ForumsArt, Music, and WritingASC Round #32: Favorite ASC Round (Ends July 3rd)

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Welcome to the Art Skills Competition 2014/2015, or "ASC" for short. It is a contest to gather willing artists from the forums to compete in a friendly test of their skills and reward the best of their work each round.

Rounds will take place each month, the last day of the month will be the final cutoff for any entries. The judging will take place the first week of the following month.

Competition Guidelines :

1. The entry must be 100% original material.
2. Each round lasts for a month; closing date is at the end of that month.
3. Submissions should be relevant to the current month's theme. (See thread's title)
4. Keep posts resolutions within reason and if you must have a larger resolution, link it to the entry.
5. Entries can be created in any medium, please note that it will be appreciated if hand drawn entries are cropped to contain only the intended work.
6. Winners will be announced by the judge of the competition at the end of each round; the results are final and non-debatable.
7. The winner of a round will have the right to choose the next theme; if this takes too long, the judge will choose one instead.
8. All participants of each round will receive a Merit for their hard work; the winner of each round will receive the Armor Games "Artist Quest"!


Rounds held thus far :

Round #1 : Knight (2014 Page 1) - Winner @kegaumongo
Round #2 : Fantasy (2014 Page 4) - Winner @weirdlike
Round #3 : Smileys (2014 Page 7) - Winner @MrDayCee
Round #4 : Horror (2014 Page 10) - Winner @AHomoSapien
Round #5 : Wild Animals (2014 Page 15) - Winner @SirLegendary
Round #6 : Superheroes (2014 Page 16) - Winner @Alexistigerspice
Round #7 : Birds (2015 Page 21) - Winner @kegaumongo
Round #8 : Alone in the Dark (2015 Page 24) - Winner @Cenere
Round #9 : Through the Fire (2015 Page 26) - Winner @kegaumongo
Round #10 : Blue (2015 Page 30) - Winner @StormWalker
Round #11 : Robots (2015 Page 34) - Winner @weirdlike
Round #12 : 3D Glasses (2015 Page 40) - Winner @Cenere
Round #13 : Self Portrait (2015 Page 44) - Winner @StormWalker
Round #14 : Dragons (2015 Page 47) - Winner @huwbert2013
Round #15 : Demons, Green Mouse (2015 Page 51) - Winner @FishPreferred & @kegaumongo
Round #16 : Crystal, The night (2015 Page 53) - Winner @Koshionos
Round #17 : Extraterrestrial Life, Coffee (2015 Page 53) - Winner @Cenere
Round #18 : Cats or catman, Rocking horse (2016 Page 55) - Winner @Shoeminor
Round #19 : Aether, Balloons (2016 Page 55) - Winner @Reton8
Round #20 : opposition, science (2016 Page 55) - Winner @akshobhya
Round #21 : Summer (2016 Page 38) - Winner @Laspa
Round #22 : Flowers (2016 Page 39) - Winner @ivanxxxxxxx
Round #23 : Ninja Horse (2016 Page 40) - Winner @SirLegendary
Round #24 : Space Alien (2016 Page 41) - Winner @Huwbert2013
Round #25 : Video Games (2016 Page 43) - Winner @Miraidematro
Round #26 : Music (2016 Page 45) - Winner @SirLegendary
Round #27 : Masks (2016 Page 47) - Winner @Gaboloth
Round #28 : Winter (2017 Page 48) - Winner @ivanxxxxxxx
Round #29 : Dead Nature (2017 Page 49) - Winner @Laspa
Round #30 : Women (2017 Page 49) - Winner @ivanxxxxxxx
Round #31 : Dead Nature 2 (2017 Page 50) - Winner @ivanxxxxxxx and @HahiHa

Starting theme...

Round 1: Knight
This months theme will be dedicated to creating a knight representing that of Armor Games, it is a non official character to try and stir the imaginations of artists and viewers. The artist should endeavor to embody Armor Games in a Knightly character.

Goodluck and have fun

  • 748 Replies
13,657 posts

Okay, with the judging up and everything, I might as well do the big "Cen answers/comments on stuff"-thing.
Working backwards in the thread:

Those who use 3d modelling in the next round will receive extra kudos towards the winners slot. I think that this should even the playing field a bit given the return of Cenere, Zophia, and Strop are discouraging a few folks

With themes like robots (and glasses?), I don't think I at least do much harm to the spirit of the competition.
Speaking of:

I know that I am missing something in the phrase, though given that it seems to be more of a ghost than a machine to me that throws it way into left field. Perhaps I would understand it better if I read the book but sadly I have not.

It was a bit far fetched, I am well aware. The monster in question is, and this is, btw, a spoiler to the book, so if someone wants to read the book-series and not get spoiled, skip to the next paragraph, technically more metabionic, or metaphysical, than neither ghost nor machine. However, the protagonist does keep wondering about them through the book, because they don't seem natural. He keeps having the word 'machine' pop into his head, which was what I latched onto.

