, sadly.

Seriously Chillz, stop hating on Homefront... they're are more people playing that than Gears 2.

The same way the number of buyers on CoD is irrelevant applies here.

What Chillz said here

No need to type so much bro. :P

How so? If anything it rejuvenated the modern shooter

It's that part I don't like.

it was fresh and original while using easily recognizable controls.

I'm not gonna question its multiplayer, but I can safely say its multiplayer would not be worth its cost.
Especially considering you can get Bad Company 2 for £12 now (£25 pre-order before it was released).

Or Crysis 2 with a pretty cool storyline and fantastically innovative multiplayer that does have some modern shooter elements in its Multiplayer aspect.

Or you could get a huge variety of non-FPS', most I can suggest would be worth more than Homefront's multiplayer.

FPS's can only go so far.

And here I said Chillz did not need to type so much.

Many big names loved it...

Is "names" code for "reviewers".
We already discussed that >.>

I personally would go with the opinion of professional gamers and reviewers than some random fun hater on the internet.

Professional gamers for FPS lurk only Counterstrike, with very little exceptions.

Professional reviewers can have poor bias, an unfair standpoint and many business aspects involved on top of the usual idea that they don't understand what gamers want in general.

This is why I watch Totalbiscuit of all people. He makes a living from his YouTube account, which does make him a professional in that sense - but I don't care, because he appears to look at things from a great standpoint, and doesn't judge the game based on his opinion, and if he does, it's something you take into consideration - he SHOWS that it is his opinion, not a fact, not anything else.

Also, you call him a hater, and yet you have not successfully disproved or effectively countered his nor my points.

It is about CoD if he hates Homefront let him be ignorant.

How is it ignorant to hate or otherwise negatively look upon Homefront?

You get fear. Fear for cod.

Here's mine.
You get fear. Fear for the game industry.

I don't fear CoD, infact given one of their CEO's keynote speeches regarding the trash talk between Battlefield 3 and MW3 at Gamescom I'm fairly sure they fear DICE, and are trying to take the high-ground against those who are idiotic.

Idiotic because they don't see how the developers treated everyone else when they were king of the market, and only now they're looking at the unreasonable trash talk between the fans of each and judge based on that.

I'm not saying the trash talk is justified, I'm saying that the CoD developers whining of this was done unfairly - used as a poor defense mechanism - especially when I QUOTE:
My job is to help our incredibly talented, passionate teams to make the best games they can, not to throw insults around at others. But I actually feel this kind of rhetoric is bad for our industry.

Now, I'm not even gonna go into that more than I already have - I made a reply to this on the BF3 forums a while ago and I will copy and paste it here with quotations - if you don't wanna read, don't, it is a big respone but ultimately I don't want to invest more time than I already have when I can save it.
Wow. Hypocricy much?

The general way games are run now - which is poorly, is because of CoD. This brainless, adrenaline-rushing and fun game style introduces LITTLE work implemented as many of the unnecessarily confrontational BF fanboys have pointed out. Take Homefront, for example, its Singleplayer was worse than Pacman and its Multiplayer was nothing unique!
It was the direct clone to Modern Warfare 2, this is shown by a hand-held player in the singleplayer, passing scripted scenes more than you pass by cover, and this is all shown in how even the playing structure is based on CoD.

Then, you have the marketting of DLC's shown via Modern Warfare 2 - you know the first map pack? That was made before the release of the game and literaly held back so they could sell it months later.
That is the most disgusting rip-off ever - and for players of BF2 you can agree with me when I say that the game players wouldn't take stuff like that 5 years ago.

I'm not a Battlefield fanboy, by any stretch - sure, I think Battlefield is astonishing and that CoD doesn't deserve what it gets, but because I'm against CoD doesn't mean it's because I like Battlefield.

Bugger it - I'll go indepth.
Take a look at MW2, the game itself was a pretty big mess. Balance was non-existant and whilst I didn't mind people who "abused" perks etc (hey - it's in the game), I really didn't like the fact that you died so easily, in such small maps (even a CoD-style game should have bigger maps than are what usually made)!
It came to the point where it was skill-less - unless you was horrendously bad and couldn't keep aim on target, you was guaranteed a win against him if he was looking the other way.

Or the idea that a 1v1 straight-up could rely solely on weapons and the first shot - the Scar-H and ACR had very powerful bullets, very little recoil and if they hit an enemy it would shake their screen to the point where aiming became impossible - you was guaranteed a win.
Or a hip-fire shotgun. Hi, Spas-12.

