94. Unleashed is also here, monitoring things, probably. I'm... 90% sure he'd been behind the whole massacring me with the banhammer for a cumulative half-year or so in... 2020? 21? He *was* right, but if he'd been more transparent, it could've been over a lot sooner.
Don't worry, I wasn't heiling Hitler. I got off with a warning for that one :P
It was for swearing. Just having those four asterisks in a row somewhere.
"I had to stop myself (in a real life conversation with my family) from saying "Cen's Law: The larger the group, the lower the collective IQ will be" when I realized that not one person there would have the faintest idea what a Cenere even is."
Is a powerful quote, Manly. One heckuva thing. To have... something. A community, shared knowledge, things to do, and then- gone. I didn't have friends as a kid, so AG was my first taste of that. Not much of AG left, but I'm still trying to recapture that. Realized it was pointless long ago, but that'll never stop me.
Onto my promised material.
- WEPR: simply failed. It ran out of fresh blood. With no more fools trying to argue, they just ran outta material, I think. There's a phrase in my language. "Pametnom jedno dosta". "To a smart man, once is enough". I'd learned my lesson.
- The chat I can't say much about. Here's a link. It was a big thing for people in 2016. Several Knights were classified as Wardens. They moderated the AG chat. I was never much into it, but I did use it to coordinate CT100 pushes and chat with PLGuy a few times. With it gone in 2019, well, so were the communities based around the long-term games. Discord was supposed to replace them, but that never happened.
If you remember the Armor Games Data leak, the chat system was the cause IIRC.
- Now for a beautifully ironic one. Before the official AG Discord there was... another. Armor Games Unlimited. The mods did NOT like AGU and brandished the banhammer over those associated. So it renamed itself to "Allegal Garmorgames Uerver". I came to AG just in the midst of a dispute. It was TOP SNEAKY material, forum posts disappearing like Pinkos under McCarthy.
MattEmAngel was trying to get AG in on the future of gaming communication, but they were having none of it. Out of principle, Matt deleted his account. This was *JUST* after I found the forums. I wish I could tell you about the history, but I can't. Though I remember something about an AG clan and, uh, furries? You could probably talk to Matt about it, I can get you connected. He's probably talking to R2D21999, if you know him.
That server was deleted a year-or-two ago. I can get you an archive. We'd also made a new server which I can also get you in, but that's... not even AG-related anymore. Active or inactive we have Helpo1, YellowCat, Chryosten(Darkfire45), KaliSenpai, Doombreed, and armorplayergc(drakarthus). And one other guy who refused to identify himself. By the way, put "zoinks!" in your next post if you read this d: (upside down emoticon)
- Now Matt. Matt, Matt, Matt. Matt came back. A year ago. As Mattchstick. And he brought with himself his revolutionary flame, his zeal, and his will to nag the mods. He went on the (very dead) official AG discord and jumpstarted it. People came out of the woodwork. One spark was all it took.
Then they snuffed him out (among other thinly veiled match puns). Banned him from said server. At which point he threw his arms in the air and gave up completely. And the server stood silent once again.
- Me, my favourite topic! Though perhaps not on this list. I'll keep it short, unlike... any of my posts during that 2019-2022 stretch. I never had friends, I hold a lot of baggage, and I've been depressed, diagnosed, for the past 6 years. I was insecure, so I did a lot of stupid things, prone to being dramatic about it. Later on, I had a penchant for sucking all the energy out of a room.
I'm better about it now. I thought talking about things would lift me up, but it only ever brought others down. And ruminating over it kept me down as well. I just try to keep my wit sharp and my topics not completely dull.
- There's also the issue of... well... The very webpage is in complete disrepair. CT100 has 5209 pages of which 40 are empty (although the gap is now smaller than it used to be? Weird.) This became a problem around 2019!
I have considered making my own forum. WITH BLACKJACK AND HOO-. I could lead it, moderate it, keep it up and running. But I don't have a history, I don't have money, and I don't have a well of fresh blood. But on the astronomically improbable chance I ever resolve these issues...
Phew. That was a LOT. I've been writing for hours, but that's everything.
I'll third that proposal of yours if you make it a blood oath. I've got just the knife! Found the sucker in a crypt. On a pedestal. Something about a curse, and now I find myself spitting up hairballs the first Monday of every month, but she is a beaut, lemmetellya! You guys are up to date on your tetanus shots, right?
But I ghuess we could use the little blood sugar pinprick thing if you're scared of tradition.