ForumsThe TavernYour most painful physical experience

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What is your most painful physical experience?

Mine has to be when I fell in a pile of broken glass, it felt like I was on fire.

  • 165 Replies
5,552 posts

@Fs97, I've broken my toe before. Sleep on your back with no blanket over the foot with the broken toe on it.

93 posts

@Kasic: I usually go to sleep with my face on my pillow, so that's not really comfortable for me. Although, anything seems comfortable when you have an injured toe.

4,710 posts

@Fs97 if it hurts too much go to a doctor to get a bandage.

i had a toe nail that growed into my toe flesh. i needed an operation. after the narcotics went of every step hurted. my grandma said i should not cry. maybe she meant i dont know what real pain is...but she never told me.

577 posts

When I tore my hamstring couldnt walk for weeks. An honorable metion is when i bruised my tailbone I couldnt sit down for awhile which sucks LOL

158 posts

1. When I was five years old, some kid decided to chuck a three foot long stick at me. It went javelin style into my eye. I was taken by paramedics to the hospital and I've kept my 20/20 vision.
2. When I was six years old, I went out on a tree house while it was raining. I slipped and fell ten feet into a holly bush. Mucho pain. I landed on my arm and the skin tore open. No breaks though.

93 posts

I think my toe is healing. I can walk better and sleep better without it hurting as much. This calls for celebration!

531 posts

1. When I was 9, me and my friends used to collect bamboo sticks for one of my friends' granddad to make us these really awesome bows&arrows. They were literally amazing, like real ones, they went far, too, and they were powerful. Anyway, there is a park near one of my mate's houses, and theres a path leading from this park into some woods. Follow the path for a bit and there's an opening, where we used to have 'wars' between the 10 of us. 5v5, 2 swordsmen, a spear person (:S) and 2 archers. I thought it'd be fun to play hero and charge at my friend who was currently decapitating another friend, it was like a legendary TV moment, I raised my sword, about to strike my helpless victim when BAM! An arrow to shoulder, and then another like, caught my ear. I lay on the floor with half an ear and a hole in my shoulder, I didn't cry, because I wanted to be the soldier I was portraying, but God, did it hurt.

2. I was walking to the local shop, after dark, 11pm-ish, yeah, it's called the 'Late Shop', when a shady man walked past and thrusted a knife into me, it was small, as is the scar, it didn't hurt at first, in fact I didn't feel it 'til I noticed the blood on my hand after feeling my wet shirt.

297 posts

when i was operated at my foot, awwww

3,675 posts

Well, lemme think for a second. There have been several. All of which are (according to my dulled memory) equally horrible.

-Hit by SUV going 35MPH as I was crossing the street. On foot.

-Jumping between furniture when I was young near a coffee table. One of those old ones that weighed a ton with all sorts of nice sharp edges. I fell once and crack my skull open. Then a month later I did it again, on the same spot as before.

-Oooh, I almost forgot about this one! Putting a cigarette out on the palm of my hand. Someone lied to me about something very serious, and I informed them that telling falsehoods to me was a very bad idea as I stared them in the eyes. Good times.

529 posts

okay so this just happend to me last night.
i was drawing at my friends house, and her older brother tried to take the drawing away from me but he had a spear in his hand for some reason, so i went to smack his hand but i smacked the spear and i pulled my hand out of the spear and it was bleading bad and I had a small hole in my hand... it was funny in a painfull way.. but its still really sore.

2,911 posts

When I was younger, I was swimming at a friends house and I was running to jump off the diving board and my right foot freaked out and I fell, foot scraped all along the diving board, fractured my ankle, and fell into the pool. Had I fallen any harder I wouldn't be able to say 'I've never broken a bone in my life before' anymore...and I quite like having a title such as that, just a fracture hurts real bad.

Then there was when I had gotten gingivitis. It had been a long time since I had been to the dentist and this was a year after I had fractured my ankle so I was still pretty young and didn't know fully how to brush my teeth (meaning I didn't know that the gums were included in the process, so I didn't really touch my gums while brushing for a very long time). I was lucky that I had gone when I did, because if I had gone any later, I think the dentist said I would have had to be operated on, but since it wasn't too late, I could get rid of it at home from just brushing my gums...much easier said than done. If you don't know what gingivitis is, look here. It is very painful to try and get rid of at home if it's bad enough. So after two weeks of incredible pain, it went away for the most part and my mouth was back to normal.

655 posts

Hmm well I have never broken a bone or anything really serious.. If this counts, having appendicitis was PURE pain and torture for me... having to drive 2 hours on a bumpy country road also doesn't help.
Or getting an IV in my arm.... my worst nightmare.... I can't even think about it without flinching... *shivers* I have a pretty low pain tolerance.

2,917 posts

I don't even remember. It must of not been very traumatic. Maybe getting an epic piggie from my dad. (He bends my nose upwards until it feels like my face will rip off.)

2 posts

When i fell off my bike and scraped a patch of skin the size of a toaster off my side. it hurt a lot.

1,564 posts

When I wooden bench fell on my toe after school. I went to the hospital whit my Dad and we waited from like 10pm to 7am while I was in a wheelchair since I could barely walk. When the doctor called me in he did a little x-ray, told Dad that my toe was fractured and we were merely on our way. I at least skipped school that day. That was when I lived in Canada (but maybe the Doctors where to busy that day).

God save me when I need to go to the hospital in Lebanon. People die on the hospital's sidewalk in Lebanon either because:
1) They don't have enough money to pay the fees.
2) The hospital is full.

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