So, uh, yeah, the title pretty much says it. Lots of topics turn into religion debates, so this is meant for that. Mine is Atheist. Feel free to oppose, but I'll oppose your post, too.
No, no, definitely rhino, hence the reason for the red bottom and the tiny tusks.
That would be a nice example of religious logic, if only rhinos would have tusks and red bottoms^^
where did those egyptians came from? they all had to be dead from the flood. =S
I guess those were aliens who came down on earth with their pyramid spacecrafts. God put them there to test his followers (enslave them). The egyptians where wiped out by the plagues afterwards so god didn't put much effort in their creation and just copied the human body, that's why they don't look alien. But that's just a theory...
The egyptians where wiped out by the plagues afterwards
funny thing is that all these plagues was a natural (scientificly correct/accepted) thing that can happen any time today aswell. the cause is not god. the cause is natural.
The cause is not god but natural. So God is unnatural? You realize Hahiha was sarcastic don't you? Don't Christians attribute everything to His Divine Plan? So someone else caused the plague? So God isn't all Mighty then?
That would be a nice example of religious logic, if only rhinos would have tusks and red bottoms
You know I was having a laugh don't you? I didn't think anyone would take seriously that Noah had mixed his seed with a rhino and a monkey, then produced a baboon!
You know I was having a laugh don't you? I didn't think anyone would take seriously that Noah had mixed his seed with a rhino and a monkey, then produced a baboon!
I know, I know^^ I just wondered about how you made the link between baboon and rhino, and whether rhinos have red bottoms or not. And before you ask, yes this is a very important, substancial question!.... :P
so yes god is unnatural.
Except in those cases where the deity represents nature, like, those who think there's a Gaia goddess or something like that. But maybe the difference is that those nature deities don't do the same things as the christian god...
Except in those cases where the deity represents nature, like, those who think there's a Gaia goddess or something like that. But maybe the difference is that those nature deities don't do the same things as the christian god...
i obviusly was talking about the christian god. 1st whit adem and eve 2nd whit noah's ark 3rd whit the 10 plagues of egypt.
what other god uses these exact same 3 story's in it's book, or template or whatever.?
Except in those cases where the deity represents nature, like, those who think there's a Gaia goddess or something like that. But maybe the difference is that those nature deities don't do the same things as the christian god...
I'm pretty sure those deities are still regarded as supernatural, so it would still count.
because an Atheist is one who 'has no real belief'.
Not really, an Atheist is someone who rejects the belief in the existence of deities. Or more to the point, doesn't accept there are Gods controlling or influencing out lives.
It doesn't mean they don't believe in something, it just means they don't believe in deities.
Yeah, I mean, ghosts, aliens, and Bigfoot make sense to me, but a giant man up in the sky just doesn't.
Precisely. We'll have to have words again about the ghosts and BigFoot in another thread some time, but just because you don't believe God is hanging around in the sky doesn't mean you don't have beliefs.
I personally have a belief in karma, not for anything religious or anything like that, but simply that what goes around will well and truly come around eventually.
I personally have a belief in karma, not for anything religious or anything like that, but simply that what goes around will well and truly come around eventually.
there are enoufg example where the bad guy is the biggest winner.
if karma was real then i probably would be dead already xD even if it was only for a some of the posts i made on this forum xD