People always say that if you're an atheist, you're going to hell. This got me thinking. Why (if he exists) would he send me to an eternity of suffering in a fiery hole of despair? Doing this horrifying act just because I don't believe he exists. There was no evidence to support the fact he exists. I never did anything terribly wrong compared to the next guy. If god is real in this manner, he is a evil villianous character sending me to an eternity of suffering worse than death itself.
Well that's good to hear. I turned to atheism after my mother died, I prayed and prayed, so did everyone else in my family, and in the end why didn't God see to my prayers? What has my mother done to deserve a death at age of 45? And do i deserve to perish in hell for all eternity because God 'betrayed me'?
Hey, I lost a 37 year-old uncle who was very close to me. I know how you feel. But that's no reason to abandon God.
Romans 5:3-5 "Not only so, but we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us."
We can be sad about lost loved ones, Christians can even be sad, but not sad as those who have no hope. We will one day reunite with our loved ones in Heaven.
I don't think anyone should suffer, if God was all-good he would let every soul enjoy their selves as much as they deserve it, but not eternal torment.
God is all good. But everyone has sinned, and Romans (my favorite book of the Bible) says that the punishment must be death.
Romans 5:12 "Just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all have sinned."
Funny how religion tries to shove down your throat that you're evil and that you HAVE to follow them or else you will be punished eternally. Sounds like a scare tactic to me.
Even if there is a god, if it requires that you worship it and will eternally torture anyone who does not, such a god does not deserve to be followed.
Funny how religion tries to shove down your throat that you're evil and that you HAVE to follow them or else you will be punished eternally. Sounds like a scare tactic to me.
It isn't a scare tactic it's simply what Christians believe.
Even if there is a god, if it requires that you worship it and will eternally torture anyone who does not, such a god does not deserve to be followed.
God does not eternally torture anyone, Satan does.
God does not eternally torture anyone, Satan does.
"We didn't beat the prisoner up, we just threw him into a cell with 4 murderers who hate white people."
It isn't a scare tactic it's simply what Christians believe.
Be that as it may, it still looks like a scare tactic. As Mage said earlier, this is also very similar to that of a women who gets beaten by her husband and thinks she deserves it.
God does not eternally torture anyone, Satan does.
On a post like this, please write a little longer, most mods consider it Spam.
Yes, but who allows Satan to torment? God. God doesn't protect you from ANY evil, he delivers you to evil if you have been a naughty boy. That makes no sense. What if a person has a medical condition, will he as well suffer because he can't learn the ways of Christ?
On a post like this, please write a little longer, most mods consider it Spam.
His post is long enough and responds to the argument at hand, so he's fine. 7 words is generally considered the minimum. Also, most mods consider back seat modding to be just as bad if not worse :P
What if a person has a medical condition, will he as well suffer because he can't learn the ways of Christ?
Depends on the faith and who you're talking to. I've never met a single person who ever told me the same thing about christianity beyond the very bare basics.
God doesn't protect you from ANY evil, he delivers you to evil if you have been a naughty boy. That makes no sense
A punishment would make sense if you've been wrong. What doesn't make sense is an eternal punishment for a finite wrong.
Be that as it may, it still looks like a scare tactic.
You can technically view any punishment as a scare tactic. If someone said "If you eat too much candy, you will get a stomach ache." They would be telling you the truth, whether you view it as a scare tactic or not.
A punishment would make sense if you've been wrong. What doesn't make sense is an eternal punishment for a finite wrong.
You sin [/i]against the infinite God.
God doesn't protect you from ANY evil
In case you didn't get the memo, God sent someone named Jesus. If we accept Jesus as our savior, you will be "rotected".
he delivers you to evil if you have been a naughty boy.
Mind if I rephrase your logic? "If you have sinned (which everyone has), then God delivers you to hell."
Have you not been reading anything I have been writing? [i]God sends no one to hell. It is a person's choice to accept Christ and to be saved.
From what I have read, you cannot seem to grasp that god has given us a way to combat sin and transgression.
