I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.
From your argument, I can see why being completely silent for a day to promote gay rights would be considered hate speech. And then there's the WBC being able to picket at funerals. Yes, the WBC and their ilk get to do all their goofy shenanigans, but flag burning is straight-to-jail illegality. The two above is considered hate speech, because others are offended by it. Why does your argument not work? Promoting gay rights and picketing at funerals is a speech, people are offended by their actions. By your argument, it is hate speech. Yet, no one is doing anything about it [the WBC stuff]. Yet, people burn flags and it is completely illegal in their eyes. The qualifications work, yet the outcome is false. Your argument doesn't hold water.
It's not an argument, I am just presenting you with how the law works.
Personally, burning the flag should be legal, but it isn't because it can be considered treason or hate speech.
It's like me burning the Nazi flag. I can be arrested for that.
. The other interpretation is that flag burning is a form of symbolic speech, the same way how people wore wristbands with peace symbols to denote not supporting the Vietnam war.
Those are a little different... hmm, flag burning, or wearing a F@%$kin wrist band? what's more ethical?
The problem is that it's highly unethical to burn flags in protest, because there are a ton of patriots who have fought and died for our freedom, to protect that very flag.
And what exactly, in your opinion, does the flag stand for? In my eyes, this could just be me, it symbolizes the government/state and not the people of the country themselves. One burns a flag if one is disgusted with the actions of a countries government.
And you think that's common knowledge? Especially in countries, and this may surprise you, where people don't get taught about American history in precise detail - it's doubtful that people know the 'correct' symbolism.
Well instead of burning flags all day, maybe they should go to school and learn. I'm saying that it's unethical because of so many people that stand behind it. If you want to burn a US flag, move to Cuba
Those are a little different... hmm, flag burning, or wearing a F@%$kin wrist band? what's more ethical?
Symbolic speech is symbolic speech. Flagburning is just more extreme. Not to divert the attention, but people STILL were thrown in jail just by expressing themselves by wearing those wristbands. It wasn't even extreme like flag burning! And when you compare the two in coordination with Kevin's "thought" about hate speech and treason, wearing the wristbands should have had the same consequences as flagburning, no? And if not, why?
The actions of the US government are, and have been, at times - really quite unethical. Is it any surprise that people want to burn the flag? Can you really blame them when the US government has made moves which have harmed so many people? Your point about going to school is a bit silly though, given that most of the protesters are above school age, if the country they're protesting in has a set education system at all - they're probably well-versed in the history of their country.
Well instead of burning flags all day, maybe they should go to school and learn. I'm saying that it's unethical because of so many people that stand behind it. If you want to burn a US flag, move to Cuba
It's impossible to move from "they shouldn't" to "it should be illegal."
@futureUSMC: dude what are you 12? dont you know what americans are doing to the arab people? they are burning there flags and stealing there oil and giving them a bad name. Haven't u ever heard of the " burn the quran day in america"..