In this spin-off of CtO, there is a lovely city called Lolcatia! Unfortunately, the previous villains of CtO are pissed off at Lolcatia for it's causing them to be killed by intrepid Objective Completers. So, they decided to level the city! Little do they know that the Objective Completers are ready to protect their city...
****... I wipe the sweat off my brow. It's over... time to get to work. I see if I can upgrade the trolls, Rifleman, Bazookas, Kung-Fu-Kittehs, and Elementals. I also see If I can bring back an original... The E-100 Factory Produced Tank. I also see if I can bring back the Space Railgun from CTO.
TheNameWithNoNumbers, how did you carry a XENOTANK back to lolcatia? I mean, i was possessing it at the time, AND WHO GAVE PREMISSION TO RIDE/DRIVE ME!!!! Grrrr...i "drive" to the lolcatian labs/hospital, I abandonden the tank possess a high ranking scientist, find a private experimentation lab, grab the keys for it, scavenge all the area's of (I think it was ricks?) where (ricks?) Dcor exoskeleton could have broken off(parts of it) and collect as many peices. Then i start to study it and cryo freeze it. Then i lock the room with retinal a retinal scanner only for "Cyborg sonic, my current host, and super soldier" i set a booby trap incase the super soldier walks in(Note: This isnt betrayl, its simply a shock collar so that when he comes in, its fitted on him, so he can be at maximum efficency for example "I must take a break, so i may be rested to protect once again!*shock* Grrr....fine, i must keep fighting" Then i find the super soldiers creator and purchase drop of the super soldier syrum from him. Next, i scour the earth for any man or women or creature that can do chaos (chaos magic, or just chaos?) and incapacitate him, then remove his liver. I hook the liver to a device to keep it operational. I drop the syrum and liver off at the room. Then i go to sonic's corpse and clip a toenail, cut a peice of hair, remove a tooth, and bring them to the lab. I create(or buy)a machine to fuse things together. I take sonic's "arts" i removed, the syrum, the liver, the Dcor exoskeleton peices, and fuse them into an organic embryo set to evolve into a organic semi-sentient form(Obey's commands only from who it believes its master, not much sentience other then that) I rocket it off into space into the general direction of where i think sonic might be, and hope he takes it. Its up to whatever sonic does to it or kyle decides to make happen as to what happens then, but i hope for doing this when sonic comes down to pwn us all i may be spared as (at the least) a brain in a jar. (Super duper long post! If i cant get the syrum, i use some of the SS's blood, if i cant get the skeleton, i scavenge parts of the dead Dcor((cant do that? I get some of the xeno tank's xeno and tank material)), if i cant get the parts of sonic, i use parts of rick, and if i cant get the liver, i take dead sonic's liver.)
I smack the sidearm from rick's hand. "it's ok...*cough* we won't take you prisoner...I'm even willing to let you come back or do your own *Cough, hack* thing...if you don't attack us again...we're *cough, hack hack, spits out a little blood* not evil, rick..." I then limp back to lolcatia, get myself patched up at the hospital, and have the troops scavenge the wreckage from the battlefield, and also the loki...
BFK, WAAAIIIT. Blackhawks are surrendering! *orders the archers to cease fire* Let them surrender. Maybe we can recruit them later...after all, rick IS a merc...
Do you really want the E-100? Those kept exploding on their own.
You can align Space Railgun to the battlefield for $50,000.
@rick073: Your sidearm is out of bullets. Yeah, it was only meant to hold up enemies and take their guns, not to actually kill anything. Heck, even the clip is a weight to replicate a full clip. Just view this as...a chance of redemption.
@DarthNerd: NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I have to read all that? JK, I don't mind reading. Seriously, though, you crazy DN.
Well, that entire post was a waste due to the scientists having anti-control blocks except for my method. Whoopsydoodle.
@bigfatkitty: But they're surrendering...
@GeminiDelta: You salvage the parts to Rick's vehicles. We can reverse-engineer the blueprints for the Heavy Suits($2000), ABTs($4000, $2000 MBT upgrade), Blackawks($3000), and the Loki($10,000). The MDIC was completely destroyed in the blast, however.
Dcor infection? oh jesus. I am thinking we should move the engineers sentry closer to the fighting. That sentry never does anything. Also yeah upgrade the kittehs.
...You said i could get a artificial chaos emerald for $300 and now you're making it so I have to rip them out of the android sonicheroe's body before I can have it a artificial chaos emerald... I DEMAND TO SEE YOU'RE MANAGER! THIS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS! >
Anyways, I also set up a anti chaos shield. Im gonna try to make this place as resistant to sonicheroe's chaos power as possible.