ForumsThe TavernLeft-Handed

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Well, I'm left handed, and a bit ambidextrous. So I'm wondering who else is, and how things are different for you?

What I hate is if I'm writing in pen, then the side of my hand usually gets covered in ink.

  • 86 Replies
311 posts

any tips on practicing to be one?

Basically do EVERYTHING with you non-dominant hand. For example writing, picking things up, sports, etc . . .
3,386 posts

You don't practice to be one... It's genetic.

You actually can practice it. There are people who learned to do most things just as well with their left hand as they can their right, even if they were right-dominant.

Basically do EVERYTHING with you non-dominant hand. For example writing, picking things up, sports, etc . . .

This is what my friend did, now he is sort of efficient with both. So, it does work, but only if you REALLY want to be ambidextrous.
5,552 posts

You don't practice to be one... It's genetic

You can train yourself to be ambidextrous individually with things. Like if you practice it. But even if you practice batting left handed, that won't make you write better left handed, or more comfortable doing things with your left hand.

You know you're ambidextrous when you find yourself using both hands/legs to do things unconciously. If you're not, you almost always do it with your dominant side. Just watch people. If they're right handed, 99% of the time they'll reach for something with their right hand, even if it's currently to their left. Of course they'll turn to the left, but someone who's ambidextrous would have just grabbed it with their left hand w/o even thinking about it, because to them that's the most comfortable/convenient way.
5,340 posts

I'm completely left-handed and I've never been able to use my right hand to write unless I concentrate really really REALLY hard, and even then my writing turns squiggly and massive. The rest of my family are right-handed, including outside family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) so I'm the 'cack-handed' one!

i forgot about that. im also the only left handed/ambidextrous person in my family (except fro my grandfather but that doesnt count since he CANT use his right hand anymore)

Which means all the things we own are right-handed. I can't use our tin opener properly, I look like a right spazz holding it upside down or twisting my hands around to hold it. I never thought I'd find being left-handed a struggle but I can tell you it is when your familt don't support you :P

The only remarkable thing I can mention is that I taught myself right-handed guitar pretty well, mainly because I couldn't be done with the hassle of ordering tailored-for-lefties equipment.

unfortunately most equipments are designed for right handed people :/ its kind of annoying. espacially with instruments (for me it was never a problem because when it comes to instruments my right hand is better, another messed up part of me XD)
5,552 posts

For example, I use my right hand for a computer mouse,

I switch depending on what I'm doing. For example a flash game where you use the mouse and arrow keys I have my mouse on the left side of the keyboard.

As for the laptop part, I use my left hand for the touch pad. Dunno why, since it's in the middle.
5,340 posts

But, if you also mean my dominant hand for other things beside writing, then I don't know. For example, I use my right hand for a computer mouse, simply because the mouse has been always on the right-hand side of me, and it'd be awkward to reach my left hand across my body. Although, I believe, if I ever use a laptop, I use my left hand to move the cursor. Or both hands, I can't clearly recall.

exactly what i said. some things are just designed for right handed people and the rest have to get used to it. even if the mouse was on the left side most people would still use their right hand because the part of the mouse that is clicked the most (left side) is supposed to be clicked with the strngest finger (the 2nd one) but if youd use your left hand youd have to use your 3rd finger to click the left side of the mouse.

i AM pretty sure that left handed mice (is that really the word? XD) exist but i think most of us already got used to the normal mouse.
4,104 posts

You actually can practice it. There are people who learned to do most things just as well with their left hand as they can their right, even if they were right-dominant.

You can train yourself to be ambidextrous individually with things. Like if you practice it. But even if you practice batting left handed, that won't make you write better left handed, or more comfortable doing things with your left hand.

I did say this in the part of my post neither of you quoted, but anyways, there's more to being left handed or ambidextrous then just using different hands. The reason you only use one hand is because your brain wants to avoid sending information between hemispheres, so this results in ambidextrous people, who's brains communicate between both hemispheres, on average score lower on IQ tests. Left handed people also have a high chance of using both hemispheres. Then you can also benefit from using both hemispheres, because your brain forms more connections resulting in more creative ideas or possibly better memory.

Video on this
3,371 posts

My problem is that I used to be left handed but I started writing with my right hand. So now I right like a lefty with my right hand. And so I get graphite on my hand anyway.

10 posts

[quoteAnd my dominant kicking foot in soccer is my right. Apparently, with most people, on whichever side their dominant writing hand is, their dominant foot will be on that side as well. I am absolutely horrible with my left foot. Aiming is impossible, and I can't put much 'oof' into kicks.

I agree. Since i'm right handed, i'm also right footed, making kicking soccer balls with my left a tricky thing to do. Over repetitive kicking with my left, I have been able to get somewhat skilled at it, but that was a while ago, so i'm not sure how well my left kicks are anymore.

3,386 posts

And my dominant kicking foot in soccer is my right. Apparently, with most people, on whichever side their dominant writing hand is, their dominant foot will be on that side as well. I am absolutely horrible with my left foot. Aiming is impossible, and I can't put much 'oof' into kicks.

It's not hard for me to use either, and I don't really have a foot that gives more power than the other.
If you play soccer with your left foot everyday, I'm pretty positive you'll get better at it :P
5,552 posts

And, since you mentioned arrow keys.... I guess I'm right-handed with the keyboard as well, because I find it easier to use the arrow keys than WASD, especially for executing tricky maneuvers in a flash game.

I prefer WASD because there's more controls around them. really the only controls you can add near the arrow keys are shift, space, and control, along with ./, other than those, everything is too far. While you have like 5x as many keys around wasd with numbers/letters tab/control + shift functions.

their dominant foot will be on that side as well.

When I play soccer I control the ball with my left foot and kick it with my right.
9,438 posts

I'm a lefty. When gaming, I use a crossover technique: mouse to the right, in front of keyboard by numpad, controlled by left hand; right arm on top of left arm, right hand on wasd. Or right hand on space/other keys, left on arrows depending on the game.

5,552 posts

I use a crossover technique:

Wut. I think it'd be simpler to just turn the keyboard around.
3,766 posts

Wut. I think it'd be simpler to just turn the keyboard around.

You cannot really do that if you have a laptop though.

I am right handed. I don't do much with my left hand. I have tried writing with it before and it sucked.
5,552 posts

I right hands. It help me a lot. But left hands, I think it stronger than right hands. I saw some people are have a good talent by left hands. Like they either good at sports or something else could be sing,..

I couldn't really understand what you were saying here...You are right handed and it helps you, and you think right handed people are stronger? But you think left handed people are more talented in sports or singing?
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