i had a dream last night of me on another planet wearing a purple crystal on a a necklace and i basically could now fly and had super strength.
That isn't what we're talking about!
I dislike people who are openly hateful to people they dont know. They have no basis of judgement for that person, yet they still act like D-Bags to them. Drives me INSANEEE.
I agree fully. Most of them are the "opular" D-Bags with "so called" friends. Just because I don't have a bagillion fake friends, doesn't mean I'm dumb.
I sure do. REAL friends. Not ones I talked to once and just declared them a friend. And I talk to a lot of other people.
People not thankful of what they have. Greedy christmas noobs.
I am very thankful we have a Christmas to celebrate. My favorite part isn't the presents, it's opening the presents we shared to eachother as a family with smiles on everyone. It's happy.
Whoever says Christmas is just for presents, shouldn't be worthy of such a happy holiday.
The thing that makes me not want to live on this planet is the increasing crime rate, I wish I was on a planet with people who didn't commit crimes, I don't mind war though