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3,675 posts

What my peers here think?

I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.

My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.

Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?

  • 1,508 Replies
291 posts


Please back up your opinion. You can't just throw it out there and come up with a ridiculous conclusion like that if there is no support.

Why is it that you people against abortion always ignore the fact that there are other ways to get pregnant than unsafe sex?

If she was raped (God, how many times do I have to point this out?), then it's not really her fault. Does she have to go through 9 months of pregnancy to give birth to her rapist's child?

You're all against women who get an abortion like it's only the child who is affected - you have no idea how it affects the woman emotionally. Go read what people who have had an abortion say.

Also, Strop has already make it clear that a child does not feel pain until 5-6 months into pregnancy. The fetus' nervous system is not fully developed.

What if the child has birth defects, the mother doesn't want her son to live a horrible life like that, she has an abortion - she's doing something for the child's own good, and she's going through the emotional trauma, FOR HER CHILD! Should she have to put her life in danger for a child with birth defects?

What if the mother's health/life is at risk? Should she risk her life for the rapist's child? I think it's rather unfair you think she has to put her life on the line for something she never asked for (what if she never had sex before?)

Another thing I would like to point out - I am amazed by the number of people who have said 'she shouldn't have sex' that is by far the biggest load of bollocks I have ever come across in my entire life, sex is a necessary part of everyone's life - everyone does it. Sex is healthy and enjoyable if you know your partner well enough to trust him/her.

Most of Asia and North America allow abortion (up to three months) because the mother has the right to do what she wishes with her fetus who has not even developed yet! Fetal brain development hasn't begun. It's nervous system isn't developed. It's not to be considered a 'life' yet.

-Skyla <3

3,675 posts

Gah, you beat me to it...but thanks for doing it though. Far too tired right now to make it anywhere that decent.

Oh, and it seems that rape is no longer censored. Huzzah.

3,675 posts

EDIT: It seems that raped is fine but not r.ape? Um....ok. Move along, nothing more to see here...

908 posts

@ Skyla

I totally agree with your point of view about raped women. To all of those that don't support our point of view on this issue, I wish you were raped women and see what would be your opinion then...

What if the child has birth defects, the mother doesn't want her son to live a horrible life like that, she has an abortion - she's doing something for the child's own good, and she's going through the emotional trauma, FOR HER CHILD! Should she have to put her life in danger for a child with birth defects?

Now I have to disagree with what you said above. one of my aunts was pregnant. She was a bit old (40 years). The echography revealed that her baby had birth defects and the doctors wanted her to abort. She was a Christian and thus refused to do so. The doctors insisted upon it (it was really impressive to see their arguments). She resisted and bore her child until the end. She gave birth to a beautiful young girl WITHOUT ANY DEFECT!!!
The doctors were wrong and recognised it later. Do you imagine the consequences an abortion would have led to? She wanted to have a child, and the doctors wanted her to abort. If she had done so, she would never have had a child.
Oh, and BTW, this story is really true.
4 posts

ITS HUMAN SACRIFICE IN DISGUISE. Even though governments allow that to happen, people do not know they give the satanic evil thingys power by just cuttin the baby. SPillin of blood. The evil god drinks from it. Yes, i know people do not want the burden of raisin a child. But they should have thought about it before sex. If Abortion isn't allowed, the death toll decreases and people will be forced to raise the child. MUAHAHHAHAHAAHAA. But earth will be cramped though. ;P

291 posts


Yes, but that is only once case. Doctors will usually be absolutely certain that the child has birth defects if he has asked her to abort.

It is simply a medical mistake. Most likely, when a doctor says a child has birth defects and proposes an abortion - he is right.

-Skyla <3

908 posts

True, in France we often say that the exception confirms the rule.
But if I was a woman and that I had 1 chance out of a 1000 for my child to be normal, I would take the risk.

87 posts

i agree that if the woman is being irresposnible and delibritally let it happen then NO

but if she is forced against her will then i think she should have a chance to stop it

100 posts

hooray for abortions

1,058 posts

What if the child has birth defects, the mother doesn't want her son to live a horrible life like that, she has an abortion - she's doing something for the child's own good, and she's going through the emotional trauma, FOR HER CHILD! Should she have to put her life in danger for a child with birth defects?

Would you rather live a live with birth defects, or no life at all? I suppose that cannot be answered, as we do not know what it would be like to *not* have life, but still, it is something to consider. We also have to take into consideration what sort of defect we are talking about. Even some of the worst defects can be used, at least, as a learning experience for medical science (I know this sounds kind of cruel, but it could save a life later!). I would rather be a paraplegic, or have some sort of minor deficiency, even autism or something of the like, than not be born. Though I do agree that it is the mother's decision, I do not think that this is a legitimate argument except for extreme situations.
13 posts

Hello I go to a catholic school and told abortion is wrong. Well i think it is not just because i have been brainwashed or convinced that it is bad but you truly are killing a human being that may save your life one day or may become someone very important, the president, the pope, or even a doctor that finds a cure to diabetes. what my point is even though the women may have a right to choose she should not have the right to bring about an abortion on a person that may save millions of peoples lives one day. So the next time you think your killing one pethetic baby that has no will of life your wrong! you may be killing a lot more if your not respectfull to what one small thing your being disrespectfull to millions of those who needed that one person.

660 posts

@ Kalebguy

but think about it what are there more of people who cure diseases and all that great stuff or Lowly criminals.
who do you think gets more abortions rich people who can support a kid and send him to a good school or people making minimum wage or on wellfare. so my point is there lives are alot more likely to be crappy then then become some great scientist.

1,416 posts

As much as I hate the idea of abortion, I won't stop a woman from doing it. BUT, none of my tax dollars should go towards the procedure. Most studies (even pro-choice group studies) show that over 97% of abortions are done because the woman does not want the baby. I should not have to give any tax dollars to fund someone else's stupidity. If you have sex, be prepared for the consequences. The woman should pay for the abortion. For cases of incest, rape, etc, private charities would be more than happy to pay for the abortion.

1,416 posts

r.a.p.e. was the word that got censored in my last post.

341 posts

it is so evil -.-

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