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ForumsForum GamesCount to 100: Games Chat

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The original "This Thread is Currently About" is back! Yes, it's Count to 100!


1. Count by ones from 1 to 100 in 100 consecutive posts according to the Core Rules.
2. Restart the count from 1 after:
a. a Moderator (or an Administrator) makes a stopping post (post without counting) if users and Knights are counting..
b. a user or Knight or Warden makes a stopping post (post without counting) if Moderators and Administrators are counting.
c. breaking a core rule, spamming, or cheating.
d. reaching 100.
3. Announce why you restart the count so other counters don't get confused.
NOTE: For the time being, Moderators are allowed to help Users count, so as long as the other rules are observed you do not need to restart the count if you see a mod count. However, if a Moderator makes a stopping post, i.e. a post without counting (not the same as a non-count post since they're technically different teams), it is considered an interruption and the count will restart.


No mistakes. A count must start from 1 and increase by ones up to 100, save for exceptions noted.
No double-counting. No counter may count two consecutive numbers.
No back-to-back counting. No two counters may alternate for more than three consecutive numbers.
Okay: P1 P2 P1 P3
Not Okay: P1 P2 P1 P2
Okay: P1 P2 reset P1 P2
No editing. No counter may edit their post. If an edit tag shows on a count, the attempt is forfeit.


No "spamming". Please don't post only the number and please don't post gibberish, either.
Multiple one- or two-word counts may also disqualify a count.
No "cheating". This shouldn't need to be said. Counting to 100 doesn't count if you cheat.
This is an exercise in teamwork, not rule bending.
No "spoiling". Don't mess with the count. Posts should start with the correct number.
Posts with no numbers should be ignored. See also: No non-counts.
Posts with intentional mistakes should be ignored.
No "spilping". If this is your first post in this thread, please post "I'm new and here to count to 100!"
No non-counts. No counter may post without a counting number or make a post without bolding that number if that counting number is not at the start of the post.

Please refer to the complete set of rules for additional information and examples of what is valid or invalid.
Please also check out the discussion thread for new gameplay or rule proposals or general discussion on the gameplay and rules of "Count to 100".


Once you reach 100, you start this Sisyphean task all over again back at 1. Users should notify the Commissioner of the Count (HahiHa) that the count reached 100 and the Commissioner will review it to make sure there were no mistakes or cheating. If there were no mistakes or cheating, then the users who took part in the successful count to 100 will get a shiny new Quest!


bold = counted 100, italics = previous winning participant, [#] = # of total wins, (#) = # of times counted 100

Highest Count: 15!
1. 9! - 3865 (2533) pages / 286 days, Feb 13, '15 at 5:49pm, 3 users, 6 minutes.
Gantic, Ferret, weirdlike
Note: Earned by handicap.

2. 14! - 2135 pages / 937 days, Sep 08, '17 at 1:25pm, 3 users, 6 mins.
Moegreche, nichodemus, UnleashedUponMankind
Note: Earned by handicap.

1. 100! - 537 (355) pages / 94 days, Aug 6, '14 at 9:28pm, 16 users, 14 hrs 33 mins.
apldeap123, Azywng, Crickster, Chryosten (as Darkfire45), Darktroop07, evilsweetblock, JACKinbigletters, kalkanadam, Loop_Stratos, MPH_Complexity, Omegap12, Patrick2011, R2D21999, Snag618, Tactical_Fish, Voyage2


50. 100! - February 12, '24, 11 users, 52 days.
sciller45 (5)[17], HalRazor [5], saint_of_gaming [5], JimSlaps (1)[2], TheMostManlyMan (1)[14], Solas128 [3], nichodemus (2)[9], Widestsinger [5], SirLegendary (2)[22], skater_kid_who_pwns, disastermaster30 (3)[5]

51. 100! - March 17, '24, 11 users, 35 days.
JimSlaps (1)[3], sciller45 (5)[18], saint_of_gaming [6], TheMostManlyMan (1)[15], Strop, skater_kid_who_pwns [2], GhostOfMatrix [4], WidestSinger (1)[6], HalRazor [6], SirLegendary (2)[23], Solas128 [4]

  • 78,621 Replies
2,870 posts

5. I decided to give up chocolate 2 years ago. It was surprisingly easy. Then again, I tried the same thing last year and it fell through. This time, I'm giving up sugar. My regular milk and sugar coffee will have to just become a milk coffee. I think I remember a guy saying after giving up sugar for lent, cereal started tasting like cake did before he gave up sugar.
I reaaaaly like meat. I don't think I have a single meal without some form of meat. Fish (and other seafood, though I don't eat much of other seafood) is good, but it just doesn't fill the "meat" niche for me. Ends up that Fridays are more "Intermittent fast" days than "No meat" days.

