According to science, black is not a colour. Light forms all colours and as black is the absence of light then it is also the absence of colour and therefore not a colour.
But to a designer or artists, black is a colour and is made from lots of different colours added together so in the same way it is the absence of colour and loads of colour at the same time.
Scientifically, black is not a color, but as the absence of light reflecting off the material's surface. In other words, black things absorb light, while all of the other colors reflect light, each at a different frequency/wavelength.
Artistically, black is merely the number 1 shade on the universal scale. In other words, the darkest any color can get.
By these terms, black is not a color. Only in lehmen terms is it a color.
phhft pitiful humans of course black is a color just barely on your spectrum in our spectum black is in the middle of color at the end of your color but then after that comes glowing version glowing black is a blacker than black black
You're thinking paint. In light, the mixture of all colors is called white.
In light the mixture of all colours is transparent and it cant be seen, it can be proven with the rainbow (reflection of the on the rain for example), but white is a colour and can be seen. So is black, not dark (the opposite of light in this case). Mix whatever colours you want in the end you will get "black" not "light". And no I'm not talking about paint, but you on the other hand are talking about "white in light (whatever that means)" , which you cant get whatever colours you mix ...