ForumsThe TavernLife

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2,261 posts

Here, in life, we all have our own story. Life is full of twists and turns. It is full of surprises. It has its ups and its downs. Usually more downs than ups. But, no matter what, life goes on. One of the things about life is that it's so bad, that it can't gets worse. So this thread will be about your life story, what has happened in your life so far, and what you want to share.

Me? you ask. Nothing exciting has happened to me in life, so far.

So, what are your thoughts?

  • 82 Replies
5,952 posts

ok this is my life
i was born and i some how ended up here
no not life story is too long and cofusing to put here

599 posts

my life is lame nothing exiting basicly I was born and thats it

1,564 posts

I'm not found of telling random people on the Internet my life story, but I will give you some info.
Was born in Lebanon, left lebanon, lived in Canada for 6 years, came back to Lebanon this year.

800 posts

Wow you guys have interesting lives. For me I'll just jot down everything that has happened since January 1st, 2011. I'll just make timeline from the most interesting things that happened to me in that month.

January 15th - My cat masters the basics of navigation in Fallout 3(yes my cat plays Fallout 3, go ahead and ask me how).

February 13th - I become forty-five minutes late for a date and end up sleeping in the middle of a movie.

March 4th-15th - I go to Rome to go to my aunt's funeral.

April 4th - After a month I go back on Armor Games.

Near Future...

April 18th or 19th - Gonna get Portal 2(and I don't care if I have to wait in a line)

So there's a timeline of the interesting things I've done since January.

452 posts

My life is awesome me off... and makes me horny at the same time.

2,027 posts

I'll have to disagree with you. Life doesn't necessarily have more downs than ups. I think life's great. Not much has happened in my life either. I just relax. I sleep a lot, play computer games and watch TV the rest of my spare time. Really not much to say. Not that I mind. I'm not a very ambitious person, I don't need to feel like I have a purpose or anything. I don't have any goals I hope to achieve. I just relax, have fun, and sleep a lot, and that's good enough for me. I like to sleep.

452 posts

I don't need to feel like I have a purpose or anything

Same here I'm just 'a guy' who is kind of cool and kind of popular.
2,261 posts

I'll have to disagree with you. Life doesn't necessarily have more downs than ups. I think life's great. Not much has happened in my life either

Yeah. I guess it varies from person to person, and what your outlook on life is.

I guess you have a more positive outlook than I do.
4,104 posts

Feburary 6th 1996 - I was born

September 7th 2001 - my final sibling was born

1999-2003 - I go to my first school

2004 - my grandmother dies of cancer

2005-2010 - all of my great grandparents die from old age

2004-2008 - I am home schooled

January 2009 - I broke my first bone(s) (it was both my wrists)

2009-2010 - I go to my second school

2011 - I go to highschool

10:48 April 14th 2011 - I make this post.

26,677 posts

Broke leg, run over, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, run over, death , death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, death, kicked out of school, death, completely torn ankle ligaments.

9,462 posts

I had an 80% chance of being still born or severely deformed, I got away with just a stroke.

Had my first girlfriend as it would be by age 5.

Got picked on all threw school and had to learn to fight back.
had a second stroke at age 11 and was diagnosed with epilepsy. My parents separate.

Age 12 Epilepsy seems to go away and am diagnosed with bronchial asthma, diagnosed with allergies to dust. Have to get shots to control allergies once a week. My speech therapy teacher was murdered by her husband.

A neighbor of ours dies and I go to his funeral and see a dead body for the first time (open casket).

Nearly kill a bully in school. Begin to become far more reclusive and start falling into depression.

Go to high school, depression becomes to great get home schooled.

Take medication for depression re-enter a new high school. Made some friends.

Stop taking anti-depressants due to side effects (still felt depressed but no so much. Lost all the friends I made threw them moving away/graduating. Made a new friend determined to &quotull me out of my shell". Also determined to get me hooked up with someone. Met my high school girlfriend. Her mother hated me before she met me and my gf was diagnosed with cancer.

Relationship becomes sort of on and off mostly from the cancer and the fact her mom hates me. My best friend meets a girl for himself and we all become good friends.

