ForumsWEPRReasons to be an Atheist .

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1,036 posts

Alright I have been researching theories talking with other Atheists and I have discovered some people who are Atheists but for the wrong reasons like...
1.Settling a score with God because they hate him for (whatever)reasons.
2.Just because.
Some good reasons...
1.There is no evidence.
2.A book written by primitive people is no proof for any God/Gods.
3.Nothing can be omniscient and omnipotent.
Any other reasons can be stated for I am interested in some of your reasons or reasons not to be.

  • 660 Replies
534 posts

About this ten commandments. Yes they are a set of moral guidlines, they were set so that people would get along and not be so selfish. But it was law to the jews and they were strict about it. Later in the bible there were more commandments; the most important commandment was, as Jesus said, love the lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and with all your mind.

879 posts

the most important commandment was, as Jesus said, love the lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and with all your mind.

Why is it important to live God? Does it change anything?
9,462 posts

Why is it important to live God? Does it change anything?

More so God is in this case demanding you love him.
534 posts

You dont have to love him, you dont have to beleive in him, you dont have to learn about God. It is your choice. And yes he was demanding that we love him he did create us after all. and he loved us so much he sent down his son to save us all. A lot more to say than that but I would probably go off topic.

8,253 posts

, they were set so that people would get along and not be so selfish.

; the most important commandment was, as Jesus said, love the lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and with all your mind.

I'd like to tell your god to stop being selfish himself :P people also can get along and not be selfish without believing in god. It's kinda sad that you need commandments for that.
9,462 posts

You dont have to love him, you dont have to beleive in him, you dont have to learn about God. It is your choice. And yes he was demanding that we love him he did create us after all. and he loved us so much he sent down his son to save us all.

It's our choice but he demands it? That sounds contradictory. As for The human sacrifice of Jesus you really don't want me to get into that barbarism.
1,036 posts

And yes he was demanding that we love him he did create us after all. and he loved us so much he sent down his son to save us all.

Don't you see what's wrong with what you just said?
he did create us after all.

Is no reason to praise anyone anything. We created virtual people it would be sick if we made them praise us when we played. If not sick then it would show how full of myself I was.
1,606 posts

You dont have to love him, you dont have to beleive in him, you dont have to learn about God. It is your choice. And yes he was demanding that we love him he did create us after all. and he loved us so much he sent down his son to save us all. A lot more to say than that but I would probably go off topic.

This really sounds exactly like the videos Mage put up about "free choice" because he is damanding he love him, but your saying that we don't have to.
5,552 posts

And yes he was demanding that we love him he did create us after all. and he loved us so much he sent down his son to save us all

Father: I created you, so love me! I'll beat you to a pulp for all eternity if you don't! As proof I love you, i'll just cruxify your brother.

God: I created you so love me! If you don't you'll go to hell. As proof I love you, I'll have my only son die in a horrible manner!
534 posts

I knew there would be funny remarks from this. Listen it's kindof like this: I created you so that you could rome be the most special of my creation, in return I ask that you love me.

1,606 posts

I knew there would be funny remarks from this. Listen it's kindof like this: I created you so that you could rome be the most special of my creation, in return I ask that you love me.

sooo it's like doing god favor? I still think that's a bit weird that by loving him you can't just not murder people and accept that he's real. Instead you have to go to church every sunday and respect holidays and stuff, also I find it quite funny how christmas isn't actualy the day he was born.
534 posts

Yes I know. the people who created christmas didnt really know when he was born. The reason it became a holiday at that time was to replace some bad one. if anyone can tell me what that bad holiday was I would appreciate it

5,552 posts

in return I ask that you love me.

He gave us free will supposedly, so shouldn't he either do one of two things?

1) Accept that unless he shows himself in some way to each and every person, there is no chance that everyone will believe in him and thus it is unfair to punish those who do not.

2) Completely stay out of our affairs all together.

Any other thing is just saying we have free will and then threatening us if we don't do it his way.

Yes I know. the people who created christmas didnt really know when he was born. The reason it became a holiday at that time was to replace some bad one. if anyone can tell me what that bad holiday was I would appreciate it

No, what happened is, Christianity in its attempt to convert/soothe people it had taken over modified the holidays/traditions of those it had conquored and re-faced it with "Christian" ideals, morals, and beliefs in order to create familiarity.
9,462 posts

I created you so that you could rome be the most special of my creation, in return I ask that you love me.

Though it's not being asked, it's being demanded under a threat of punishment. A bit like how the Crusaders demanded that people convert to their beliefs or die.

Yes I know. the people who created christmas didnt really know when he was born. The reason it became a holiday at that time was to replace some bad one. if anyone can tell me what that bad holiday was I would appreciate it

This is really ignorant. Almost all of the elements of the holiday remained all the Christians did was change the name and tack on the birthday story. Later on it became more commercialized turning it into what we have today. This was done to draw in more converts by assimilating other cultural practices, something the church did quite frequently. In fact it wasn't even accepted by the church until about 100 years ago (give or take). Christmas isn't the only holiday originating in this fashion either. Easter and Halloween were co-opted in this fashion as well.
508 posts

Just because there are parts where it's similar to rules we currently live by and we are forced to twist the meaning around and remove parts to make it fit, I think that makes it a poor guide for morals in the modern era. Since we do have to play these reinterpretation and cherry picking games with it we are then left with not getting morals from these texts but someone applying the morals they have to them.
Another thing about thing about this is if we have to largely reinterpret these text to to make them fit there is no measure to say who's interpretation is right and who's is wrong.

A good comparison here would be the Pythagorean theorem. Pythagoras (or someone Pythagoras copied) drew up the Pythagorean theorem as a method for finding the hypotenuse of right triangles. That work has been used as a basis for many mathematical concepts, especially in the formation of trigonometry, including the concepts of sines and cosines.

The Ten Commandments are kind of like that. They are the basis of our moral system. We wouldn't be twisting the commandments to fit our morals, because that's where our morals come from. It's not that they are completely universal, it's that as a set of moral guidelines you can apply them, and then expand upon them.
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