Then, you got the lack of Dedicated servers.
The point of a sequel is to inspire all the previous elements that made the game so good, whilst throwing away the bad pieces and adding some new things to make it actually new, right? In Modern Warfare 2 they took out Dedicated Servers, one of the most god-awesome things you could have in a Multiplayer game, and they completely dumbed down the near perfectly balanced gameplay in CoD4 (read: Not the original CoD4, I'm talking about ProMod which was available for the PC because of Dedicated Servers - MW2 took away any chance of that happening).

The worst thing is that CoD4 has a pretty good competitive scene, and Infinity Ward did little to help that part of the equation, and cared for the casuals much more - which spawned the much abused Quickscope Noscope feature we know today, which defeats the point of the Sniper in the first place and furthermore, doesn't take a lot of skill either (being someone who played MW2 and done Quickscope Noscope - and being above the average gamer in a game that does not cater to professionals, I think I'm allowed to call balance decisions on a game - and that is that Quickscope Noscope is overpowered). None of it does.

An FPS doesn't take a huge amount of skill, if you ask me, but one of the main reasons I love Battlefield is because it does. Things that you need in order to effectively play is:
1) Know how your gun works - it's not a Right-Click *Aim* Hold-Left idealogy. If you don't shoot your Assault Rifle in bursts, then good luck shooting further than short-range accurately.
2) Know what your equipment is good for - Depending on your situation as a Recon, you need to know how to effectively use something like Motion Sensors - and to actually use them. If there's a hint that an enemy is nearby, don't risk losing your life to him when you could throw a sensor down and get the advantage of knowing where the lalalala he is.
3) Strategic awareness - Even the map Heavy Metal on Bad Company 2 needed a HUGE amount of strategic awareness. It isn't Sniping vs Sniping in that map - unless you want to play very poorly. Playing effectively would be finding concentrated areas of your troops and supporting them with Ammo / Med Kits as much as you can, sustaining bastions of firepower through your own means that ultimately amplify your teams effectiveness far beyond the point in which you being a +1 Sniper on your team would be.

Those are examples, you need to apply these to get top of the board in Bad Company, and it isn't something where you can run-'n'-gun when you can keep your mouse on target and still get a good ratio (of course, I had the addition of flanking the enemies at the time but still).

Battlefield does an excellent job at making you super effective in an FPS but by no means doing it easily, and it does it furthermore through simple teamwork - it's not a "find the weakness" game, you need allies to do it the most efficiently. Even when I don't have anyone to play with and I'm just in a random team on a server it is so awesome spawning on my team member behind enemy lines, doing what we can to tip the balance of power entirely (Capturing flags for the win).

I think the worst thing about this is how the speaker for CoD just... I don't know - is that what they're trying to do? Make a good game?
I've used this argument in other forums and I will still do it - I could buy anIndie Game, and not have as many technical problems or balance issues as are in Call of Duty: Black Ops (Section 8: Prejudice as an example), why is CoD at the Triple A tier of games? I don't know - but their idealogy is either poorly executed or poor itself, because I don't see a strive to further gaming.

A strive to further gaming is better done by Day[9], a former professional Starcraft I Player who now does what he can to introduce new players into Starcraft II and the pro scene around it. He is a perfect influence, and I can't see how the CoD developers are any better.

The strive for competition is excellent, but I can safely say that the idealogy of CoD does not include a lot of work.

Sorry for the rant, but I truely believe that CoD does not deserve what it is given, and furthermore how hugely mislead people are when it comes to the Game Industry - that is even apparent on these forums, where people perceive the things you get from Pre-ordering as "bonuses".
It's content taken out of the game that should be given to you on release, no matter how you got the game (as long as it was legally). It shouldn't depend on the retailer, and it shouldn't depend on what sort of order you made - DLC's and etc can be released for w/e price you want after the games official release, as long as they did not take the time prior to release to suit the needs of specific people.

