ForumsWEPRReasons to be an Atheist .

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Alright I have been researching theories talking with other Atheists and I have discovered some people who are Atheists but for the wrong reasons like...
1.Settling a score with God because they hate him for (whatever)reasons.
2.Just because.
Some good reasons...
1.There is no evidence.
2.A book written by primitive people is no proof for any God/Gods.
3.Nothing can be omniscient and omnipotent.
Any other reasons can be stated for I am interested in some of your reasons or reasons not to be.

  • 660 Replies
9,462 posts

Religion breeds violence and hatred...proof?
And by proof, don't say "the crusades", because God never came down from the heavens and told the Church to attack the Middle East. God never told suicide bombers to blow themselves up. God never told the Church to abandon science. Point is, stupid people used religion for their own benefit and do bad things saying that "God told me to do it", playing the blame game to get out of trouble.

So God has to be the one telling people to do violent acts for the religion to be doing this? We could look into various holy text where it claims God is doing just that if you like.

By the way I do not refer to Heavenly Father as God I refer to him as Heavenly Father.

How about Sky Daddy? :P

Mage Grey Wolf. Sit quietly in your room and pray and ask him if he is real and if you do it with an sincere heart, open mind, and real intent I can almost promise you that you will get an answer to your prayer

Been tried, nothing happened. Though I did try praying to my screwdriver once with results better then praying to God.
9,462 posts

Believe in evolution and all that stuff but in the end there is a living God and There is a living Christ our lord and savior.

Unlike God (I thought you said you called him Heavenly Father?) I actually have verifiable evidence for evolution, so I can accept that claim. The claim of God requires I believe it without evidence, which is why I don't accept it. Further more with specific claims they often go against observation, indicating it's not real.
289 posts

The claim of God requires I believe it without evidence, which is why I don't accept it.

Jesus sort of said that the point of faith is to believe in that which you cannot see, and also something about not letting faith be made sight until the right time...

I don't get why just having a religion is such a turn off to some Atheists. I mean, I don't know about other religions, but there isn't really any negative effects on your life to being a Protestant Christian. Sure, you aren't allowed to murder anyone or steal things, but besides the big rules like that there is a lot of wiggle room for how you practice your faith.

Anyways, I can also understand that some people just don't get the idea of God, and I guess that's fine, whatever. I was like that for a while. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depends who you ask) I have never been good at the whole "converting people" thing, so I'm not going to try to force my religion down your throat, but as is expected I would like it if you would give it some thought.
4,104 posts

I don't get why just having a religion is such a turn off to some Atheists

Because it doesn't make sense to them and they often impact the world in negative ways,
9,462 posts

Jesus sort of said that the point of faith is to believe in that which you cannot see, and also something about not letting faith be made sight until the right time...

Yeah I know that's what's so flawed with faith. If we are to accept one baseless claim then there is no reason not to accept others. There is no reason to accept Yahweh and not Zeus, Zeus and not Thor, Thor and not Ra. Without something solid to support the claim it's as good as just making stuff up.

I don't get why just having a religion is such a turn off to some Atheists.

As I've been saying it's the whole faith requirement that kills the deal. If you can show that your religion is correct then we can move forward from there.

but there isn't really any negative effects on your life to being a Protestant Christian.

Like any religion it can impair ones critical thinking skills. There are science denialists who work to restrict knowledge within some protestant denominations.

Sure, you aren't allowed to murder anyone or steal things

Not allowed to do those things anyway.
3,371 posts

So when we describe God we have to use word play to make him seem powerful? I would think the whole creator of everything would cover that.

Mage. You don't have to do anything. If you want to call them the 10 suggestions then you go ahead and do that. But how exactly do you know that its coming from a higher authority, if its just called suggestions. Also I never meant to say that god needed to use word play to make himself seem powerful. I was saying commandments are what the people used to describe what they felt his power was.
3,371 posts

So God has to be the one telling people to do violent acts for the religion to be doing this? We could look into various holy text where it claims God is doing just that if you like.

So... God wrote the book then? Because if man wrote it then I think its still man's fault. It's like blaming guns for killing people. A gun is a gun. How did it murder people? It's not alive. Someone can use it to kill, but that doesn't mean the gun itself killed people.
307 posts

I dont beleive in God, because personally, I think its a load of ''Codswallop'' ( I got that one of Hagrid in HP ) I dont see how he can possibly exist, with all the bad things going on in the world, and a load of other reasons.

