I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.
My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.
Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?
Yes, nature will handle overpopulation, and we see examples of that on TV all the time. One one hand you have thoughtless people who breed with no consideration for anything besides their sex drive. On the other hand you have Save The Children (so that they can grow up and breed with no consideration for anything besides their sex drive).
What if nature handles the overpopulation problem with some rampant disease or genetic flaw (both of which are quite probable). In that case, the people who are having babies have indirectly brought about a catastrophe that could kill many people, including those who don't have kids. From an argument of utility, then, it's wrong to have kids and abortion is suddenly preferable to actually having children.
i think it is a bad thing killing a inocent life but i can understand some people cant take care of a baby cant they have someone adopt the baby instead of killing it?
I'm not saying abolish abortion. In fact, legalizing it would prevent back-alley abortions, which are far more dangerous. What I am saying is that it should be a LAST RESORT. I understand that sometimes a woman might be raped, or might be seriously endangered by childbirth. But girls who don't realize what they're doing and get pregnant need to know that abortion is available, but the LAST thing to consider. A life is a life, and that infant should have a chance. But in some situations, perhaps abortion would only save it a life of being unwanted and suffering.
Well, that has already been discussed briefly. Even though condoms seem like a simple, cheap answer for most people that fact of the matter is that where unwanted pregnancies are a problem happen to be the same areas where condoms just do not fall into the budget. It might be down to getting condoms, or eat for day/keeping up with rent.
Haha, easier said than done. Sometimes when opportunity is knocking, it is far to easy to say yes.
Birth-control being so expensive is just not right. Even being a decently paid male American, I somtimes still cringe a little when I see the prices on condoms. It just seems wrong to make profit on people having sex and in a sense making them by such things. But, you know, that is just me.
Who cares if someone is selfish enough to kill something they created, not my problem. It's not like we can stop it... even if someone ended it, they might find other ways to get rid of their baby, that could get violent.
The sad part is that they don't count an unborn baby as a life. You can legally kill your unborn baby, but if you kill a newborn, you get charged for murder. This is too much of a double-standard.
Go back a read over the past pages. Your ideas have already been discussed many times over the lifespan of this topic. It will help you to bring new stuff to the table.