So, uh, yeah, the title pretty much says it. Lots of topics turn into religion debates, so this is meant for that. Mine is Atheist. Feel free to oppose, but I'll oppose your post, too.
The Red Sea Parting, you can dive in the Red Sea, and find armor, helmets, and other egyptian apparatus where the Egyptian army drowned when they were chasing the Jews.
The parting of the Red Sea is one of the better known mistranslations in the Bible. The Hebrew phrase Yam Suph is used to describe the crossing. But 'suph' does not mean 'red' - it means 'reeds'. If you really sit down and think about it, it doesn't make sense for the Jews to head towards the Red Sea in the first place. Also, there has been no document archaeological evidence of any mass drowning of Egyptian soldiers in the Red Sea. There have been unfounded claims by an amateur archaeologist, but he also claimed to find Noah's Ark, Jesus' crucifix, and the original Ten Commandments tablets. Obviously, he was a big ol' liar.
During Jesus's lifetime, he did many miracles that nobody else could even dream of.
There is certainly no proof of this. And even if Jesus was a real person (which is highly dubious) he would have been one amongst many of these so-called miracle workers. read this
That's neat, but it's certainly nothing new and it's very poorly argued. But the most convincing evidence (for me) that Jesus Christ never existed is the ancient Roman cult of Mithraism. Mithra was a god who was born of a virgin, had 12 followers, healed the sick, had a final supper, and was sacrificed for mankind. He then arose 3 days later and a whole bunch of people saw him. The Apostle Paul lived in Tarsus, which was a mecca for Mithraism. His writing of this guy Jesus are just far too similar to Mithra to take seriously. read this
Even if "Jesus of Nazareth" was a real person, that does not validate any claims on supernatural powers. He very well could have been a real person, and preached and what not.
As for the Bible's writings, the average lifespan back then was around 30-40 years. If the first stories weren't written down until 60-100 years after Jesus's death, that is two generations separation. Since the majority of people would not have access to writing/documents, this information would have been passed along orally. Ever played the telephone game? "Whale" turns into "What do you want to do?" after 20 different people hear it and change it slightly.
The Red Sea Parting, you can dive in the Red Sea, and find armor, helmets, and other egyptian apparatus where the Egyptian army drowned when they were chasing the Jews.
That doesn't prove the Biblical accounts. A near by battle could easily account for such material in the area. In other words the Biblical story is not the only explanation and is nto even the most likely of ones.
During Jesus's lifetime, he did many miracles that nobody else could even dream of. He turned water into wine, fed the 5000 with 2 loaves of bread and a fish, and calmed the seas.
All of which are only documented in the Bible, meaning your again trying to use the Bible to prove the Bible.
Im not trying to denounce any of your religions, im just trying to tell everyone what mine is
Well, you're coming across as saying that your religion is the only correct one, others are false, and that if you don't want to go to hell you need to pray to God. Basically like most evangelicals.
Christianity is not a religion, it is a truth. A truth you must believe in. Like I said before, I believe Christianity is the only way to Heaven, but you can believe what you like. I'm not forcing you to believe anything.
Christianity is not a religion, it is a truth. A truth you must believe in. Like I said before, I believe Christianity is the only way to Heaven, but you can believe what you like. I'm not forcing you to believe anything.
It is a religion. The definition of a religion is..."b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance"
To partydevil, The first of my statements you have in bold print, what I said there I meant you must believe in it to get to heaven. I am encouraging you to believe it, but that is your decision. I am not forcing you. To Kasic, you define all you want. As i have said multiple times, I believe Christianity is not a religion, but a truth.
As i have said multiple times, I believe Christianity is not a religion, but a truth.
I'm sorry, but here you're just wrong. That's like saying an apple isn't red, it's real. It IS red. Just like Christianity IS a religion. You may very well believe that it's true, but what anyone believes isn't automatically fact, as that is independent of belief.