18 posts

Religion has often been proven to be wrong, but never proven to be right.

The more we understand how things really work, the fewer corners remain for the absence of proof that is called "belief".

Religion has much in common with "junk science"... cold fusion, anyone?

9,462 posts

But how exactly do you know that its coming from a higher authority, if its just called suggestions.

What a higher authority can't make a suggestion? Just because it comes from a higher up doesn't mean it has to be an order.
9,462 posts

Hit the submit button by accident.

Also I never meant to say that god needed to use word play to make himself seem powerful. I was saying commandments are what the people used to describe what they felt his power was.

If they weren't intended as commands then it either God or his followers using it to bolster things up. If what you say is true that it's being called a command to make it seem more important. This would also indicate that the concept of God promoting free will was a later invention.

So... God wrote the book then? Because if man wrote it then I think its still man's fault. It's like blaming guns for killing people. A gun is a gun. How did it murder people? It's not alive. Someone can use it to kill, but that doesn't mean the gun itself killed people.

Wouldn't have to write it. There are a number of places where it has God telling people to do very brutal acts on others.
I would think even you could see there is often a difference between what a religion says and (given our only source for "what God has said&quot what is claimed to be God speaking. Especially when much of it is left up to wide interpretations. So just because God didn't say to do X violent act doesn't mean the religion didn't.

Religion has often been proven to be wrong, but never proven to be right.

Every time we advance our selves it's from letting go of supernatural ideologies as the cause.

Religion has much in common with "junk science"... cold fusion, anyone?

I would find cold fusion more likely actually.
5,129 posts

I would find cold fusion more likely actually.

it's a better lie indeed =P
2,911 posts

if they weren't commanding but just guiding why not just call them suggestions

Now that's just picking a small point that wouldn't make much of a difference either way. Like arguing over the pronunciation of pecans.

Yeah and how do things like not making idols or only worshiping Yahweh make someone a better person?

I meant the commandments referring more to interactions between people but interpret it how you will.

Some of them are beneficial to a society

Wouldn't that go back on what you said earlier?

we can come to such conclusions without a deity telling us these are the things to do

Some can't, that's why the 10 commandments, jail, and religion overall were made. Some people can't see this without the thought of an omnipotent being watching their every move.
508 posts

Sorry for dragging this forward, but you guys go too fast.

So they had to include a bunch of nonsense to get people to work together? The other commandments (if they weren't commanding but just guiding why not just call them suggestions. it would work better for the free will bs God supposedly supports.) that actually cover doing decent things in a social structure wasn't enough to unify people?

Keep in mind the context in which the Ten Commandments were written. The Hebrews had just escaped slavery into Egypt, and chances are many of them had lost their people's religion during slavery. Furthermore, not all of the slaves were Hebrews, and not all the Hebrews wanted to follow Moses. There was a high likelihood that some other faction or factions would form, dividing the escapees. But if everyone understands they are led by God, not only as a religion, but by law (i.e. the Ten Commandments), that could greatly reduce conflict of leadership. This would include trying to keep people from worshiping other things, which would disrupt said leadership.

This thing that is suppose to unify people sure does seem to have a diversifying effect on people. (34,000 some odd versions of Christianity)

Like I said, keep in mind the context in which the Ten Commandments were written. Christianity itself was a split that came much, much, later, and even so, those odd versions all 1)worship the same God (albeit different interpretations), and 2) probably feel much closer to each other than they do with, say, Hindus.

The problem with Religion is that it's often interpreted out of context and out of it's time, which means people often do stupid things in the name of an outdated policy of God, and this God get's blamed for it (I'm looking at God as an idea, not an entity, which has yet to be proven, disproven, etc. Please don't quote this and say God is/isn't real. That's not the point of this paragraph). So for religion to move forward, and for it to have any place in a modern world, it needs to be updated.
5,552 posts

So for religion to move forward, and for it to have any place in a modern world, it needs to be updated.

But if this religion is supposedly the word of God, why is it wrong? Why would it need to be updated? Logically, any commandment from an all powerful all knowing being who created us all should not get such important things as the morals by which we should live by wrong.
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