I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.
My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.
Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?
so, what says that a baby does not deserve to be born? i know alot of people that were adopted and they are really nice people, they aren't messed up or anything, Also, before you put a baby up for adoption you check out the place to make sure it is a safe place. i think that killing a child like that is murder
Is wrong when used inapropriattly, which is the problem.
Also, the Government should have social power, maybe not superpower as they do with those annoyin tax papers, but power. A country can fall from division of social problems. Social problems that can be lawed by outruling. Thats why there are laws like "Dont' kill" or there would be pro-murder everwhere on the streets.
abortion is stupid its the two people that had it should keep it and suffer threw it i mean you dont know is that baby that you just killed could of cured cancer or somthing or could be the next richest person in the world so no just keep it.
Look I am not a woman but to restate and forward what DecdentDragon said. The earth will run out of space. It is either abortion or kill your baby once it's born, which would you rather do. But to forward this.
To all christians who read this, I am asking your opinion.
If a child was going to be born into a crackhouse with a gang leader as a father and a beaten broken down crack addict as a mother who would probably leave him on the street to die. Would abortion be okay, to spare this child sacred life from sin so that he would know peace in heaven?
So you say that no abortion for over population but the situation i described it would be okay? because to tell the truth i feel that if we rely on nature to help and opverpopulation is destroying nature and taking down the trees that only thing we have is science.
Nature has a balancing effect. If we overpopulate and screw up nature, she will come back and kick us for it. That is just how nature works... there is always an equilibrium balance.
Like Carlie said, and also, there are some situations I think abortion is the right answer, but those are few and far between.
In your example there are OTHER options besides abortion. The child could be taken away by the state, or they could give it up for adoption. Granted there is a chance that the child would stay there and have a horrible childhood, but you can't ever tell. Is that a reason to abort it though?
I get what your saying all the way and agree abortion isn't the only option but if a christian, and i mean one who studied the bible like if he didn't he would die and go to hell that night, would, no matter the argument say "NO ABORTION" But is it right for someone to be that adamant on something, no.