Welcome to the Art Skills Competition 2014/2015, or "ASC" for short. It is a contest to gather willing artists from the forums to compete in a friendly test of their skills and reward the best of their work each round.
Rounds will take place each month, the last day of the month will be the final cutoff for any entries. The judging will take place the first week of the following month.
Competition Guidelines :
1. The entry must be 100% original material.
2. Each round lasts for a month; closing date is at the end of that month.
3. Submissions should be relevant to the current month's theme. (See thread's title)
4. Keep posts resolutions within reason and if you must have a larger resolution, link it to the entry.
5. Entries can be created in any medium, please note that it will be appreciated if hand drawn entries are cropped to contain only the intended work.
6. Winners will be announced by the judge of the competition at the end of each round; the results are final and non-debatable.
7. The winner of a round will have the right to choose the next theme; if this takes too long, the judge will choose one instead.
8. All participants of each round will receive a Merit for their hard work; the winner of each round will receive the Armor Games "Artist Quest"!
Round 1: Knight
This months theme will be dedicated to creating a knight representing that of Armor Games, it is a non official character to try and stir the imaginations of artists and viewers. The artist should endeavor to embody Armor Games in a Knightly character.
Here is my entry for Round #20 of ASC.
I have drawn an interpretation of a particular element's atom which depicts the most basic Opposition in Science. The outermost shell is colored here as its shape is the same as the element's short form and so, tells you which element it is. If you do no get it still, look at those numbers and you are sure to tell which element it is.
If weirdlike doesn't show up, I'll take this thread back over, he has been gone for a couple weeks. I will like to go back to the previous idea of a single theme picked by a winner makes things simpler
Alright Next theme is summer final posting date is the 25th goodluck and I will review the top 3 submissions to make it reasonable, if you wish for me to comment on something before the final date after you submit go ahead and ask.
Here is my entry for Round #20 of the ASC for the theme Summer. It is a modified summer version of a scenario set in Spring.
And, @Hectichermit, please do not close this competition. I will contribute here. And, most of the links in the OP are broken. Please do get them fixed as soon as possible...
It would be up to Hectichermit to judge of course, but the way I understand that rule, it means the art has to be made specifically for this contest (just like it is with the armatar contests, for example). Re-using old artwork, even if it is your own, would not fall under that. Again, that's my interpretation.
You should embed your pictures into this thread laspa :P
Also if one were to use art from a different contest that they improved on somehow I think it would be fine, originality is just means its your artwork and not a photoshop or something of other artwork