what a person is looking for to tell which is better.
Proof is unconditionally unquestionable. Proof is the better as it provides progress and it provides undeniable... well, proof. Faith is good, but I rather not use the word - belief in someone or reliance on someone is what I'd rather say - because that's usually what it is. You say you have faith in your religion, what do you think I hear? I hear that you rely on your religion, and it weakens you.
Openminded-ness and logic should come first, whereas faith and belief comes through social aspects.
For what? Being atheist? No you won't. At least I don't belive you will. I have a question, do most christians people belive you will go to hell for not being christian? Because I have a friend who belives that.
Truth is, if God had morality that agreed with mine then I would still not be a Christian, but rather I would accept him if he became apparently "there" before I die - not as I die, because then I could quite easily be compromised.
Or, of course, after I'm dead.
"anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come."
Oh, the tickets are sold out :<
Oops. Looks like I'm gonna rot in hell then.
All because you didn't love God you rediculous fool! God made you, lov-- mad--... THE BIBLE SAYS HE'S AWESOME!
Well not exactly. I was taught that I was right in beliving in God, and Christianity but it's perfectly fine that there are people who don't. God doesn't judge you based on that. It really wouldn't be fair considering how people are raised.
That's actually a completely backed up argument, you're in your rights to believe in God, and it's in others rights to believe differently. As for Gods judgement? Not my criteria, but whoever taught you the last sentence is one lovely thoughtful person <3
you know what I find ridiculous is that all the atheist or people of some other religion or not is usually answering all these questions not a christian.
Okay tiger25691, answer some questions for us, please.
Because atheists are smart enough to answer.
I'll go and say "our perspective makes it easier"...
There would likely be far less issue with Christianity if more people had been raised under those ideas.
One of the reasons I really don't mind that philosophy. Even so, I'd rather be taught "think for myself" than anything else, but openess to others is equally valuble.
- H