I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.
My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.
Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?
@asherlee i don't said man should not care, they have to!!!! but the decision is only up to the woman a man could only hold the hand ond a part of the way metaphorical spoken......... thats what i mean sorry if it was not clearly
You said: a man has no feeling about whats going on in a woman and this "life" she has to decide on.
I then said that some men may not care but I'm sure a lot do. But the decision is not only up to the woman. She just happens to carry it. It is just as much hers as it is his.
aaaah fuck i'm not as good as i think in english uhm i write it in german and you translate it later or whatever
Also ich denke das beide eltern des ungeborenen lebens oder zellklumpens(je nach standpunkt ist es eins von beidem)sich um diese entscheidung kümmern müssen denn es ist eine harte sache den weg zu wählen den man gehen will und man muss viel überdenken(geld,wohnraum, körperliche strapazenfestigkeit der beziehung falls eine besteht{is ja oft leider nicht so},etc.) aber im endeffekt hat die Frau das recht diese entscheidung ganz allein für sich zu treffen egal was der mann sagt denn sie ist diejenige die das leben spendet,auch wenn das jetzt abgedroschen klingt.
i hope somebody with good german can translate it to you i don't thinks girls have this to carry it all alone
i got a dictionary and now i know what i want to say:
both got the responsibility for this life and have to think about consequences pros and contras but in the end the woman got the right to decide alone for herself and her good......so both should decide but she can claim the right for deciding alone for her
puh, don't beat beat me for that but i think it is like that me and my girlfriend come to this conclusion(er wrong word?) after long conversations
Wenn hat zellklumpens zu leben werden?Ist ein foetus wirklich lebend? Ich glaube ja, dass die Eltern muss eine Entscheidung zusammen treffen, aber wasverdienen ihre Entschidung moralish richtig? Tut mir leid fuer mein furchtbar Deutsch.
hablas espanol? Mi padre es de Espana. El habla realmente Euskara, que es una lengua de decente non-latin, pero entiendo la mas espanol. Perdone por favor la reduccion de acentos.
yes thats it!!! the other i wrote sounds like its all her fault....brrr doesn't mean that ever.....
and i think everyone got the right to place life in this world but why everyone screams when somebody decided to do not??? especially after a r-a-p-e or by a burst condome its not the parents or mother fault that are crime and accident so why get upset if anyone does not want this life to place in this bad world should it be born and remmber the mother of this cruel crime??? some people say yes i'm not. and an abortion takes place mostly in 1st month or not??? i don't know accurately .... then its only a smal bunch of cells without brain and emotions just with the order to duplicate so i pesonally find it hard to believe that this is a full life with a soul!!! i believe(!!) that the soul is given during the procedure of birth, then the little life knows who it is!!!
@moe what do you mean with that??:"aber wasverdienen ihre Entschidung moralish richtig?" can you write it in english please its in german a bit hard to understand, other wise very good german!!! ^^ where do you learn it??? not many english speaking people take the advantage of learning the language of the bad bad krauts.... but thats nother topic for itself
Roy, we have lately been discussing the brain and "right to life" of the child. What I mean is, when and if there is a right time to have an abortion. It has really boiled down to personal beliefs.
For instances, I am just okay with abortion for certain situations (which is a slippery slope, I know), but I will never agree with partial-birth abortions.
@ moe i think only the circumstances the whole thing takes place its an individually decision ebery single time
@asherlee i believe only till the second month from ther on its a crime to destroy the chances of this little thing that becomes a human but there are situations a partial birth abortion is a way i think, i know its cruel i wish to be never in this situation but the only situation i will do this is when the chil/baby is so heavy encumbered that it has no chance of real life or it is clear that it will die in the first 10 years of his life. i was a educational and work carer for disabled kids and teens before my accident and i saw some real bad things like a 4 year old girl that stuck in a huge machine of electric wheelchair, corsets, respirator and computer voice and i don't thing that this is a dignified life and that's the first human right, but this is only my opinion and everyone got his own expieriences and feelings about those things i hope i'm explaining it good and this text makes me not to a monster in your eyes