Yes, but who allows Satan to torment? God. God doesn't protect you from ANY evil, he delivers you to evil if you have been a naughty boy.
in a way, satan is the one who coaxes you to do the wrong, and the guy who will punish you for it. god has given all of us a way to not be influenced, but the secular world still can't seem to understand/accept it.
in a way, it's like your fun uncle really hates your dad, so he messes with you to get back at him.
first of all i want to respond to one of the first comments. even if you dont believe in judaism, it doesnt mean you will go to hell (it doesnt even decrease your chance).
and this is why i disagree with burners belief.
in my opinion a bad deed is something that hurts other people (if it has no reason). not believeing in god and many other "bad" things in the bible arent in my definition of bad. so for me that god would send the purest soul to hell just because of not believing. also, your religion USUALLY depends on where you were born at. and that means that your going to hell depends on the place you were born at and i think its racist. i dont think an all good god can be racist.
if god would give us all proof that he existed every normal person would believe in him. he doesnt do that so he cant blame people for not believeing in him. there are many religios that say that you have to believe in their god to go to heaven. so lets take islam for example.
you cant proove or disproove islam or christianity. both religions tell you that if you dont believe in their god you will go to hell. how would you be able to choose? no one can provide you with any proof. and how can an all good god send someone to hell if that person got tricked because of a different person? after all it wasnt his fault for not believing.
this is why i disagree with that belief. espacially because in that belief you are a sinner just for existing...
in my opinion a bad deed is something that hurts other people (if it has no reason). not believeing in god and many other "bad" things in the bible arent in my definition of bad. so for me that god would send the purest soul to hell just because of not believing.
So, all of a sudden, you are the ultimate decider of moral standards?
also, your religion USUALLY depends on where you were born at. and that means that your going to hell depends on the place you were born at and i think its racist. i dont think an all good god can be racist.
Paul the apostle says in Romans chapter three, just the answer your are looking for, and I quote:
Romans 3:3-8 What if some did not have the faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness? Not at all! Let God be true, and every man a liar...But if our unrighteousness brings out God's righteousness more clearly, what shall we say? That God is unjust in bringing his wrath on us? (I am using a human argument.) Certainly not! If that were so, how could God judge the world? Someone might argue, "If my falsehood enhances God's truthfulness and increases His glory, why am I still condemned a sinner?" Why not say, "Let us do evil that good may result"? Their condemnation is deserved.
I highly recommend reading the whole book of Romans.
So, all of a sudden, you are the ultimate decider of moral standards
did i ever say that thats a fact? its my opinion which is why i said "in my opinion". and obviously my opinion is what makes me think and choose my decisions
and id rather you explain to me what you want to say then quote the bible so i can understand exactly what you mean.
also, its good to have an opinion. i use my logic and build my opinions and decisions based on that logic. you just do and think anything that is said by something that might not even exist. at least i can think for myself.
i didnt understand you quote too much but from what ive understood you didnt use logic or any kind of explanation. you just tried to defend god by giving excuses.
did i ever say that thats a fact? its my opinion which is why i said "in my opinion". and obviously my opinion is what makes me think and choose my decisions
The problem is, you are substituting your definition of bad, for God's. By your definition of bad people shouldn't go to hell. But you are not the ultimate decider of moral standards.
and id rather you explain to me what you want to say then quote the bible so i can understand exactly what you mean.
If you insist, but the Bible puts it best. But from my understanding, you are saying to God "Let us do evil, and do not punish us."
So all of a sudden
God is outside of time. He had no "all of a sudden"
something that has no proof for its own existence
Uhh...In case you haven't heard, there is a book that has had more copies of it printed than any other book in the world, called the Bible, which has plenty of proof.
is the ultimate decider of moral standards?
also, its good to have an opinion. i use my logic and build my opinions and decisions based on that logic. you just do and think anything that is said by something that might not even exist. at least i can think for myself.
I have plenty of opinions. I use plenty of logic. My opinions are based on my logic as well. Yes I do what God commands of me, and He does exist. The Bible is proof. I can think for myself. I thunk for myself before I was a Christian, and I thunk for myself in the decision to become a Christian. I think for myself to continue to follow God's commands.
i didnt understand you quote too much but from what ive understood you didnt use logic or any kind of explanation. you just tried to defend god by giving excuses.
I used my logic to try and deduce yours. Your logic is that you think God should let humans do evil while being rewarded with going to Heaven. Your logic makes no sense. What excuses have I given?