I get my first kiss from a girl. Finally decide to just remain good friends with my gf despite still loving her, until she can get out of the situation she is in and can find her own place to live, which she plans to as soon as she is well enough. No treatment works. One last treatment is tried, if it doesn't work my gf will move to Illinois to be with the rest of her family while waiting to die. The treatment fails. I see my gf for the last time, I never get the chance to kiss her goodbye. Several months before graduation she dies. I graduate high school.

I try to go threw College but have several problems. I'm diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and that along with the nerve damage from the strokes I had earlier in life get on disability. (I hate it)

My best friend over the years becomes more and more paranoid and verbally abusive.

My house runs into a severe mold problem, my mom goes off for intensive counseling due to an abusive boyfriend.

My mom get's back in time for Christmas breaks her ankle and dies a month later. my best friend breaks up with his gf and simultaneously disassociates himself with me. (because I was also her friend as well) my best friends ex is the only friend I have left at the time and it being shortly after my moms death.

She asks me out on a date I accept but under the condition that we remain friends if things don't work out. Her ex (my former best friend), contacts her a month or so later wanting to get back together with her. She refuses and states we would all like to become friends again. I do side work for my uncle.

My grandfather dies.

My father dies. I identify myself as an atheist and really begin letting go of metaphysical ideas.

I start my online store.

My gf's ex finally decided to meet up with us again. It's a nice reunion, but despite being told numerous times that she is already dating someone (not telling him it's me given his behavior last we met) and that she just wants to be friends nothing more, e still thinks he has a second chance with her dating wise. a day later he asks me if me and her were dating. I tell him the truth and he wants nothing more to do with either of us.

Tonight I write a post that is way longer then I intended it to be.

3,523 posts

I had an 80% chance of being still born or severely deformed, I got away with just a stroke.

Had my first girlfriend as it would be by age 5.

Got picked on all threw school and had to learn to fight back.
had a second stroke at age 11 and was diagnosed with epilepsy. My parents separate.

Age 12 Epilepsy seems to go away and am diagnosed with bronchial asthma, diagnosed with allergies to dust. Have to get shots to control allergies once a week. My speech therapy teacher was murdered by her husband.

A neighbor of ours dies and I go to his funeral and see a dead body for the first time (open casket).

Nearly kill a bully in school. Begin to become far more reclusive and start falling into depression.

Go to high school, depression becomes to great get home schooled.

Take medication for depression re-enter a new high school. Made some friends.

Stop taking anti-depressants due to side effects (still felt depressed but no so much. Lost all the friends I made threw them moving away/graduating. Made a new friend determined to &quotull me out of my shell". Also determined to get me hooked up with someone. Met my high school girlfriend. Her mother hated me before she met me and my gf was diagnosed with cancer.

Relationship becomes sort of on and off mostly from the cancer and the fact her mom hates me. My best friend meets a girl for himself and we all become good friends.

I get my first kiss from a girl. Finally decide to just remain good friends with my gf despite still loving her, until she can get out of the situation she is in and can find her own place to live, which she plans to as soon as she is well enough. No treatment works. One last treatment is tried, if it doesn't work my gf will move to Illinois to be with the rest of her family while waiting to die. The treatment fails. I see my gf for the last time, I never get the chance to kiss her goodbye. Several months before graduation she dies. I graduate high school.

I try to go threw College but have several problems. I'm diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and that along with the nerve damage from the strokes I had earlier in life get on disability. (I hate it)

My best friend over the years becomes more and more paranoid and verbally abusive.

My house runs into a severe mold problem, my mom goes off for intensive counseling due to an abusive boyfriend.

My mom get's back in time for Christmas breaks her ankle and dies a month later. my best friend breaks up with his gf and simultaneously disassociates himself with me. (because I was also her friend as well) my best friends ex is the only friend I have left at the time and it being shortly after my moms death.

She asks me out on a date I accept but under the condition that we remain friends if things don't work out. Her ex (my former best friend), contacts her a month or so later wanting to get back together with her. She refuses and states we would all like to become friends again. I do side work for my uncle.

My grandfather dies.

My father dies. I identify myself as an atheist and really begin letting go of metaphysical ideas.

I start my online store.

My gf's ex finally decided to meet up with us again. It's a nice reunion, but despite being told numerous times that she is already dating someone (not telling him it's me given his behavior last we met) and that she just wants to be friends nothing more, e still thinks he has a second chance with her dating wise. a day later he asks me if me and her were dating. I tell him the truth and he wants nothing more to do with either of us.