347 posts

6. You know, my Spanish teacher just today told me that I should just give up sugar for Lent that was like "NO!" Also, I guess we are just different when it comes to chocolate. I gave it up a couple years ago and I had a hard time trying not to eat chocolate, or drink it in liquid form. I have a real sweet tooth. I'm surprised that I'm not fat from all the sugar I eat.

75 posts
Grand Duke

7. Hey guys i'm here for quick count and say hello to all.

Working hard right now... I hope my new projects will be completed in 3 - 4 days. I miss and want play some game here. Anyway. See you all later ^^

Ps: Keep counting \,,/

108 posts

8. anyone else also worried about covid-19 and its effects on the world economy

2,870 posts

9. It's been a week now, and I've had a really big problem avoiding sugar. It's everywhere! Not eating chocolate and other sweets is a beginning, but I don't think I can fulfill my promise in at least the way I promised.

Covid-19? Well, actually, I was supposed to visit Venice in 2 and a half months, but since it went into Italy, I'm not sure if I'll be able to go into Italy. I hope Venice won't be under quarantine.
But, other than the effects it'll have on the price of computer parts (And I think it was pretty smart to have bought a new motherboard + Ryzen 5 3600 CPU). Linus made a video about it if any of you'd like to watch.

Anyways, if you ask me, just a flu like the flu. People are gonna panic, but I think it'll end up like SARS(Though it is a form of SARS, right?), Ebola and, to a lesser extent, December 21st, 2012. Oh, no, it's gonna be a pandemic, THE WORLD WILL END. Eh.

16,463 posts

10. oh ****... the world's gonna end... again...
well, if it's gonna end this year, can it happen before my exams start next month?

5,826 posts

11. No, because then it would be a good end of the world, and we can't have nice things

347 posts

12. Like @sciller45, I agree that people are overreacting. Yes, it's a pandemic but it will not wipe out the world like how the Spanish Flu (despite the name, no one truly knows its actual origin but the most popular theory is it started in the U.S. in my home state, ugh) and the Bubonic Plague nearly did many years ago. The difference between then and now is we now have modern medicine to help fight it off and scientists are working hard to create a vaccine for it. Also, I heard it's not as deadly like Ebola was. Imo, people were right to be scared of Ebola since it is almost always deadly without the proper treatment - though then again, you'd have to be in close contact with an infected person to get Ebola - but Covid-19? Nah, people die from the flu every year (sounds slightly insensitive, but I knew someone who died from the flu a few years ago after ignoring his wife urging him to go to the hospital) and I think people are blowing this out of proportion. While the mortality rate is low, your best bet is to get to a hospital once symptoms appear.

2,870 posts

13. Blowing waaay out of proportion. But, enough about the bad stuff.

I can't say I enjoy poetry. Maybe my brain is too primitive to appreciate it, I don't know. But there is one poem I really like. Precy Shelley's Ozymandias.

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

I don't know why, but it always resonated with me. Makes me think about time... Which makes me wonder.

Are there any special things anyone's waiting for in 2020? Not as in the "I'm waiting for my trip to Italy" kind of thing, but rather, something they've been expecting for a long, long time. Obscure or otherwise.

I've recently heard of the Yahoo! Time capsule! Which was opened on 2. March 2020(AKA three days ago). Sadly, I guess people completely forgot about it...
I've also heard from Adam Neely (A youtuber with a music channel) about As Slow as Possible. The world's slowest piece, As Slow As Possible. After 7 years without any changes, the note will finally change this September!

And another thing, a few years ago, that is late 2018/early 2019 there were two total lunar eclipses. Both of them I couldn't see because it was cloudy. So, as rational, intelligent people do, I got angry at the moon. How dare he!
But now after I've calmed down, (and realized I'm not hurting the moon's feelings by giving him the silent treatment) I realized that the next decent lunar eclipse will be in 2022, and the next total ecplipse in 2025. Or, how I put it in 2019, at a year when even I'll be a grown-a** man.

16,463 posts

14. yeah, I can't say I enjoy poetry either, Sciller

also, well, I am not waiting for something specific in 2020, but I WAS waiting for GemCraft: Frostborn Wrath to release, so I guess that counts considering the previous game was released in like, 2014, but the new one was released on January 10th, so I'm not longer waiting for it anymore

also, lol, I didn't know about "As Slow as Possible", but now that I'm thinking about it, it is hilarious XD

I mean, 639 years is a very long time, I don't think that record will ever be beaten after this performance is over

and now that I know about it, I kinda wanna go to that church and hear that organ playing... maybe someday

also, YES, I remember when I tried to see a partial solar eclipse (~50% of the Sun got covered IIRC) and I almost couldn't see it because of the clouds >:C

AAAAAAAAAAH I just googled it, and this year there will be a solar eclipse near where I live, but I'll only be able to see 31.56% of the Sun covered... T_T

UGH... the city where I live won't get any total eclipses until at least 2200

if I wanna see a total eclipse, I'll have to go elsewhere XD

347 posts

15. There was a solar eclipse in the middle of the U.S. in 2017 and I was excited to see it...buuut I missed it. God, was I mad. I still get upset whenever I think about it, especially since the rest of my family got to see it. Grrr!

