you just dont get it. the problme is that the rich get richer, adn the poor poorer.
I AM THE 99% THE RICH GET RICHER, THE POOR GET POO... hold on man, I'll play Call of Duty with you on my new computer later, I'm busy talking about how poor I am. THE RICH ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF US! THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEIR CUST... *iphone rings* Hello. OH, hey! I haven't talked to you in forever! Sorry I haven't answered my phone, the battery died. Luckily my phone provider let me upgrade to this iPhone for a pretty awesome price! This thing does EVERYTHING. Anyway, I have to protest against the capitalists.
Where was I? WE ARE THE 99%, AND WE'RE TIRED OF THE RICH GETTING TAX BREAKS. What do you mean nearly 60% of the nation doesn't pay taxes, and the top 10% pay 70% of our taxes? Well, they aren't paying enough!
I'm tired of working for less money than my boss! I'm the one doing all the work, I SHOULD BE THE ONE GETTING PAI-, sir, I'm busy... sir... listen, I would love to invest some of my money into your company but I don't like to take those kinds of risks. I can't afford to spend my money helping someone open a business, higher a staff, then hope that everything works out. That's just way too risky for me, now let me get back to spreading the word on how capitalism is evil. *clears throat* WHY SHOULD MY BOSS MAKE MORE MONEY THAN ME?! JUST BECAUSE HE TOOK A RISK BY INVESTING HIS OWN MONEY INTO THE BUSINESS AND PUT IT ALL ON THE LINE DOESN'T MEAN HE DESERVES MORE MONEY THAN I DO.
the ones who dont want free medical treatment to everyone
I'm sick. I demand you give me some of your money or I get some men to put you in a cell. You give me your money, I use it to pay for my health care. Was the healthcare free? For me, it was, for you, it wasn't. Please don't use the word free when it's clearly isn't free.
National health care might be free for you, but it IS NOT FREE. The police service? It's not free either. All of these things are payed for through taxes. The people on wall street really don't have anything to do with national health care, some of them oppose it and some of them would profit from Obama's health care plan that would FORCE US TO BUY HEALTH INSURANCE AND IMPRISON US IF WE DON'T.
For something to be free, there must NOT be coercion. If healthcare is free for you because someone else was FORCED to pay for it, then that is NOT freedom. The freedom to obtain something does not count as freedom when someone else is forced to pay for it.
the one who dont want completly free education, because they will not get prophits. this is the problme.
Education costs money. For education to be TRULY free, then education centers, or schools, must operate for free. This means the books must be free. For the books to be free, the people who printed the books would have to create the books without getting paid. The people who created the ink for the books, would in turn, not get paid as well as the people who chopped the trees to create the paper. If the people who chopped down the trees aren't getting paid, then they can't afford to pay for the machines they are running. All of these people need paid. When the government pays for these goods and services, they must tax the people. When the government taxes the people, then the people lose less spending power, in which case other people don't get paid. If I am taxed 1,000 dollar, then I will be unable to buy the xbox I wanted, or the new dress for my girlfriend, or all the books I wanted to buy, or travel to see family members in another state.
Please, explain to me, how is education supposed to be free? Oh, don't forget how ****ing bull**** free college is! Free college allows more people to get degrees. The high paying jobs are overflowed with people with degrees, forcing these people to work for jobs unrelated to their degrees, often jobs that are low pay. This makes it harder for people withotu a college degree to find a job because all the people who wasted 4 years has a job that shouldn't require an education. I'm not against college, nor am I against education, but when you try to make college education free, all you end up doing is making people work harder just to get a job! If college costs money, less people will go to college, meaning less people will have degrees. This means there will be more jobs open for people without college degrees, allowing people to find jobs right out of high school. The number of jobs don't necisarily increase, but most of the people working didn't have to waste 4 years in college. This also reduces the number of students who go to college for free. Students who have to pay for their education tend to be more responsible, therefore they're less likely to goof off in class. Free education allows people who won't commit to their studies to take up space, forcing people to wait for certain classes, or forcing these people to take other classes they didn't want to take. There's nothing worse than going to a class where most of the students don't want to learn, an education that costs money reduces the number of these students greatly.
thanks to peopels like you, the republicans are strong, when all they want is to get everyone back to be good christians in ther cutton farms, making more money on the back of the weak and the poor.
Slavery - forcing people to work for you. If they don't work for you, you punish them. If someone wants to work for another person, they aren't allowed to because they are the slave owner's property.
In the market, you are not a slave. You decide who you want to work for, and if you aren't happy, you can quit. You AGREE to work for these people. If it's so easy to open up a job, have people work for you, then rake in all the cash without lifting a finger, then why don't you start up your own business? It's not that easy. Businesses cost money and there's a lot of risk when it comes to starting a business. When you start a business, you put your life savings on the line. When you hire workers and your business fails, YOU'RE the one who loses all the money. YOU'RE the one who goes into debt. The workers, on the other hand, do not lost money, and they do not go into debt. They leave the job, able to find a new one. The person who starts a business is the one who puts his money on the line, he has the most to lose, therefore he should have the most to gain.
im with them with all my heart, as well the ones in Barcelona, Paris, tel-aviv, jerusalem and anywher else.
You're with them because they're anti-capitalism. That's the only similarity you have with them. You have nothing else in common with them because the occupy movement is completely undecided on what they want. The only thing they can agree with is "capitalism is evil".
Understand that businesses should NOT be able to persuade the government to pass unfair laws. But you NEED TO NEED TO NEED TO understand that this is NOT capitalism. Capitalism revolves around the FREE market. When a corporation bribes a politician to force smaller businesses to go through expensive procedures that put them out of business, or convinces the government to force the people to buy their product, then this is an act of CORPORATISM - NOT CAPITALISM. Capitalism and corporatism are NOT the same.
i want my power back!
You want your power back, so that you can tell the government that you want them to pay for your healthcare, forcing others to pay for healthcare they may not want to buy. You want power for yourself, but those who disagree with you motives, you do not care about their power. I don't want to pay taxes for national healthcare, but you won't stand up for my power to not pay for national healthcare, because it conflicts with your own want for power.
OP did misrepresent the occupy movement. There are quite a few protests where nothing bad has happened. However, the occupy movement is full of people who do not understand the solution to the problems.
Almost everyone can agree that corporations shouldn't have the power to bribe government, but the solution isn't to give the government more poewr, but less, because more government power is STILL CORRUPTIBLE. Small government is less corruptible. A government should always have the power to protect people's rights, as in, things the people are allowed to do (not entitled to have), but the government should NOT have the power to force businesses and people to cater to big business and unfair regulations that harm businesses and people.