I would say that. Just because the church's beliefs have evolved doesn't mean that God's rules have changed.
But if God's rule (now in the sense of dominion) would be perfect, it would be reasonable to expect not only unchanging rules, but rules that are apparent and understandable to everyone. Or simple, as Fish might put it. Then, and only then, could people really decide to join or reject that dominion on their own free will. History shows us that the church has held power over their people for a long time by simply not translating the holy texts, and even now thing change every so often. If God's rules are so perfect, why is even the church, an organization that has had people spending their entire lifetime praising and/or studying His texts
for centuries (actually millennia) incapable of unequivocally understanding exactly what those rules mean? Why is the church lagging behind society when it should be the inverse? Because there are no perfect rules.
And that rule is that only God has the power to save and even our faith is given by God.
That's technically not even a 'rule' is it
It's only a 'deal with it' stamp that
would send the blame for people without faith right back at God if it was true. Being in a state where one would need saving by God is only a thing because God made it so. Because as you say further down:
You have to understand that without God's mercy we would be completely vulnerable to God's wrath because we are all sinners.
... everything depends on God. If His rules where perfect, we should be in a position to freely judge whether to submit to His mercy or expose ourselves to His wrath. Which is a very biased choice, obviously, but at least the terms would be clear. We wouldn't need to understand every little complex bit of His grand plan (which could therefore be as complex as He'd want), so long as the base conditions are clear. As it is, not even His own existence can be ascertained.
3. God wants everything to glorify Him.
Yet He poses weirdly specific and arbitrary conditions to satisfy His own needs, or else He'd simply create hordes of devout people.
4. If God is not glorified, then God's wrath will be unleashed.
Yet it is the result of His actions that determine whether someone glorifies Him or not.
Also, this kinda makes Him sound like an automaton. Keep pushing the button or else the machine jams.
5. God made up the laws and therefore established good vs evil.
And as the ultimate authority, He can judge us all by His standards. Which is inherently unfair because we can't understand those, and are bound to mindlessly submit to His will. Or change who we are, if our standards are not aligned.
6. Only God has the power to save someone from his wrath.
Unless He is schizophrenic, that doesn't tell us much. Of course only He has the power to save us from His wrath, because only He has control over His own wrath! It's all His own decision, and we are left entirely powerless yet still held accountable for reasons unknown.
Now, how I understand our relationship with God is that we are naturally enemies of God. Because of our sinful nature (which will probably be another topic of discussion), we disobey God and don't want anything to do with Him while God has his hand stretched out against us ready to pull the trigger because we do not glorify Him. As sinners and enemies of God, we are unable to appreciate God's glory. On the contrary, as a believer of God, you would want to glorify God. So it makes sense if you wouldn't want to praise God like this because you haven't been saved. Of course, this is not an argument for why you should want to praise God, but rather an explanation for why you don't.
Basically we have no chance of being saved unless He decides to do so; and why He would choose to save someone incapable of appreciating His glory, remains a mystery. Yay?
I think that worshiping Him in earnest would require giving up who I am now, giving up my values and my sense of justice as a human and member of this society. My reasons not to worship Him are based on His supposed actions as described in the Bible, and revealing His existence to me would only confirm those objections I have. Does that mean that I am unable to appreciate His glory because I remain myself?