I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.
whats the point of brning a flag u hate your country, thts 1 thing but by burning a flag your showing that you have no logic go file a complaint or something.
whats the point of brning a flag u hate your country, thts 1 thing but by burning a flag your showing that you have no logic go file a complaint or something.
How does burning a flag show that you have no logic?
I think he means that the burning of the flag doesn't make the government change their view. By filing a complaint, the government sees what the did wrong and can change it.
This has nothing to do with what should or should not be illegal. So this argument is simply a fallacious statement; it has no bearing on what is right, or what should be legal.
what kind of people ru to do this, unless ur a rebel and do not love our country.
It is not the action, but the principle behind the action that one must defend. In all dissenters of flag-burning legalization, there is an underlying idea that they are "more patriotic" or something because they want to promote tyranny. This is NOT patriotism. This is tyranny. One who truly loves their country also wants it to have the best policy. Therefore, it becomes necessary for the person who is against the legality of flag-burning to provide more arguments other than "you're not patriotic."
whats the point of brning a flag u hate your country, thts 1 thing but by burning a flag your showing that you have no logic go file a complaint or something.
A true patriot would want flag burning legal.
I think he means that the burning of the flag doesn't make the government change their view. By filing a complaint, the government sees what the did wrong and can change it.
But this says nothing about whether it should be legal or not. Should it be illegal to say 2+2=3, however stupid it may be? No! The scary thing about flag burning is that it operates under the guise that authority is right.
@Einfach how does flag burning show anything other than hatred for your country? If people want something done, then they should contact their representatives in office. Flag burning does nothing but piss everyone off, a lot like all of your arguments
Flag burning does nothing but piss everyone off, a lot like all of your arguments
Oh really? You do realize that pissing people off is the point, it's about grabbing people's attention and making them pay attention to what you want.
One who truly loves their country also wants it to have the best policy.
Agreed, I've always found it a little odd that only Republicans can be patriotic simply because they agree with the status quo.
If you don't like America, GET THE F**K OUT!!
I see you've refrained from actually reading any posts, good for you. I love this country, perhaps not for what it is now but for the potential it has. By protesting the decisions I don't agree with I can attempt to bring the country up to that potential. What's unpatriotic about that?
I never said protesting is wrong. I think people should stand up for what they believe in, but flag burning is not the way to do it. It means that you want the country to burn as well. If you want to make your voice heard, organize a march, a petition, write your representatives emails, letters, there are right ways to protest and there are wrong ways. Flag burning is the wrong way.
but flag burning is not the way to do it. It means that you want the country to burn as well.
A country is not a static entity, rather it's every thought of it's citizens and the current political climate; this changes every second. Sure I may want to see the country, at one specific point in time, burn but it's only because I want to see it rise again as something better than it was before.
If you want to make your voice heard, organize a march, a petition, write your representatives emails, letters, there are right ways to protest and there are wrong ways.
Neither way hurts anyway and flag burning is a hell of a lot better at grabbing people's attention. I agree that flag burning should be reserved for more intense protests but I don't believe that thought should be translated to law.
how does flag burning show anything other than hatred for your country? If people want something done, then they should contact their representatives in office. Flag burning does nothing but piss everyone off, a lot like all of your arguments
Flag burning =/= Legality of Flag Burning.
Important distinction: Saying that X is useless says absolutely nothing about whether X should be legal or not.
It means that you want the country to burn as well.
If you want to make your voice heard, organize a march, a petition, write your representatives emails, letters, there are right ways to protest and there are wrong ways. Flag burning is the wrong way.
Saying that X is useless says absolutely nothing about whether X should be legal or not.
Like I said before, burning the flag is legal. Treason, however, is illegal. Burning the flag can be considered treason, and since treason is illegal, burning the flag is not allowed.
Also, burning the flag can be considered hate speech, which is illegal.
Basically, burning the flag will never be entirely legal.
Those are some interpretations of flag burning that Kevin posted. The other interpretation is that flag burning is a form of symbolic speech, the same way how people wore wristbands with peace symbols to denote not supporting the Vietnam war. This is just an extreme way to express their symbolic speech. The American/other country's Flag is just an object, but it is a symbolic object. The flag of the USA is home to, what, 5-6 different symbols alone? Burning the flag is an extreme way to express the symbolic speech. It is unethical, but it should be legal. Unethical, because there are other ways to express your thoughts, and it should be legal, because it is expressing your thoughts.
Hate speech is another topic altogether, but hate speech is present only because there is a highly-proud view of the opposite--in this case, patriotism of their country. If a country, say the tUSoA, wants to promote full freedom of speech, they must allow this and other forms of "extreme symbolic speech". I am not sure how burning a flag is considered treason, since treason is defined as "an act against a native country". How is it an act? All I am doing is burning a symbolic object. I'm not trading information to enemy countries or vandalizing important places. It [burning flags] is just a way to express how a person feels about the country's current state of affairs.
Those are some interpretations of flag burning that Kevin posted. The other interpretation is that flag burning is a form of symbolic speech, the same way how people wore wristbands with peace symbols to denote not supporting the Vietnam war. This is just an extreme way to express their symbolic speech. The American/other country's Flag is just an object, but it is a symbolic object. The flag of the USA is home to, what, 5-6 different symbols alone? Burning the flag is an extreme way to express the symbolic speech. It is unethical, but it should be legal. Unethical, because there are other ways to express your thoughts, and it should be legal, because it is expressing your thoughts.
In 1984, Gregory Lee Johnson was arrested for hate speech, i.e. burning the flag. The reason it was hate speech was because the flag symbolized the US, and burning the flag was like burning the US, and people became offended.
If someone is offended from your expression, then it is hate speech, and that is why burning the flag can be considered hate speech.
If someone is offended from your expression, then it is hate speech, and that is why burning the flag can be considered hate speech.
From your argument, I can see why being completely silent for a day to promote gay rights would be considered hate speech. And then there's the WBC being able to picket at funerals. Yes, the WBC and their ilk get to do all their goofy shenanigans, but flag burning is straight-to-jail illegality. The two above is considered hate speech, because others are offended by it. Why does your argument not work? Promoting gay rights and picketing at funerals is a speech, people are offended by their actions. By your argument, it is hate speech. Yet, no one is doing anything about it [the WBC stuff]. Yet, people burn flags and it is completely illegal in their eyes. The qualifications work, yet the outcome is false. Your argument doesn't hold water.