Well I have used logic to try and reason it. And I'm trying to talk to others about it and do some research. Now my ideas cant be argued on if I don't tell anyone of them...right?
I was just wondering if there is any scientific evidence to back it up.
I am completely and totally for homosexuality. It is every man and woman's right to choose who they would like to spend their life with and everyone should have the right to marry without bias on sexual preference.
I am straight but one of my best friends is gay and he is no different from anyone else but for the fact that he prefers men to women.
I don't see how or why anyone would be against homosexuality. It is that person's choice, and that choice should not be affected by the will of others. Just as well, what is the point in being "against" homosexuality. There isn't a single homosexual out there that is "against" heterosexuality. They have just chosen to follow the less tread path and there is nothing wrong with that.
I;m catholi and they are against it but ppl should be able to choose what they do this is suppoed to be a free country
EVERYONE Keeps saying stuff like this! Correct me if im wrong but from what you said it seems like catholics are going against homosexuality. If you were a true catholic then you you would also be going against it. Thats like me saying "My religion goes against adultry but I think it's a free country so I think it's ok to cheat on your spouse." SO basically you are trusting more in america's ways and laws then your own religions.
There isn't a single homosexual out there that is "against" heterosexuality.
I beg to differ. You think out of the millions of homosexuals out there there isn't one person who is against heterosexuality? I don't think so buddy. But I do respect your opinion in your last comment.
Subarublue you are my new bestie. Let me re-phrase what you just said. God made people so that they could reproduce. Gays are weird and are going against God and are sinning and your all going to hell. NO OFFENSE. So funny.
Well you know me Mr.Funny guy. But, MidnightDay I was not trying to be that harsh and I do not think at all that if you are a homosexual you will be going to hell nor did I ever say that.I was trying to say that god gave us whatever he gave us and we should not change that. We were meant to be heterosexuals, I beleive, so we could, what you said, reproduce. Again on the part where you said I think all homosexuals are going to hell, that is not true at all, just because you sin doesn't mean you're going to hell. A man can commit murder and be a homosexual all his life but in the end if he turns and comes to god and asks for forgiveness, God will accept him and bring him heaven.
EVERYONE Keeps saying stuff like this! Correct me if im wrong but from what you said it seems like catholics are going against homosexuality. If you were a true catholic then you you would also be going against it. Thats like me saying "My religion goes against adultry but I think it's a free country so I think it's ok to cheat on your spouse."
This goes back to whether or not homosexuality is innate or learned. I think almost every homosexual person you will talk to, would say it would be easier if they could choose to love someone of the opposite sex. But the fact is, it doesn't work that way. I think that you will find that there are quite a few gay people who are religious. Because God made them gay, and God cannot be wrong. God is infallible, if he makes people gay, then it must be acceptable in an ultimate sense.
In science, nothing in research is true unless it can be proven in multiple cases. I'm sorry, but one study is not reliable. The fact is, no one really knows what the cause of homosexuality is. It is still up in the air. Could be genetics, could be experience. Nothing is conclusive. Just because they haven't found the gene yet, doesn't mean it isn't there. We haven't found life in space yet. But I'm sure that it's there!
Hah well I'm the one to always go against the scientific studies.
Well, as a studying scientist and having done some of my own research, I have been taught to take research with a grain of salt. Unless it can be proven multiple times, it isn't true.
Because God made them gay, and God cannot be wrong. God is infallible, if he makes people gay, then it must be acceptable in an ultimate sense.
So you are saying that God allows people to be born gay am I correct? Well I do not know if that is entirely true but I do know that God knows if people will turn to him or not and the people who he knows will absolutely not turn he doesn't usually give them a chance. To explain further, think about some of the people in Africa. Some do not know about christianity and never learn about it even til they die. Why didn't God give them a chance? Because he knows they would have never absolutely turned towards him.
Because God made them gay, and God cannot be wrong. God is infallible, if he makes people gay, then it must be acceptable in an ultimate sense.
I'll use Leibniz(and mine :-$) argument here.
A benevolent and omnipotent God would be concerned with creating an actual world which is governed by physical and mathematical laws.
To picture a world that violated those laws would be to project an imaginary world. So, when someone throws a rock from a bridge causing a tragic accident, we lament that as an evil. God, being all-powerful, could suspend the law of gravity and prevent the accident. But to do so would be to create a different world than this one - one in which the law of gravity did not always apply. Leibniz described the world as an infinite nexus (network) of interacting parts and principles. If God were to undo any of those parts, the existing world would no longer be. Thus to project upon God the motive to prevent evil is to appeal to an imaginary world, not the actual one. This actual, existing world works as it does because it is the best possible arrangement of parts. Our world is the best possible world.
God did not make homosexuals gay. Its just a flaw that if fixed, would cause bigger problems.
To fix such a thing, he would have to make the brain work differently, and with such complexity, making it work differently has bad results.
To explain further, think about some of the people in Africa. Some do not know about christianity and never learn about it even til they die. Why didn't God give them a chance? Because he knows they would have never absolutely turned towards him.
True, because they are unbaptized they can never hope to go to heaven. The best that they can hope for is Limbo. But the idea with God is that it is an innate vision that we are 'supposed' to have. We have a vision of God before we are born, and so we should always know God in a certain sense.
A benevolent and omnipotent God would be concerned with creating an actual world which is governed by physical and mathematical laws.
I don't see how that relates to what I was saying, or about homosexuality.