I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.
My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.
Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?
Life and a sentient being are two very different things. Viruses are alive, but do they think? Are they truly aware of what they do? Not to comapare a fetus to a virus, mind you. Just an example.
Sorry about that long explanation about Christianity; it was kinda off-topic, I was just trying to answer Raz's question. About the robots, there -(oh no, off-topic again) there are some that can experience and add to their programming, but the result will always be that the robot will perform the most logical, safe action based on the information it has collected so far. I don't think a machine is capable of love. Back on topic -- If I met a woman who was pregnant from abuse and thinking about aborting, I would volunteer to help her care for the baby. I'm always willing to go to the trouble of helping someone out. I wonder if I'm an exception, especially in cases like that...
It does not matter about what you want to do, even if it is volunteer time an resources to raise the kid. It is all about her having to deal with the fact the pregnancy which came about due to her being sexually ravaged by a psychotic man. As a man, you could never understand the feeling surrounding that.
why must some women always think that men are always so narrow minded and dont read between the lines. just because we cant get pregnant doesn't mean that men can't feel the pain that a women will when she does. men can understand these things and it annoys me when peolpe think we are idiotic buffons who just go around only thinking about ourselves!
No one is suggesting that we are idiotic buffoons who can't think about someone other than ourselves.
There IS a gender disconnect, period. We can understand pain, sure, but never the emotional, hormonal, physical, and mental struggles that women go through with pregnancies.
We just have different hormonal struggles than women... XD I'm sure if a man spent enough time with, say, his pregnant wife, he could understand her at least halfway, eh?
I am not saying that men cannot understand it at all. What I am saying is that it is an issue that men never have to face, and so they cannot be affected by it in the same way. Yes, you can understand, yes you can empathize. But you cannot ever feel the full extent of it. Just as I would not be able to full understand what a man may feel like if he had a reproductive issue. These things just don't affect both sexes in the same way.
I'm surprised that no one cared about the possibility that they themselves could have been aborted when I brought it up earlier. Let me put another question to you then. What would the world be like now if Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein or Thomas Edison or any other important historical figure had been aborted (if they had the technology for abortions back then)? It would be as if they never existed. Without their accomplishments, our world today would be incredibly different. So think about who we may be aborting currently - we've probably already put an end to hundreds of geniuses in the making that way. Think of all the wasted potential! Any one of those babies could have grown up and changed the world if it had been permitted to live. Heck, one of those kids could have had the cure for cancer by now.
Even if they were, I find it hard to beleive that someone else would not of thought of their same concepts sooner or later. Humans have a way of some how thinking along the same lines all across the world about roughly the same span of time. It all arise from what is seen as important at the time.
Another side of this that I think should be discussed is the safety issue of it. If they made abortion against the law, people would still do it. Period. It would not stop any woman who truly wanted an abortion. However, what it would change is the amount of deaths and injuries sustained by women who try to give themselves abortions would rise.
In some countries, when they make abortion illegal, the death rate of women rises because of these dangers.
So does it really matter if some people are morally opposed? Because the fact is that women are going to do it anyways. Why would be want to deny them the right to do it safely?
I think that abortion should not be allowed, because even if you think that embryos are not real people, they will soon become a "real person." Therefore, you are killing what is a person, or will be a person; the equivalent of murder.
We were already over that I think. Embryos are not people. By your reasoning, eggs that you eat are are chickens. And we all know that is not the case. Two very different ideas.
I haven't read all the back posts, so I'll just announce my opinion (because we all know it's important *cackles*). I believe your body is your temple. Do with it what you feel you need to when of sound mind. Whether or not I agree or disagree with abortion is not the issue, I believe in personal rights. But, I did say I would leave an opinion. I believe that abortion is necessary in many cases and it should never be illegal. Because, as Carlie said, if it were illegal the death rate for self performed abortions would rise. I just do not like to think that people will fall back on abortion as a method of birth control. That saddens me.