ForumsWEPRDutch governent bans burqa

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This article states that dutch government banned face veil.
I think this really sucks and is hypocritical.
What are ur thoughts?

  • 75 Replies
5,129 posts

if you give them a freedom of their religion, no one will be infuriated.

they are already free to do that.

what i discribet would actualy be like the holocaust where jews where transported to only a few places (and killed) and all the belonging they owned will be destroyed.

and your country actualy does place them all in a few spots.

just to compare:
netherlands has 453 mosque's. and The land area of the netherlands is about ââ33,883 square kilometers.

pakistan has 90 churches. and the land area of pakistan is about 803,940 square kilometers.
1,608 posts

if you give them a freedom of their religion, no one will be infuriated.

Isn't that what The (sarcasm)intolerant Netherlands has.
1,826 posts

pakistan have only 90 major churches as stated in wikipedia,
otherwise there is atleast one church in every city where there are christians.
Christians are not barred from building one.
did those masaajid were built by government?

1,826 posts

Isn't that what The (sarcasm)intolerant Netherlands has.

baning a vital part of ones religion,
eehh no,
1,608 posts

baning a vital part of ones religion,
eehh no,

If it is so vital then why do only (at least) 1 at a 100 woman wear them.... And doesn't matter what u say but most European countries are more tolerant then Saudi Arabia.
8,256 posts

Come to think of it... some provocative idiots managed to have minarets banned in my country, but there has been nothing about the burqa (yet). And why would we care? Burqas are not banned here and although I constantly see muslim women with covered head, I have yet to see a single burqa. How then, pray tell, can it be such a vital part of islam faith?

When you say it's such an important part, please be more precise. What part of islam really sees the burqa as so vital? What denomination, so-to-call, what group out of all those islamic groups, really wear it? You can't just generalize and say it's vital for all muslims, because this. simply. is. not. true.

1,826 posts

Come to think of it... some provocative idiots managed to have minarets banned in my country, but there has been nothing about the burqa (yet). And why would we care? Burqas are not banned here and although I constantly see muslim women with covered head, I have yet to see a single burqa. How then, pray tell, can it be such a vital part of islam faith?

When you say it's such an important part, please be more precise. What part of islam really sees the burqa as so vital? What denomination, so-to-call, what group out of all those islamic groups, really wear it? You can't just generalize and say it's vital for all muslims, because this. simply. is. not. true

burqa is not essential, covering your face and head is mandatory.
not mandatory
atleast that head part.
5,043 posts

Honestly, debating whether the burqa is an important part of muslim tradition is pointless. Even if it wasn't an important part of tradition, the law should still be opposed!

"It is very important that people in an open society meet each other in an open way," Minister of Interior Affairs Liesbeth Spies said after the cabinet meeting.

All hail the queen of social interaction! All hail the queen! God praise the queen! We need our highness to determine what social interactions are and are not acceptable! We need our lady to approve of our actions! All hail the queen of social interaction!
The Dutch Quen of Social Interaction! God praise her!

Something else I found interesting, according to Wikipedia, Liesbeth Spies is a part of a christian political group.

1. Who the hell is she to determine social values?
2. If the problem is actually about Muslims, then what is the problem and how is a burqa ban a solution?
5,043 posts

After looking at my post, I realize I have been very vague.

This law criminalizes people who wear burqas. The burqa doesn't harm anyone. It's nothing more than a way to punish people who haven't caused anyone harm. These women are being punished for making other people feel awkward and uncomfortable, and awkward and uncomfortable is not justification for passing a law.

Liesbeth Spies, the woman whom I quotes, supported the law. It's awfully funny that she believes she has the authority to determine what is and is not socially acceptable. Shouldn't it be up to the people to decide?

I also find it funny that Spies is a part of a christian political group. A Christian telling Muslims how they should act? Again, I honestly don't care if the burqa is tradition or not. Even if the burqa wasn't tradition, then the law would still be bogus.

