ForumsWEPRWhy would got hate an atheist?

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1,495 posts

People always say that if you're an atheist, you're going to hell. This got me thinking. Why (if he exists) would he send me to an eternity of suffering in a fiery hole of despair? Doing this horrifying act just because I don't believe he exists. There was no evidence to support the fact he exists. I never did anything terribly wrong compared to the next guy. If god is real in this manner, he is a evil villianous character sending me to an eternity of suffering worse than death itself.

So what do you think?

  • 98 Replies
1,495 posts

Crap, just realized I misspelled god in the title.

4,206 posts

The bible is stupid and tells you to act in a way that would contradict human nature. The bible is the word of god, so what the bible says is what god says. Same thing with the Koran and the Torah.

In other religion tho, atheists do not necessarily go to hell, if there would be a hell of course.

896 posts

*Sigh* This is what all atheists think. Here comes the explanation.

People always say that if you're an atheist, you're going to hell

They are correct. Atheists deny God, so they have no salvation in Christ, thus they are going to hell.

Why (if he exists) would he send me to an eternity of suffering in a fiery hole of despair?

Because you denied Him. Because you have not accepted Christ as your savior. God cannot eternally dwell with sinful souls. He loves you, but you have no option but hell if you deny Him and Christ.

I never did anything terribly wrong compared to the next guy

Actually, the "next guy" everyone should be comparing themselves to, is always supposed to be Jesus. That means you have done terrible wrongs compared to His perfection.

I hope I have given a good enough explanation as to why God is not as evil as He may seem.
2,487 posts

People always say that if you're an atheist, you're going to @#!*% . This got me thinking. Why (if he exists) would he send me to an eternity of suffering in a fiery hole of despair? Doing this horrifying act just because I don't believe he exists. There was no evidence to support the fact he exists. I never did anything terribly wrong compared to the next guy. If god is real in this manner, he is a evil villianous character sending me to an eternity of suffering worse than death itself.

according to LDS doctrine, you won't go to hell, but you will end up in the second kingdom of god. this one is reserved for those who either never had the opportunity to learn, or for members of the church who were of lukewarm passion. this is assuming you lived a wholesome, law abiding life of course.

if not, you will probably go to the third kingdom of god, which is reserved to those who didn't abide the law, and denied god even after learning of the true church.
9,462 posts

Why is belief so important to this being in the first place? It seems pretty petty to me.

4,206 posts

I hope I have given a good enough explanation as to why God is not as evil as He may seem.

I already heard this before and it is really sad how the people that says this show a really bad side of humanity, you sadistic sick monsters.

If somebody denieded me from going to their house or something, would it be justified if I tortured tbat person in such an unimaginable way?
57 posts

It is a common misconception that God sends people to Hell simply for not believing in Him. God does command worship, and He deserves it. However, Jesus did not come to earth so that those that do not believe in Him can go to Hell; He came to earth so that those who do believe in Him can go to Heaven. God will judge each person according to their merit. How do you measure up against God's standard? Have you ever told a lie? How many? Have you ever lusted after someone? God considers that adultery. Have you ever hated someone? God says that is murder. Have you ever stolen anything, even something small? If so, the proper term is thief. God is a righteous Judge and will punish all evil. He does not grade on a curve. You may not be as evil as Hitler, but who cares?

9,462 posts

God will judge each person according to their merit. How do you measure up against God's standard? Have you ever told a lie? How many? Have you ever lusted after someone? God considers that adultery. Have you ever hated someone? God says that is murder. Have you ever stolen anything, even something small? If so, the proper term is thief. God is a righteous Judge and will punish all evil. He does not grade on a curve. You may not be as evil as Hitler, but who cares?

Why hi there Mr.Comfort, do you realize just how stupid that argument is? Just fro one even if even the smallest of infractions is enough to be condemned this would indicate evil being more powerful then good. Of course this also ignores the reasoning behind the action as well creating a black and white view of morality. As for living up to God's standards give what the claims of what he has done are, this being needs to live up to mine!

