Crusaders of the Lost Idols - Beginner's Guide

Crusaders of the Lost Idols - Beginner's Guide

Starting a new game can often come with a few learning curves or hurdles to overcome. Our hope is to compile a collection of useful links, guides and documentation to make your first experience with the game a pleasant one.

Useful Links

Official Wikia– A collection of basic terminology and starting information

The Idol Times – An email news letter that provides redeemable codes and promotional information

First Reset – GameSkinny goes into greater detail how to reach your first in-game reset

Fantamondi – A fan-made collective of general tips and tricks

Challenge Info Doc – A handy google doc detailing necessary DPS and potential team compositions for challenge-mode levels

Video Guides

Video Guides provided by YOGSCAST’s Lewis & Simon and Sjin.

Lewis & Simon’s first impressions

Sjin takes a deeper dive with a Let’s Play

Is there anything this resource missed? Are there other important details to know when starting off? Leave a comment below, or feel free to reach out to us directly with any and all other necessary details we may have left out.

More details about Crusaders of the Lost Idols on Codename Entertainment’s website here and feel free to follow Armor Games on Twitter and Facebook for future updates on our site and upcoming titles.