1,608 posts

Yes but did you know that there are some good reasons why they ban the Burqa and I understand it, and I'm not a anti-muslim. Countries where the Burqa is commonly worn also have higher rates of domestic violence. In Afghanistan 87 percent of women reported experiencing domestic violence. In Pakistan that number goes as high as 90 percent. Domestic violence is also a major problem in Saudi Arabia.

Also I think the Burqa is bad for the integration of Muslim woman who wear a Burqa. Because they wear, or have to wear, them to hide in public places so that they have no/less contact with other people. In this way they won't come in touch with, in this case, the Dutch culture and therefore you have no integration.

And I also found this from the Internet.
" In 2003 a French survey found that 77 percent of girls who wore the Burqa did so because of threats. Women in the Muslim world have been punished by having acid thrown in their faces for not complying with similar demands. There is no way to break through this climate of coercion except by giving women and girls immunity from such demands by banning the source of it. The Burqa. "

5,043 posts

" In 2003 a French survey found that 77 percent of girls who wore the Burqa did so because of threats. Women in the Muslim world have been punished by having acid thrown in their faces for not complying with similar demands. There is no way to break through this climate of coercion except by giving women and girls immunity from such demands by banning the source of it. The Burqa. "

The burqa is not the CAUSE of domestic violence, it is the RESULT of domestic violence. If the problem is that women are being forced to wear the burqa, then the solution is not to outlaw the burqa, but to outlaw the act of forcing women to wear the burqa. This way, women who want to wear the burqa can continue doing so.

Also I think the Burqa is bad for the integration of Muslim woman who wear a Burqa. Because they wear, or have to wear, them to hide in public places so that they have no/less contact with other people. In this way they won't come in touch with, in this case, the Dutch culture and therefore you have no integration.

Sorry, but this isn't your call to make. It isn't the government's call to make. It's up to the women to decide if they want to wear the burqa or not and it's up to the women to decide how much they want to socialize with others.

Yes but did you know that there are some good reasons why they ban the Burqa and I understand it, and I'm not a anti-muslim. Countries where the Burqa is commonly worn also have higher rates of domestic violence. In Afghanistan 87 percent of women reported experiencing domestic violence. In Pakistan that number goes as high as 90 percent. Domestic violence is also a major problem in Saudi Arabia.

Countries where the burqa are commonly worn are also countries where women have few rights. The problem isn't the burqa, the problem are the laws and social norms!

If a woman does something because she was threatened, you don't ban the thing she was forced to do, you ban the act of coercion. If a woman was threatened into wearing a burqa, you don't ban the burqa. If a woman was threatened to make food for her husband, you don't ban cooking. If a woman was coerced into having sex, or was *****, you don't ban sex. You ban the act of coercion.
5,043 posts

Deputy Prime Minister Maxime Verhagen said the Cabinet agreed on plans to ban the head-to-toe Islamic gown along with other forms of face-covering clothing including ski masks. The legislation must still be approved by both houses of the Dutch Parliament, a process that could take months.

Read more:

If you live in the Netherlands, now is the time to buy a ski mask and protest for your freedoms.
9,504 posts

Ski masks? Why the he...What th...These stupid l....They shouldn't ban them for the wrong re.....How do ski masks re.....Why can't they ju.....Why can't they just leave people alone? They're going to have to ban the veiled clothing accessory nuns wear on their heads too, for the same concept. I wouldn't want the Islamic gown for reasons other than the religion itself, but dang....

5,043 posts

I actually looked up a few YouTube videos about burqa bans on YouTube. The comments are full of intolerance! I don't understand how ANYONE in their right mind can say "Christians can't walk around arab nations while wearing a cross around their necks, muslims should respect our culture by not wearing burqas." That is so bloody hypocritical!

4,689 posts

I actually looked up a few YouTube videos about burqa bans on YouTube. The comments are full of intolerance! I don't understand how ANYONE in their right mind can say "Christians can't walk around arab nations while wearing a cross around their necks, muslims should respect our culture by not wearing burqas." That is so bloody hypocritical!

Well it is Youtubers making the comments.

Seems like its western hypocrisy in action. Its okay for us to oppress but whoa dont you other nations go doing the same thing now.
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