What annoys the crap out of me is when commersals,(and other places too) tell you to "Just be yourself" , but then tell you what "yourself" is suposed to be, like what colone you're suposed to use, and what cloths you're suposed to wear. Honestly just shut up.
12/21/12 SOPA passes. Websites advertise opportunities to bypass the bill, but in reality encase a virus that pretty much destroys the internet by taking down the thirteen servers via DDoS attacks.
1/13/13 People yearn to survive, stocking up on food and other resources, attempting to survive without computers.
1/14/13 Angry computer programmers, trolls, spammers, and other interweb users seek the destruction of government and all the people who supported the bill.
And by the end of the year, everyone would be dead, as almost everything is controlled by computer anymore, and the interweb users rely on all that the interwebs supply. Because of this, everyone ends up dead.
Waaay back in third grade there was a kid in my class. He couldn't do 5+3. It took 10 minutes for the teacher to give him the simple answer, and by then everybody was extremely bored. I mean, I know people in third grade are still young, but it's 5+3. The following years the teachers would give him simple addition while the rest of us had to do actual work. For him, though, it probably was work.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore when I hear or see incredibly stupid people doing things that are stupid even for them. I also wish to vacate the planetary premises when I hear of or see morons in positions of power. These categories include but are not limited to left-wingers, extreme left-wingers, rabid environMENTAL extremists, communists, fascists, neo-nazis, obama, obamacrats, terrorists, the liberal media, all other liberals, and adrenaline junkies (like people who throw themselves off of buildings just for laughs).
I also consider leaving for Pluto when I miss a documentary or somesuch that I really wanted to see because the tv people changed the schedule without telling anyone.