I haven't read all the posts on this thread, so if I'm repeating something, I apologize.
Socialism and Capitalism are not diametrically opposed. Even in the United States, the "shining bastion of capitalism" the economy functions using very socialist ideals and principles. Consider welfare, for starters. In a truly capitalist economy, this would be a ridiculous concept, but it was necessary in order to help early migrant workers establish themselves in a country where most of the wealth was controlled by just a few people. Also, antitrust laws are another great example that keep "ure capitalism" from reaching it's final goal. The U.S. government has also bailed out airlines, energy producing companies, steel mills, and most recently - private banks! All of these actions wreak of socialism, but without this government intervention, our economy would very likely crash. It seems as though the best system of economics we have in the world right now is this hybrid of the two - even so-called socialist countries like France still very much have an open and free market, save for a few key industries. As globalization continues, perhaps we will see another economic metamorphosis that will serve the global economy better, but throwing out ideas like socialism without truly understand their nature is limiting our capacity to compete economically with the rest of the world.
Moegreche, thanks for elaborating on the point I tried to make earlier in the thread. I feel I can't really engage this debate when the terms of reference are so black-and-white.
I feel I can't really engage this debate when the terms of reference are so black-and-white.
Well then color them in! If you want to go in depth then do it, don't try to make it seem like we are all too stupid to comprehend your ideas. Keeping it simple makes the playing field even for those that don't like to use their brain. Socialism, as well as every other type of government, is a system. Every system has their messed up cogs and wheels and they don't turn just right, but for the most part they work. It's all about minimizing the errors to keep productivity up as much as possible.
Thats partly what I meant when I said that "Socialism is an idea. Ideas can be reformed" You can start off trying to improve capitalism and turn it into a socialism. Same with the opposite. But I think Socialism has the better of the basis of ideas
good intention is what gets people killed, its a good but as long as a human is alive greed is as well and greed leads to obbsession leads to hate ect
why should sombody work themselves to death and get paid the same as a lazy jerk, then the goverment controlls your life, the soviet union is gone for a reason