Tonight I write a post that is way longer then I intended it to be.

That was depressing. Really depressing.

My life has been fairly good. I would write more but I have to go so here:

I have moved around a lot, born in Israel went to Canada, lived in a few different states in the USA, now back in Canada after around 4-5 years.
295 posts

@MageGrayWolf, I feel for you man, I feel we are similar in certain senses. Like being bullied and depression + social anxiety. Anyways here is my story.

Let me start off by saying I have repressed memories so I only remember bits and pieces before 10 years old. Firstly, I was born addicted to crack. I am living with my father who is in the Navy so we move around a lot. Everything is going great but then we move back to cali because he gets back together with my birth mom. Life is perfect but it gets confusing because every night my parents were having sex with other people like I was not there. My dad would go out to sea and my mom had a new man every night having sex in the living room like we were not even there. On top of all this confusion because I don't know what a relation ship really means I go to a school that is very "ghetto" I was probably the only white kid besides my other friend and I get beat up daily and eat dirt. I also get beat up for being smarter than everyone else and not fitting in. We finally move and I leave that hell. Parents are still cheating and my mom is drunk daily. She gets so drunk she would tell me how I was an accident how she hates having to spend money on me and occasionally molesting me. My parents divorce and by this time I want to kill myself and I am only in 7th grade. I have not developed my anxiety yet but I hide my depression well besides my outrageous outbursts of hitting myself and screaming and running away feeling useless. High school comes around and I start getting bullied again for being different( I like to say being myself/ not fake) But it starts happening so often that I start sticking up for myself and they usually stop. But I get in my first fight and black out and hurt the kid really badly (2 black eyes a busted lip that needed stitches) All i remember is swinging and then getting arrested. I get kicked out of school nearly charged with battery, and ever since I enter a shell were I cant look up form the ground or talk to anyone, my anxiety/depression gets so bad I often cry for no apparent reason in my class which gets me beat up + more fights toilet dunkings etc... I then find out that my dad is not my real dad and that my real dad is a crack head no where to be found and I would have been abandoned had it not been for my father in the navy that raised me. My dad is moving to Texas now with a step mom that i absolutely hate. So I make the bad decision to stay in cali and live with my alcoholic mother. Every single day I have to deal with her drunk as hell so I am rarely home. When I am home I would go to my room and escape with world of warcraft. Anyways, she was beat often and battling mouth cancer loosing half her teeth. Then one day her husband decides to take his anger out on me. So I got out of there. I was living at friends houses and got deep into drugs, which is a scary thing because.... It's hard to explain but addiction to these things is a really scary thing. I cant even begin to explain it. Eventually my friends all start hating me because I am just so weird and I don't talk. They end up beating me up just so I will stop coming around and I live on the streets. I still went to school and would get beat up for smelling and being dirty but I was still pretty smart and got awesome grades. Only recently (about 4 months ago) I had gotten enough money to get to texas were I appeared on my dads doorstep begging him to take me in. Now things are going just great. I have quit drugs... hopefully, it's around everywhere and it is so tempting. I have been going to therapy and let me tell you, Paxil has SAVED MY LIFE. Depression which is something I thought I would never ever ever ever ever beat has basically vanished and I can even socialize! I don't believe in miracles but depression is the weirdest state of mind... Like you will never get better and you believe it. I am back in school and I got a job (just got paid today! new shoes and clothes <3 ) That's my life story, I am not sure what my repressed memories are and my family refuses to tell me because they fear I will re live them, I guess I don't want to know.

But that's my story, It's hard to believe but what can you do.

116 posts

long story short i moved very much around the globe, couldn't find myself a job in france so had to join my parents in uzbekistan. still searching for a job. going crazy a tiny bit. cuz i got friend but their moved to dif location so did i, keeping contact over distance is so HARD, which makes me think that i ain't got friend anymore.
the only positif thing in me beeing in uzbekistan is i got to learn html, css, php, mysql, photoshop, coreldraw, lan administration, hardware assemblage (and microsoft user/server installation).
and most importantly got to help mom with things here.

295 posts

Wow I guess I should have shortened my post, kinda poured outta me

Showing 1-15 of 82