In this spin-off of CtO, there is a lovely city called Lolcatia! Unfortunately, the previous villains of CtO are pissed off at Lolcatia for it's causing them to be killed by intrepid Objective Completers. So, they decided to level the city! Little do they know that the Objective Completers are ready to protect their city...
Hmm, GeminiDelta, just clone Sonicheroes for now. Try to make them superior in chakra powers since its the only thing Android sonicheroes doesn't have. I go on to fortify our walls to 500,000 and hope everyone else handles the intruding Dcor. And ill pay whatever the cost is just do the fortification.
o.o; No way tom. Sorry, but one sonic is too much. I'm settling for enhancements and nothing will change my mind. And repair the RED team APC; they suffered some damage back thar. Think they were at 30,000 HP before.
Oh, and demote spy from General status and replace him with General Bonkers, then have spy rob the transobjective bank...again. we need an extra $30 grand.
I decide to build some small version of the lokis that rick used if possible. They are automated so that we don't have to comandeer them either, and they will take way less long to build than a huge massive loki.
Sonic! Take me with you! I make an excellent practice dummy for your chaos attacks, and you can experiment on me if you want! But for the most part, these guys are just getting us killed! PLEASE! PLLLEEEAAAASSSEEE! *gets on the ground and begs with tears*
... you all do realize I'M NOT ON THE PLANET AT THE MOMENT! right? and DarthNerd, i'm solo ATM preparing a present for the defenders when i get back(in the form of hell), try rick, he's not as much of an idiot as the other people here it seems.
Now sonic, that's an insult. Pompous much? Anyway, get the scientists to make omni-scouters: headsets which reveal invisible enemies and scan them for weaknesses at the same time!
slowing down time won't stop teleporting, and if you did manage to get both me and yourself in the slowed down time, all weapons would fail but melee weapons. considering i use a sword, and can teleport at will thanks to the extremely high affinity with chaos that you gave me... at the cost of my freaking chakra.