Speaking of the theme itself, I don't think I have ever had as much trouble trying to get a proper picture done for a theme, and the above is merely the best result of what is probably close to seven or eight attempts at various compositions, ideas and styles.
It is probably clear that machines and I are not in fact good friends.
Other attempts include the likes of this, this and this.

But seriously I cannot give the prize to you everytime, even though I am compelled to say its probably some of the best refined submissions on this thread. I try to be unbiased and determine what best fits the theme.

I both respect the decision, and agree with its importance.
Honestly, I kinda stopped entering the art contests here for the sake of winning a long time ago. I am interested in the comments (and praise, even if I am bad at accepting it), critiques and sharing some of my brain children with people.
My major annoyance point in previous contests has been a lack of - respect when it comes to either subject matter, or how well something fits the theme. I still remember the 'night' theme in one contest, where the sole commentary on my entry (note, as far as I remember, it was a long time ago!!), was that the only reason it could fit the theme, was because I had made it nighttime in the picture...
Ahem. Either way, I trust your decision as a judge to be fair, and pick the one you believe fits the theme best, or who has the best idea, or who did something better or what not, so no complaints from me.

Ah, i am just very bad with mouse. I just want to control the pen with my hand. Not with a mouse. You can't just make those little details just with a mouse xD

Man, the pictures I drew with a mouse back in the day...

I don't like his new face...

The old version is about a page or two before the new version, as they have different urls.
While saying nothing of my own opinion on the matter, I will say the new version fits my original idea better.

Okay, long post short... I can't draw robots.
And while I can draw glasses, of both the eye- and the drinking- variety, 3d is definitely not my cup of tea.
Whether I will be entering will be seen, I guess, but otherwise I just want to say, that the last round's entries were all either interesting, very thoughtful, creative, good, or all of the above, and I think everyone (perhaps besides Zophia, who also went a bit unconventional) did a better job at robotics than I.
So great job everyone!

Rant out/

716 posts

I do not understand why it seems he is melting.

He does not understand either by the looks of it. I wanted something to happen in the picture, and I could not position his feet very well, so that was the best combination of those two things I could think of.
14,745 posts

@Hectichermit Just for my personal understanding of what you mean... do you think I used a pre-fixed image as a background (maybe from someone else?) , or is it the fact that it is a repetitive iron block wall entirely? Because I did make it myself and yes, I copy/pasted the blocks to form a wall. I only changed the colors of the blocks for the background to have some depth contrary to the foreground he's standing on.

The image by itself and what it's showing has an ever bigger story to it to be completely honest, but that's not of any relevance here...

1,828 posts

The latter, the repeating background made from a single block, it just takes away from the subject. I would also suggest learning about the Rule of Thirds when composing something you want to position it based on a division of 3, Balancing whitespace and such

Its mostly an idea from photography but I find it useful in drawing

239 posts

Am I too early?

239 posts

Yeah I know the lenses in the shadow are upside down, I did it quick and can't be bothered changing it now!!!!

8,231 posts

I don't think the actual theme is 3D yet, I think HecticHermit was just pointing something out...if it IS 3D, I'll probably pass on it as well.

I would call this a quick sketch at best, the lack of consistancy in the main subject and the sparse level of detail would make it seem like something that was done quickly.

In fact, I put in a lot of effort to try and go for a more flowing quality. It took me at least an hour to achieve that effect, but I forgot that the contest winners usually are more detail-oriented. I'll keep that in mind for the next round.
1,828 posts

Weirdlike said it was

3d Glasses, like 3d movie glasses. :P, I was suggesting the use of 3D to see challenge people

The Date is July 3rd for it to be submitted

3,174 posts

3D? Hmm... GLASSES!

Are glasses the actual theme or was it just a pun, like 3-d glasses?

1,299 posts

Yes and yes.

14,745 posts

I won't change the thread title untill this is settled...

1,828 posts

Its 3d glasses lol, I got a better theme though


:P because weird wanted to make it weird lol

14,745 posts

If @weirdlike agrees on that theme, I'll change it to that @Hectichermit!

Call me out in here to let me know if you're allright with it weirdlike, ok?

1,299 posts

@MrDayCee , @Hectichermit

I chose "glasses" which is open to interpretation, yes it was sparked due to the notion of "3D" (which is not going to happen for me :P) so I tried to keep it simple, draw 3-dimensional glasses or draw... 3D glasses.

I don't think changing it to be more specific would be fair to @huwbert2013 who already submitted a piece, and possibly others who might have started already and just haven't posted yet.

14,745 posts

Allright then @weirdlike, 3D Glasses it is!

Thread title is changed, but... what deadline @Hectichermit?

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