Now pull the banana out and let's all have a laugh.
3,371 posts

You may not be as evil as Hitler, but who cares?

Um, I do? I should go to hell for hating someone? I should go to hell for lusting after someone? I don't understand at all. These things are all normal. They're all human.
57 posts

What most people do is not a standard for what is right. To say that is human is just to shrug off the responsibility for your actions. The Bible says that each of us is quick to proclaim our own goodness, but we are all sinners worthy of death.

Mage, neither good or evil has any power. Neither is an entity. Morality is black and white; to lie is always wrong, to lust is always wrong, to worship an idol is always wrong. That does not mean that some decisions will not be difficult to make or that assessing whether or not capital punishment is justifiable for a certain crime is easy, but what is good is based on the nature of God.

As for living up to God's standards give what the claims of what he has done are, this being needs to live up to mine!

Mage, you are not God. Your ideas of right and wrong are arbitrary. You have no basis on which to accuse God of wrongdoing. At best, you can say that you don't like God. But to say that God should do something means you have found an absolute moral standard. What is it?
9,462 posts

The Bible says that each of us is quick to proclaim our own goodness, but we are all sinners worthy of death.

Well isn't that so very nice of the Bible. This comes back around to the batter wife syndrome Christianity suffers from, where the "wife" (Christian) thinks they deserve the "beatings" (death and eternal torment) "their husband" (God) gives them.

Mage, you are not God. Your ideas of right and wrong are arbitrary. You have no basis on which to accuse God of wrongdoing. At best, you can say that you don't like God. But to say that God should do something means you have found an absolute moral standard. What is it?

There is no moral absolute (This is one issue I've had to ignore in that philosophy thread, but not going to do it here.) Even if it came from God, unless that God is a mindless, unthinking, non entity (which would mean he could no longer be defined as a god) Those morals from him would be subjective.
No my morality is not arbitrary it's has a basis in my own empathy and ability to reason.
57 posts

God has the right to set the rules because He created everything and owns everything. God's nature is unchanging and the basis for what is right and wrong; there is nothing higher than God. Your insults against God don't make any sense if you claim there is no moral absolute.

9,462 posts

God has the right to set the rules because He created everything and owns everything.

What a great mob boss mentality that is.

God's nature is unchanging and the basis for what is right and wrong;

So we should be a bunch of petty, vengeful, genocidal hypocrites just like God. I couldn't happen to notice the difference in portrayal between the old and new testament. Which indicate God does change. Even without this we see him change him mind in the Bible would would not occur if he was unchanging.

Your insults against God don't make any sense if you claim there is no moral absolute.

Yes they do make sense I find the things this God has been claimed to do morally repulsive. I can say this because the things God does are not things that stand as a reasonable course of action nor would they be things I would want to have happen to me, I can further extend that to anyone else for that matter. From that perspective I find God to be immoral.

Now to pull this back around with some funny maybe atheists aren't so hated.
57 posts

"The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it. And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it." Jeremiah 18:7-10

"For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you." Psalm 86:5

"âThe Lord is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the third and the fourth generation.â" Numbers 14:18

"'And if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck. If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than to have two feet and be thrown into hell. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, where "their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched." Everyone will be salted with fire.'" Mark 9:42-49

The God of the Old Testament is the same God as the God of the New Testament. God's justice is taught in both, and God's love and mercy are taught in both. God is worthy of our praise. He is a righteous Judge. You are not as wise as God and you do not know everything. You cannot say that God's actions are unreasonable and unjust. It is much more likely that you simply misunderstand the Scriptures because of your prejudice. You start with the assumption that God is petty and unjust, and then you interpret the Bible.
1,627 posts

If I may interject the Jewish POV here...

In Judaism, there is no Hell. The common interpretation for Hell in Judaism is sheol, which derives from the same root as the Hebrew word for "question." Jews don't believe in a Hell because that would imply an eternal torture, and we believe that Adonai is forgiving, and will eventually take care of our souls.

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