To be positive - CoD is an alright game to mess around with, it's great fun with friends when you just want to relax and can't really be bothered doing too much, but it doesn't go beyond any form of competition or balance.
Battlefield is an excellent series, changing throughout each game and furthermore removing each bad part or further changing them to fine-tune to its fantastic audience (I say fantastic - but to you CoD-bashers out there - have some decency and enjoy your game, or you could talk to people on a LOGICAL LEVEL who want to hear what you have to offer), which is ever-more apparent than anything I've seen given the new changes to 3D Spotting and the Comm-rose.
I'm very glad to be a customer of DICE's games, and the only problem I have with them is their SPECACT and Dog Tag Packs that I previously mentioned - but they're irreversible at this point I'd imagine, so I'll kindly let that pass and enjoy their top-notch game

Thank you DICE, and Infinity Ward - I hope you buck up and solidify your statements

P.S I know I come off as very insulting, but it's the way I see it (how else can I see it?), and whilst I must obviously come off as a massive lalalalalala to some of you guys, realize that I want both games to succeed - but for good reason. If Infinity Ward whips up an innovative and possibly revolutionary game that tips the game industry to its full potential, I will be so happy that any form of corruption has been decimated at its source.

Thanks for reading.

Oh, and for those who didn't read.
TL;DR The speaker is fairly hypocritical - and has now severely raised my expectations for MW3 - I expect huge innovation in their game - especially compared to CoD6 and 7. Oh, and BF fans who bash CoD should in general, shut the lalalala up.

Love the censors on these forums by the way.

Yeah, long post.

I am literally AFRAID to even talk publicly in lobbies.

I hope you're not actually afraid - it isn't difficulty to avoid / ignore people. If you don't like the community, I think it would be best if you switched games, because it already is the worst community I've experienced - sadly.

Because whenever I talk (BTW I am 13) I'll instantly hear "Shut up kid your annoying as ____" or "God your such a little annoying girl" or some other joke about high voices.

I don't know whether or not you're a "good guy", but if you are, your maturity > their maturity.

As if they never were kids.

Something I generally find in a lot of adults I know in real life. It's annoying to see how people lack good consideration or sensitivity on any age scale.

In general, of course. I know people - many people in fact who are very caring and nice.
What a surprise :O
/sarcasm for the last line, by the way.

I shouldn't be afraid to talk.

You don't need to be.

Seriously All I say is Hello and I get voice massacred by the entire lobby.

If you've got it for the computer, just stick with typing. If you've got it for console - there isn't a need to talk

Sometimes it does hurt me a little bit. Which is sad.

Preventive measures - don't play the game.

CoD is filled with a bunch of internet tough guys who think they're cool, or 10 year olds who say they had intercourse with my mother >.>

It's a vocal minority, from what I've seen - but I did have the PC version and I think that makes a difference when I always see trolling and obscene language on the Xbox when I'm with my brother in law and he's playing (sadly he is one of them).

I really hate the mom jokes.

The ironic thing is that they must've been raised poorly (as in "not raised well" to "completely physically abused&quot to be such fools on the internet.

Then again, that's the case for what I'd consider the majority of Earths population.

Sorry for the big read, but I hope you guys find it interesting.

- H
1,608 posts

It was really interesting and I did read everything except the long quote.

But you have to admit. Everyone hates those small, just able to talk kids who say CoD is awesum and thu b3st!! Whilst they haven't played any other game and their game list consists of cod 6 and black ops. And maybe a free game you get with your xbox or playstation like Lego batman and Pure.

3,025 posts

It was really interesting and I did read everything except the long quote.

Good I'm happeh now.

But you have to admit. Everyone hates those small, just able to talk kids who say CoD is awesum and thu b3st!!

Definitely, there is no need for it and it's annoying to see VERY young people talking like that.

Whilst they haven't played any other game and their game list consists of cod 6 and black ops.

Games I've played include... long list incoming:
Armies of Exigo
Starcraft II
Battlefield series (pretty much all of them)
All Age of Empires games (including expansions and the spin-offs in Age of Mythology) bar the new MMORTS that was released a small while ago
Fable I
Fable II
Call of Duty's 4, 6 and 7
Operation Flashpoint - the old one
World of Warcraft
Dantes Inferno
League of Legends
Heroes of Newerth (to a very little extent)
Team Fortress 1
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
James Bond games (a few)
A few varients of Mario (Luigis Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine, some other DS versions)
Pokemon (like a bouse) (The original version with no relation whatsoever to Pokemon)

And others.
You know how useful this was?
Not useful. <3

Oh, I also played Lego Batman... how could I forget >.>
Oh, and Tekken.
And a weird PS3 game called Supersonic Acrotbatic Racecars or something of that sort. It was pretty awesome though.

Hooray for big posts, I am utterly useless with typing them though :P

- H
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