I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.
Michael future hasn't been active for over a year and a half so there's no point in addressing him. I am pretty interested to know what I, personally, as an American, have done to the Arab people.
It's dangerous to make burning the flag illegal. It's the principle of the matter rather than the practical purpose - people should be allowed to do what they want as long as it doesn't harm other people. Why should any form of patriotism, however trivial, be enforced??
Make flag burning illegal, and more people will do it, to protest the original illegalization (is that a word?) Anyways, it's freedom of speech, whether we like it or not. But still, why live in this country? move to Cuba
I think this thread is pointless. People will just keep renewing the same argument. Once one argument dies, another about the same thing begins with different people.
@Kevin4762 I agree. That happens all the time within the more "religious" threads. An atheists says there is no God. A Christian/Muslim/Hindu etc. says there is. I'm NOT trying to start an argument. If you want to argue over religion go to an Atheist Vs. God-Believer thread. There are billions, all arguing over the same things.
I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.
Well, yes. What's your problem? That's better than throwing burning flasks on the Lincoln Monument, isn't it? This is a (quite) nonviolent demostation against America('s Politics or what else). I know that America's very proud of it's country, but I'm from Germany and here nobody cares what you are burning or why. I bet you even don't know why they burn the US-Flag, do you?
It is not illegal George Bush tried to make it illegal and congress did not approve of it. They said it would be limiting the freedom of speech.
And that's the reason why Bush's the most unpopular president in the American history (even more unpopular than Nixon). If burning the US-Flag were illegal that would be a offense against the constitution. I thought freedom is something important in America, isn't it?
Please, don't assume he's a Republican simply because he thinks it should be illegal to burn the flag. Whether flag burning should be legal or not is not important in determining if someone should be classed republican or democrat.
I have heard many liberals say that the pastor who burned the Koran should go to jail, as well as conservatives.
Please, don't assume he's a Republican simply because he thinks it should be illegal to burn the flag. Whether flag burning should be legal or not is not important in determining if someone should be classed republican or democrat.
I'm really sorry, I didn't knew that that's against the AG-Rules and I didn't want to make any false assumptions. I assumed it because he quoted George Bush but i think that's irrelevant right now.
I'm really sorry, I didn't knew that that's against the AG-Rules and I didn't want to make any false assumptions. I assumed it because he quoted George Bush but i think that's irrelevant right now.
It's not against the rules or anything, I was just saying. For the most part, it's best to pretend I'm not a moderator around here. As for assuming he was republican due to him quoting Bush, that's a fair enough reason I suppose.
Under German criminal code (§90a Strafgesetzbuch (StGB)) it is illegal to revile or damage the German federal flag as well as any flags of its states in public. Offenders can be fined or sentenced for a maximum of three years in prison. Offenders can be fined or sentenced for a maximum of five years in prison if the act was intentionally used to support the eradication of the Federal Republic of Germany or to violate constitutional rights. Actual convictions because of a violation of the criminal code need to be balanced against the constitutional right of the freedom of expressions, as ruled multiple times by German's constitutional court.
As for flags of foreign countries, it is illegal to damage or revile them, if they are shown publicly by tradition, event or routinely by representatives of the foreign entity (§104 StGB). On the other hand it is not illegal to desecrate such flags that serve no official purpose (especially including any the one willing to desecrate them brings by himself for that purpose).
I also found out that the UK doesn't have any rules against flag desecration... Go us?
It is STILL forbidden. Just look it up. And you're also not allowed to burn the flag in Austria as far as I know... I assume that you speak German, so here's what I found: Wer öffentlich, in einer Versammlung oder durch Verbreiten von Schriften (§ 11 Abs. 3) 1. die Bundesrepublik Deutschland oder eines ihrer Länder oder ihre verfassungsmäÃige Ordnung beschimpft oder böswillig verächtlich macht oder 2. die Farben, die Flagge, das Wappen oder die Hymne der Bundesrepublik Deutschland oder eines ihrer Länder verunglimpft, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. (Source)