ForumsThe TavernLeft-Handed

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Well, I'm left handed, and a bit ambidextrous. So I'm wondering who else is, and how things are different for you?

What I hate is if I'm writing in pen, then the side of my hand usually gets covered in ink.

  • 86 Replies
2,226 posts

Well, I'm not left-handed, but both of my thumbs are double jointed.

5,552 posts

I'm fully ambidextrous, but I'm better at writing with my right hand because notebooks and what not (and the way we write) is easiest right handed. If I write left handed I get graphite all over my hand and it takes me longer to form the letters because I don't do it nearly as much.

I always find it funny though for whenever people ask me what hand I use for a specific thing (fencing, holding a gun, etc) and I say I'm ambidextrous and they don't believe me. They then make me do one of those "hold your hands so they make a circle and move it closer to your eyes" thing.

Aside from writing however I use whatever hand is closest to what I'm doing.

3,386 posts

I'm fully ambidextrous, but I'm better at writing with my right hand because notebooks and what not (and the way we write) is easiest right handed. If I write left handed I get graphite all over my hand and it takes me longer to form the letters because I don't do it nearly as much.

Ambidextrous in the hiz-ouuuuuse!
This is pretty much the same for me.
My mom makes me use my right hand because apparently using your left hand is demonic or something. But when she isn't around I'll use whichever.
I don't have specifics when I'm playing sports, I bat right or left about the same. I don't like using a leftie glove, but I will if it's all I have.

I use my right arm/hand for most things, but if it gets tired I'll just switch to the left. Or whichever is easiest to use in the current situation.
5,552 posts

My mom makes me use my right hand

When I was in kindergarten I was driving my teacher nuts because I would write the left-hand side of the page with my left hand, and the right with my right, so I was changing the pencil from hand to hand once every line. She came up to me and said, "Pick a hand." I asked which hand most people used, she said right, and so that's how that happened.

Although I suppose the reason I started doing that in the first place was because I grip the pencil really tightly/write hard, which causes my hand to cramp after a bit. Took me a while to learn not to death-grip squeeze the pencil and to write less forcefully (using a mechanical pencil had a lot to do with that, press too hard and the graphite stick snaps)

apparently using your left hand is demonic or something.

I've never heard that before.

I don't have specifics when I'm playing sports, I bat right or left about the same.

People ask me which side I bat from and I honestly couldn't say. Turns out I just went with whatever side I walked up to home on. Which is on the right side of the base if you're looking towards the pitcher (Which is left handed, isn't it? I don't even know >.&lt

I use my right arm/hand for most things, but if it gets tired I'll just switch to the left. Or whichever is easiest to use in the current situation.

Pretty much what I do. Although I have noticed I tend to use my left hand for more delicate things. (Like playing operation or reaching into the oven to take something out)
3,386 posts

Took me a while to learn not to death-grip squeeze the pencil

I still do T_T it's just... so hard to NOT because if I don't, the pencil SOMEHOW falls out of my hand. -_-"

I've never heard that before.


If you are at home plate, looking at the pitcher, you should be on the left side of the plate from the umps view. If you are on the right side of the plate, you bat leftie. Weird, isn't it?
3,371 posts

I used to use my left hand. But then I got used to using my right. So I became ambidextorus. I use whatever hand is easiest. I'm usally multitasking with something so its pretty convenient.

5,340 posts

I'm fully ambidextrous

i got messed up unfortunately. almost the same thing happened to me in kindergarden i used to change my hands too and because of that left=mental problem thing they made me do things with my left hand. when my parents found out it was too late. the result? now i can only do certain things with my left hand and other certain things with my right. there was a time when i used to write with my left and draw with my right XD

example: i now write with left but when i play the nintendo ds with the pen i use my right hand.

i wish the kindergarden teachers would just leave me alone :/
5,845 posts

I wish I was ambidextrous or even left handed. Being right handed is boring.

585 posts

I like being a right-handed writer I never get ink or colour on my hand when I am writing or colouring.

3,337 posts

I'm completely left-handed and I've never been able to use my right hand to write unless I concentrate really really REALLY hard, and even then my writing turns squiggly and massive. The rest of my family are right-handed, including outside family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) so I'm the 'cack-handed' one!

Which means all the things we own are right-handed. I can't use our tin opener properly, I look like a right spazz holding it upside down or twisting my hands around to hold it. I never thought I'd find being left-handed a struggle but I can tell you it is when your familt don't support you :P

The only remarkable thing I can mention is that I taught myself right-handed guitar pretty well, mainly because I couldn't be done with the hassle of ordering tailored-for-lefties equipment.

5,552 posts


Can't believe I've never heard of this.

If you are at home plate, looking at the pitcher, you should be on the left side of the plate from the umps view. If you are on the right side of the plate, you bat leftie. Weird, isn't it?

Yeah that's always confused me. I mean, I thought it was considered left hand, but you're on the right side of the plate, with your right side facing the pitcher, how is that not right handed?

I'm completely left-handed and I've never been able to use my right hand to write unless I concentrate really really REALLY hard, and even then my writing turns squiggly and massive.

I can't understand this. I can try to imagine the feeling, but I've never felt it. No matter which hand I do something with I feel comfortable doing it.

I can't use our tin opener properly

Half of me is going, "Why don't you just hold it how it's supposed to be held" while the other half is going, "Be sympathetic!"
1,826 posts

I'm left handed but usually but I do power consuming things (like lifting weight or punching someone) with ight hand.

3,386 posts

Can't believe I've never heard of this.

Oh the joys of a crazy mother.
Yeah that's always confused me. I mean, I thought it was considered left hand, but you're on the right side of the plate, with your right side facing the pitcher, how is that not right handed?

That's because it's supposed to be from the pitchers POV, if you look from there it all makes sense. I believe it should be from the ump, simply because it makes sense and he's kinda in charge of most of the game.
Half of me is going, "Why don't you just hold it how it's supposed to be held" while the other half is going, "Be sympathetic!"

I'll choose be sympathetic. :P

Now here's one thing that Jess brought up. I can't play guitar as well with my left hand, but it's a close second. I've restrung my guitar to leftie, and when I first started playing it like that it was difficult. I figure if I keep playing with my left that both should be even. Though I'll probably pick being right handed, just because.
10 posts

I wish I could be ambidextrous! Seems like a neat thing to know how to do.. any tips on practicing to be one?

4,104 posts

I wish I could be ambidextrous! Seems like a neat thing to know how to do.. any tips on practicing to be one?

You don't practice to be one... It's genetic. You can, to some extent, become more coordinated with your left hand, and i'll assume you can practice by just doing stuff with your left hand.
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