108 posts

16. Wait for the next one lol

2,870 posts

17. Yup. After all, nearby total solar eclipses are common. Like the kids watched one last Tuesday, got blind after staring at the sun, as we all do, fun times. Hey, ya can't tell kids what to do!

The Great American Solar Eclipse was a pretty cool thing. Though I could never have seen it, it was nice to read about. 300 million people from all over the 3rd largest country in the world, coming together to watch an incredible astronomical event!

Yeah, I can sympathize. I told my sister about the 2018 eclipse (which I was waiting YEARS for) the day before. That night, she went out with her friends. I was beaten up over the fact I didn't see it. On the other hand, my sister and her friends had a clear sky! That made me feel even more betrayed at that worthless, white, a*****e son-of-a-b**** floating up in the sky.

Could I just ask, why couldn't you have seen it? I know I've missed one because I couldn't get out of school.


While we're on the topic of astronomy and... waiting for really long periods of time. I can't believe Comets slipped my mind! Y'all might've seen the Hale-Bopp comet? It'll come back in, well, 4380. When will the next "great comet" arrive? No idea. I hope soon. The southern hemisphere got a few good ones. Sadly, AFAIK we can't predict when...

Halley's comet, probably as seen from naked eye. For some reason, the smudges in the sky are familiar, homely. Deja vu, probably.

But we can predict Halley's comet, and next time it's visible, it'll be a much brighter -0.2 than 1986's +2.1 magnitude(Apparent Magnitude is reverse logarithmic. Reverse = the smaller the brighter, Logarithmic = 1 point of difference means it's 10 times brighter.) It'll be visible in 2061/62, which means I'll officially stop being a grown-a** man and become an old-a** man. Well, it will be nice that I'll be 60-something in the 60s. The new sixties, that is.

I imagine myself, slowly climbing my way to the top of a cabin, cane in hand, sitting down on the log roof and staring up at the sky. It's a pleasantly warm summer night and you barely hear water from the lake flowing. You listen to the crickets, then stop to admire the comet. You slowly fall into a daydream, and you start thinking about the times you had in the olden days.

All the good songs you listened to way back when you were young, in the 2010s and 2020s. For a moment, you wonder about how few good songs there are on the radio.
You move on to friendships. The conversations, games, bets and memories made. The video games you played with friends 'till dawn. The game of darts you lost(After which you had to pay for a round of drinks).

After a while, your neck starts feeling weak, and you decide to head back inside the cabin to join your spouse and two friends, quietly playing a game of cards. After a life's worth of living, you're content and at peace.

"Dang it, John, I might as well whack you over the head"
"Hey, win some, lose some..."

If anyone minds, sorry about these long posts. They're quite enjoyable to write. Kinda like a journal the risk of siblings finding it and mocking me for it.

347 posts

18. Well, I missed the eclipse because it was just a few days before I started college and I was talking and getting to know my new roommate (which I'm now good friends with her) and I lost track of time. It wasn't until her now ex-friend - considering how she was a crappy excuse for a human to begin with, it's surprising that they stayed friends for as long as they did - came over and mentioned it and
I realized that I missed it! However, I'd rather change the subject. This morning, my sister and I were arguing about makeup, which she totally instigated it, right before church. Anyway, I hurt her feelings so she went to the bathroom and broke down crying shortly before Mass started. I eventually calmed her down and got her to come back out. We missed the first two readings (Whoops!) but got back just before the Gospel reading.

Also on the topic of makeup, I love my new foundation! You see, I used to be fairly attractive (yes, I know that makes me sound so self-absorbed) with a round, German face, big, brown eyes and dark blonde hair, until last December when I had a terrible breakout from the stress of Finals week. My face was even scarred from it but fortunately, my dermatologist assured me that it was temporary. Thankfully, my foundation has acne medication and my face is clearing up even though I'm still ugly to look at.
In fact, this is what I look like without makeup on.

8,253 posts

(NOT a counting post - you can go on counting)

@RebelGamer_98 If you want to share a photo of yourself, you are welcome to do so in the official photo thread in the Tavern. The official photo thread was made to avoid potential issues that might come with sharing personal depictions of users and keep them safe.

On an unrelated note, the CT100 needs a name change again, I reckon. I figured something like "Campfire Talk" or "Tavern" or "Coffee Klatsch" would be appropriate. Any input?

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