I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.
My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.
Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?
Fact of the matter is, the law can't ever make everyone happy. Do I think anyone should get abortions? No. I believe that a fetus at any stage is a human being. Does that mean I'd try and stop you? No. It's your right to choose, and you have to answer to God about whatever you do. I say this about a lot of things, but that's because it's what I believe - even though I should try and guide people to the Christian path, I have no right to force them to do what I think is right. Everyone must decide for him (or, in this case, her) self what they think is right and wrong, and to try and force your beliefs on anyone else makes you sound like a bigot. That goes for the people who try and force pro-choice on people as well, too.
I'm not sure you should go that far Skipper. I am against abortion 100%. God created man and only God has the power to take away life. I know if a girl gets raped, it is not her fault. I would still try to raise a kid, but I'm still on the edge about rape. Please tell me if your view is different.
My thoughts- I don't put EVERYTHING at someones rights. If a woman was abused, health-concerned, or any other weird situation, Abortion is an allowed option.
Now, as he said, your desired Birth Controll Option fails, you have a screwup. To be honest, 3% of Condoms fail, and usually when they do people are smart enough to see if it came off or broke.
But, off of that, if somehow they are not, then they have a serious problem, because anyone as stupid as that deserves to be punished. I'm pretty sure, even if its hard, you can control yourself during you know what.
Yeah, if a woman get's ra.ped, of course it's horrible. She should be allowed to get an abortion, who would want to give birth to a rapists child anyway?
I just think.. example one: Woman has no.. birth control, neither does man, they have intercourse, she's pregnant, she decides to kill the baby. Now you have a screwy situation in which I think both people were idiots. In such a choice, I say, Mother should have the child and raise it or let punishment rain.
Would you really like to put a child that didn't even deserve to be born, and was only given life because of a rapist to even have to LEAD the hard life of knowing that now your in an orphanage, have a chance of not being adopted, and maybe carrying the weight that your an unwanted child because you were an accident?
Dude, that would be heart-poundish-threatning. Unbearable. Anyone would hate that. Therefor, because of that problem, it probably would need to be killed. Also, furthermor, Orphanages aren't great places to live in, also, putting a baby up for adoption isn't around everywhere in the world. Its a sad fact, dude.