Mighty Party - Beginner's Guide

We have compiled a series of useful documents and videos that should allow beginners to go into their first battle without a hitch.
Useful Links
Fight Grid – Detailed look into the stage where combat takes place.
Squad Layout – List of characters, their abilities and available cosmetics.
Hero Classification – Outline of hero classifications, such-as Race, Type, or Rarity.
Main Skills – A light-dive into the skills and abilities seen across all cards.
Events – In-depth look at the limited-time events that regularly occur over the year
Video Guides
Video Guides provided by Youtuber Mitch Comer.
Tips, Strategies and Answers for beginning players.
Advanced Guide for players looking to evolve their game-play.
Is there anything this resource is missing? Are there other tips and tricks that are important to know when starting off? Leave a comment below, or feel free to reach out to us directly with any and all other necessary details we left out.
Check out more of Mitch Comer’s content over on his Youtube Channel, more details about Mighty Party on the wiki here and feel free to follow Armor Games on Twitter and Facebook for updates on our future titles.